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  1. #1
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    I have a feeling I will be on HRT soon so I figured I'd get some advice

    I am a 20 year old, 5'9 215 pound male at about 14% bodyfat.
    I am strong, I compete in powerlifting and do very well.
    I have a full beard, very masculine features and am even showing decent male pattern baldness.

    But for the past two years my hormone panel has been bad... and everything under the skin is going poorly too. My attentional focus has been off, memory has been poor. No labido... constantly angry, plus I get terrible headaches which I believe are related.

    I can't remember off the top of my head the other numbers, but my last 3 Total test results have been 215, 199, and 150ng/ml (Range 240-800)
    I have an appointment to see an Endo set up, but given how young I am and my aspirations to continue to be compeditive in powerlifting i am hoping to get set up quickly in this.
    Here is what I figure will happen:
    I go in, he tells me to take another blood test... I have to wait a whole month to get another appt in which my numbers will still be low, but he will look at me and say I must be fine.

    I think I need advice on ways to convince the endo to actually give me help. I am hoping to try to see if a HCG or HCG/Clomid protocol can help me first before taking shots

  2. #2
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    Have you cycled before?

  3. #3
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Have you cycled before?
    Made dumb decisions in highschool
    Andro as a freshman
    4 cycles of Superdrol at 30mg/day as a junior and senior (6-oxo was my pct to add to things ha)

    Took Nolva about a year ago to try and self-medicate 40/40/20/20 but it did not appear to work (oh, this wasn't for the low test, I also have some extremely painful but not extremely visible gyno)

  4. #4
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    hmm? At 20 years old you want to make damn sure you do everything to recover before you commit yourself to hrt forever. Frankly, if you level with your doc and he doesnt put you on some kind of a recovery protocal, fire him! Go find a doc that will. Its possible that you wont recover. However you can have a completely normal life on trt!

  5. #5
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    hmm? At 20 years old you want to make damn sure you do everything to recover before you commit yourself to hrt forever. Frankly, if you level with your doc and he doesnt put you on some kind of a recovery protocal, fire him! Go find a doc that will. Its possible that you wont recover. However you can have a completely normal life on trt!
    I have no issues with being on HRT, beyond the fact that I don't want to be failing drug tests in meets and I hear its harder to conceive a kid which is probably something i want to do.

    But the issue is just that I look fine, I'm scared every doctor will just say no. Getting a new one sounds easy but I called 20 doctors yesterday and every one of them it was at least a month's wait. So if I have to go through 5-6 before I find someone willing to help me thats 5 probable new blood tests and 5 months of waiting.
    One of my main questions is.... are there any trigger words I can use to get help? Should I shave my face really well and wear a shirt that makes me look fat?
    Thanks for the advice thus far though man!

  6. #6
    EZ E's Avatar
    EZ E is offline Associate Member
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    At 20 you don't want to be on TRT if you can avoid it, like you said you might want kids someday. In high school you made dumb 20 you still make dumb decisions. Take the advice and try to get your test levels restored.

  7. #7
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZ E View Post
    At 20 you don't want to be on TRT if you can avoid it, like you said you might want kids someday. In high school you made dumb 20 you still make dumb decisions. Take the advice and try to get your test levels restored.
    I know I don't want to go on. I would like to recieve some sort of HCG protocol but my isssues aren't in choosing what i want done. Its in actually finding a way to get an Endo to help a 20 year old with no visible signs of hormonal issues besides male pattern baldness and gyno (neither of which would really warrant HCG would they?) out. I'm scared they will assume I am planning an upcoming test cycle and want HCG and Clomid on hand for pct

    I think you must have misunderstood my above post: By saying I have no issue with going on HRT that doesn't mean I want to. It means that if all else fails I will accept that and am not worried about needles or the stigma of being an HRT patient.
    Last edited by Subotai; 12-02-2009 at 04:42 PM.

  8. #8
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    You might want to try some of the trt, hrt,antiaging clinics. They are more willing.

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    agree with above if you dont have insurance and/or would like to add other compounds like deca to your protocol at some time and you wont have to worry about using keywords but if you stay with endo i think showing your last 3 bloodwork and explaining your symptoms should be sufficient

  10. #10
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    You might want to try some of the trt, hrt,antiaging clinics. They are more willing.
    How does one go about finding these? I think I have good insurance to help me out

  11. #11
    EZ E's Avatar
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    Your lab work alone should be enough to get an endo to try to jump start you, especially if you come clean about your past steroid use . Are you in the States?

  12. #12
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZ E View Post
    Your lab work alone should be enough to get an endo to try to jump start you, especially if you come clean about your past steroid use. Are you in the States?
    Yeah DC metro area. I know atleast my last test only has total testosterone though no estradiol or prolactin progesterone free test ect. This is one of the main reasons I am scared that I'll be forced to take another. I may just go and get a full hormone panel done out of my own pocket before hand to bring him a bettter picture

  13. #13
    Spyke is offline Associate Member
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    subotai, PM me if you want. I have a Dr who is one of the very few or maybe the only Dr who "restarts" guys who have been shut down and is also one of the top HRT Drs in the world. He would be a road trip for you from DC but well worth it in my opinion.....

  14. #14
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spyke View Post
    subotai, PM me if you want. I have a Dr who is one of the very few or maybe the only Dr who "restarts" guys who have been shut down and is also one of the top HRT Drs in the world. He would be a road trip for you from DC but well worth it in my opinion.....
    Thanks man PM sent

  15. #15
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    How much do most of you guys have to pay for HCG and others with your insurance? I'm thinking that I may just want to go ahead and try to do my own thing given I can't find anyone to give me an appointment

  16. #16
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    I just found a blood test from August of 08
    I was at:
    Total test 188ng/dl (range 241-827)
    TSH- 1.9 (range .35 to 5.5)
    It says "adult TSH ceoncetrations below 5.5 do not rule out presense of sublclinical hypothryroidism

    Will this extra evidence give me a better shot at getting an attempt at an HCG /Clomid restart? I've also been finding every study I can

  17. #17
    xbustyouupx is offline New Member
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    Correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't hcg shutdown lh production?

    Since hcg mimics lh (causing the testes to produce endogenous test) your body will quit producing its own lh, so if you quit hcg you may end up with lower endogenous testosterone levels than you had to begin with.

    This may be solved with cycling ... or I might be dead wrong (high probability).

  18. #18
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by xbustyouupx View Post
    Correct me if i'm wrong, but doesn't hcg shutdown lh production?

    Since hcg mimics lh (causing the testes to produce endogenous test) your body will quit producing its own lh, so if you quit hcg you may end up with lower endogenous testosterone levels than you had to begin with.

    This may be solved with cycling ... or I might be dead wrong (high probability).
    From what I've read, hcg can cause a perminate issues if dosage is too high. Most of the guys I assosiate with have ran it for pct though, ad it seems to have no real negative effects if dosed properly

  19. #19
    PO OFFICER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subotai View Post
    Made dumb decisions in highschool
    Andro as a freshman
    4 cycles of Superdrol at 30mg/day as a junior and senior (6-oxo was my pct to add to things ha)

    Took Nolva about a year ago to try and self-medicate 40/40/20/20 but it did not appear to work (oh, this wasn't for the low test, I also have some extremely painful but not extremely visible gyno)
    So you used andropen ? That sucks !
    When I was a freshman (14 years old haha) I did an anavar cycle. I regret it now thinking about how stupid I was to do it, but I was lucky enought and my pct was semi solid so I recovered fine.

    Best of luck

  20. #20
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PO OFFICER View Post
    So you used andropen ? That sucks !
    When I was a freshman (14 years old haha) I did an anavar cycle. I regret it now thinking about how stupid I was to do it, but I was lucky enought and my pct was semi solid so I recovered fine.

    Best of luck
    No that probably would have been better! I used the old andro 100 poppers. The old pro-hormone
    Thanks man for the kind wishes, I'm gonna go in with a hundred pages of literature to convince this endo to help me and not just say "you'll be fine on your own"

  21. #21
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    I have my appt tommorrow.

    I'm so antsy, I had a dream last night
    I walked in, and told her about my issues.
    She suggested I take HCG to recover, followed by some Clomid and Nolva....but then says, "Why don't we try 12 weeks of Test therapy at 500mg a week before hand?"

    Can dreams come true?

  22. #22
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    I had my appt today, I came clean about absolutely everything in my past.

    She seemed responsive to it, and ordered a lot of tests which is nice. It seems like she's not unwilling to help me go on HRT, although it sounded like she wouldn't perscribe me HCG

    She tried to tell me its impossible to get insurance for it, but isn't it an accepted drug to treat secondary hypogonadism?

    She seems to be straight by the book, so it will probably be very difficult for me to make her understand that dosing for IM test needs to be 2x a week, while most people seem to do every other.

  23. #23
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subotai View Post
    I had my appt today, I came clean about absolutely everything in my past.

    She seemed responsive to it, and ordered a lot of tests which is nice. It seems like she's not unwilling to help me go on HRT, although it sounded like she wouldn't perscribe me HCG

    She tried to tell me its impossible to get insurance for it, but isn't it an accepted drug to treat secondary hypogonadism?

    She seems to be straight by the book, so it will probably be very difficult for me to make her understand that dosing for IM test needs to be 2x a week, while most people seem to do every other.
    once injection a week i fine...just not every 2 weeks

  24. #24
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    once injection a week i fine...just not every 2 weeks
    If I live far away from the Dr. I can probably do my own shots then right? In which case I can just split it up. I know 1 time a week isn't all that bad, but the half life is still 5-6 days for E or C

  25. #25
    subnet's Avatar
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    as jpkman said, once a week should be fine and definitely not every 2 weeks. I know there are a few here that do twice per week but it's more typical and less hassle to do once every 7 days - everybody is different of course... Hopefully you can convince your Dr. to let you self-inject.

  26. #26
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    lot of holes in your arse to do twice a week too...wuts one or two days i've noticed NO difference in ANYTHING even waited til day 10

  27. #27
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    lot of holes in your arse to do twice a week too...wuts one or two days i've noticed NO difference in ANYTHING even waited til day 10
    I plan on being an above HRT user again in the future so thats okay

    My endo took a metabolic panel, and a Thyroid panel for me. She also got a hormone panel but didn't report the findings to me.
    T4, FREE, NON-DIALYSIS 1.2 0.8-1.8
    TSH 1.07 0.40-4.50

    These are both within normal range, but she's saying that they could be my issue, and is ordering an MRI on my Thyroid. How many rounds of testing usually occur before you can get a script for some sort of help?

  28. #28
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subotai View Post
    I plan on being an above HRT user again in the future so thats okay

    My endo took a metabolic panel, and a Thyroid panel for me. She also got a hormone panel but didn't report the findings to me.
    T4, FREE, NON-DIALYSIS 1.2 0.8-1.8
    TSH 1.07 0.40-4.50

    These are both within normal range, but she's saying that they could be my issue, and is ordering an MRI on my Thyroid. How many rounds of testing usually occur before you can get a script for some sort of help?
    weird that the numbers seem fine but says "could be your issue"

  29. #29
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    weird that the numbers seem fine but says "could be your issue"
    I have reviewed your labs. Testosterone levels are low with inappropriately normal pituitary hormones. Rest of the labs including thyroid, prolactin were normal. Next step is to do a imaging of the pituitary gland and recheck testosterone along with IGF-1 and cortisol levels.
    I don't know how normal can be inappropriate. She seems to be a decent doctor at heart though so I'll go along for the ride!

  30. #30
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subotai View Post
    I don't know how normal can be inappropriate. She seems to be a decent doctor at heart though so I'll go along for the ride!
    yeh that doesnt make a whole lot of sense but it IS common for a mri of the pituitary before starting TRT....

  31. #31
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    yeh that doesnt make a whole lot of sense but it IS common for a mri of the pituitary before starting TRT....
    What do they look for? Make sure it isn't just a big tumor or something?
    I just had to get an IGF and Cortisol test done, is there any reason to test IGF unless considering peptide treatment?

  32. #32
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Subotai View Post
    What do they look for? Make sure it isn't just a big tumor or something?
    I just had to get an IGF and Cortisol test done, is there any reason to test IGF unless considering peptide treatment?
    yes looking for tumor....

    they did igf on me too and no way was i going to get hgh....also had cortisol tests...

    just routine

  33. #33
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    I've read in a few places that its almost impossible to concieve while on HRT if not using HCG .

    Do people ever successfully take a break from HRT in order to have a kid? If I go on for 2-3 years and I try to come off to have a child will that greatly hurt my chances? I couldn't find any studies

  34. #34
    Subotai is offline Junior Member
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    So I just got word from my doctor concerning my most recent wave of tests.

    My MRI revealed my pituitary is normal, but I have a cyst in the back of my head and also in one of my sinus(es). This could be due to a chronic sinus infection, which apparently can explain my constant dull headache that I feel everyday. I am hopeful thats what that is.

    Testosterone was 394 ng/ml, still far from optimal for a 20 year old, thats around 800-1000 but its within normal range and more than double my last test.

    Free test was 92 which is I think right smack in the middle of normal range (something like 50-200)

    Igf-1 normal- Which I figured I never abused any peptides

    Cortisol was too high- interesting considering I had been out of school and the gym for some time before this test. I wonder how high it is when I'm trianing!

    Estradiol 36 pg/ml
    FSH 2.6 (1.6-8)
    LH 2.7 (1.5-9.3)

    Bittersweet news today, it appears I am doing better, but bottom range of normal will make it harder to get help than top range of abnormal
    Last edited by Subotai; 01-15-2010 at 03:22 PM.

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