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  1. #1
    DSW is offline New Member
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    Question Just started androgel

    So I went to the doc at first cause I was tired so they told me I was depressed and they put me on zoloft then my next appt I brought up the fact that my t levels were low for my age 26 they were 351 so I asked for t replacement so she started me on androgel 1% 5mg I have been taking it for a month now and don't feel much I put it on my sack once and felt a rush but didn't do it again because of all the stuff I've read I also have a lack of facial hair this really bugs me I was wondering if the t replacement would help if input the gel on my face and should I ask for the shots when I go back on the 3rd any ideas

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    never ever heard of anyone putting androgel on their down your face...this shiat aint from a bugs bunny cartoon its not hair tonic...

    if you are low t then replace it properly use as directed and your masculine characterisitics will occur as much as you genetically can

  3. #3
    DSW is offline New Member
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    G thanks I think I couldnt tell if you were attemping to give me friendly advice or making a snide remark. I have read several forums where people have used this gel on there face to help with facial hair. There are also forums out there where guys have been putting this on there sack for 3 years so there are people out there who have done this. I have definateley done some research just looking for friendly advice. But Im pretty sure Im going to request the injections she did say it was an option.

  4. #4
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    DSW, I don't think JPK was trying to be snide, but more to the point that the application of this stuff needs to be taken seriously. There have been many of us who have had issues with AndroGel with applying it normally, let alone to speculate what might happen if you soak the sack with it. I have read where you could mess up your DHT and even your prostate by doing that. Who knows what else could go wrong (atrophy, leydig cell complications, etc.).

    This leads me to the next chapter. You're 26, your test numbers are a little low, but they don't indicate that you're shut down. Do you feel that testosterone replacement is the solve all to your problems? Has your doctor ran a complete panel to check the other hormones, along with CBC, lipids, IGF, etc.? Your first post indicated high body mass ... What more can you share about that statement? Full stats would be nice (height, weight, est BF). To me, HRT is about balancing out the hormones. If you have high body mass, there's a good chance that you've got estrogen issues too. That issue is only going to get worse if you take those injections. Has your doctor walked you through this subject, and do you have a plan at hand, or are you just walking into this and hoping it all turns out for the best? IMO, you've got to have a plan and you've got know what you're really getting yourself into.

    Lastly, do you have a diet and workout regiment? If so, would really like to hear a little bit about it. Also, don't take it too personally if someone gets on you a little bit about doing stuff like you did with the AndroGel. We're all here for you to get feeling good, but there's little room for using any of these products irresponsibly! I've seen crazy stuff here, where people have injected Test Cyp into their veins, and even some dumb SOB who was injecting it into chicken, then cooking it and thinking it worked great. Knowledge is power my friend, keep reading and learning about this stuff, and just know that most the guys here do take it seriously more so because it can be dangerous if it isn't administered and monitored correctly. None of us ever want to hear about another member paying a big price for making a mistake that could have been avoided.


  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    yes vette ....well said...

    op....only concern you'll find'll be better with injections when you make sure you need test for life

  6. #6
    DSW is offline New Member
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    thank you ill make sure the doc does the correct screenings, and when its time i will request test injections, what do you think my levels should be at? from what ive read i should have the upper 3rd of the scale so some where between 900 and 1500 at my age 26
    Last edited by DSW; 01-17-2010 at 01:19 AM.

  7. #7
    DSW is offline New Member
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    yeah i do have a diet and a workout schedule i try to keep. I am a drill sergeant and the hours are hectic but I do get to do some PT in the morning at least 4 times a week, and I eat pretty healthy, and boost on ***** 3 fatty acids, and monosaturated fats. red meat and chicken and I pretty much stay away from the bad stuff. i said high BMI but it might sound worse that it is i am 225 70" just dont have the tone that is desired but I always pass the army tape test for body fat its at about22% right now which is way to much if you ask me.


  8. #8
    Enfuego129 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2009
    DSW, I too have recently started Androgel for low testosterone with limited results so far. In my case it may be too early to know for sure. Starting out on HRT and Androgel I probably have the same questions you have and your are definitely in the right place to learn about the good and bad of everything HRT.

    JPkman and Vetteman have been great in participating in threads I have created and their advise has been solid. I know little about HRT and value what they have shared with me already. Listen to them and others here and you will do well. Welcome aboard!

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