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Thread: New mmber

  1. #1
    brush is offline New Member
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    Jan 2010

    New mmber

    I'm sure my questions have been answered more than once, but i thought a connecting thread may expedite my inquiry.
    I am on my way to 64. I work out regularly. Probably more than most my age. My body fat is high and my muscle tone is diminishing. I have also lost the majority of my libido.
    I recently received a call from a hormone replacement center in Florida. Sounds like cutting edge legit.
    I was told that they can not prevent aging, but can increase the quality of the process. I was told that they could design a program that would increase lean muscle, reduce body fat, give new life to the libido, enhance mental clarity and energy ect. It required a visit to their clinic and an examination by their doctor.
    Question... is there a cocktail that has been proven successful for older men?
    I'm not looking for the fountain of youth, but wouldn't mind looking and feeling better. What do you think?

  2. #2
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    Brush, first of all welcome to the board. You've come to the right place, and I think you're taking the right steps with talking it over with the AA Clinic. After the consultation, they'll probably want to run a complete blood work panel. That's normal, and it's the only way they can move to the next step with knowing what program you need to be on. There's a very good chance that you will score low with the testosterone . Permitting you have no major issues with the prostate or anything else, they will probably get you on HRT.

    You're right, there is no going backwards and there is no fountain of youth. However, if you've been dealing with the symptoms of low testosterone for many years, and someone can enhance your levels as if your were 25 again, then you're going to be feeling the next closest thing to the fountain of youth. Start reading up on all the benefits that HRT can provide ... It's the real deal!

  3. #3
    brush is offline New Member
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    Jan 2010
    Thank you for the bump Mr V.
    You almost need a medical degree to sort through all this information. I assume that suggests the necessity of a physician as a guide. It sounds like something not to be experimented with. Someone suggested that it was possible to self administer with the proper research. Living in a country where many of these substances are over the counter, it creates an illusion of a quick fix.

  4. #4
    Brian McClay is offline Junior Member
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    Brush the advise that has been given so far is solid and Testosterone is an incredable drug to get you looking and feeling younger.

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by brush View Post
    I'm sure my questions have been answered more than once, but i thought a connecting thread may expedite my inquiry.
    I am on my way to 64. I work out regularly. Probably more than most my age. My body fat is high and my muscle tone is diminishing. I have also lost the majority of my libido.
    I recently received a call from a hormone replacement center in Florida. Sounds like cutting edge legit.
    I was told that they can not prevent aging, but can increase the quality of the process. I was told that they could design a program that would increase lean muscle, reduce body fat, give new life to the libido, enhance mental clarity and energy ect. It required a visit to their clinic and an examination by their doctor.
    Question... is there a cocktail that has been proven successful for older men?
    I'm not looking for the fountain of youth, but wouldn't mind looking and feeling better. What do you think?
    welcome bush....

    simple answer....


    keep us posted with how well you feel ...we all would love to hear your success

  6. #6
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Dec 2008
    Welcome Brush

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