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Thread: just a question

  1. #1
    drdeath613's Avatar
    drdeath613 is offline Senior Member
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    just a question

    iv always wondered about this and i dont think iv ever seen this asked at least i couldnt find it by search button

    anyways orals vs shots

    what would raise your blood pressure more how high and for how long or are they about the same

  2. #2
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    There is no definitive answer to this. It depends on the individual, his or her genetic make up, any pre-existing conditions and the dose of the compound. Certainly there are some compounds that do tend to have more bp related side effects.......

  3. #3
    drdeath613's Avatar
    drdeath613 is offline Senior Member
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    and what ones in ur mind affects bp more so then others

  4. #4
    tboney's Avatar
    tboney is offline Anabolic Member
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    In my opinion, compounds like halo, tren , mast raise bp more than some of the others, but again, its really an individual thing.

  5. #5
    firsttimer555 is offline Associate Member
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    is cutting gear harder on your body than bulking are about the same

  6. #6
    drdeath613's Avatar
    drdeath613 is offline Senior Member
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    see i always thought bulking type gear would be worse on bp cause

    your gaining more muscle fat and water

    the higher % in fat and water would be harder on the heart

    see my problem is my rest rate is 140/80 to 145/85 iv been taking a cycle of p-plex a prohormone and it can raise it with taking 2000mg of hawthorn as much as 155/90

    is that normal thing that happens

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by drdeath613 View Post
    see i always thought bulking type gear would be worse on bp cause

    your gaining more muscle fat and water

    the higher % in fat and water would be harder on the heart

    see my problem is my rest rate is 140/80 to 145/85 iv been taking a cycle of p-plex a prohormone and it can raise it with taking 2000mg of hawthorn as much as 155/90

    is that normal thing that happens
    thats pretty high bp...r u considering bp meds

  8. #8
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Dr.Death, have you ran some BW lately? I'd be curious how your ALT, AST, and kidneys (BUN, urinalysis, possibly creatine). I went through a stint in my 30's, turned out to be a cyst on my right kidney. Anyway, BW might help nail down some specific answers.

    Good luck!

  9. #9
    Brian McClay is offline Junior Member
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    In my opinion orals are much more toxic than inj. B P also seems to go way up on orals.

  10. #10
    drdeath613's Avatar
    drdeath613 is offline Senior Member
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    iv always had a high bp even as a kid the last time i had any blood work done was well over 2 years ago and i was told i was health as a horse i also just stoped smoking so in time it should lower back down some yea ill be 32 this coming june

  11. #11
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Congrats on quitting!!! That in itself might make a nice difference. Next time you're in the doc, have them double check the kidneys just to play it safe. Probably could be a combination of things, and if you're dealing with any stress at work, home, wherever, it will contribute to the problem. Great excuse to take a nice long vacation

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