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  1. #1
    nunyabizness is offline Junior Member
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    Cycle question re: PCT and HRT

    I'm a first timer with questions regarding PCT.

    I'm currently on 7.5 of Androgel daily, and it's not cutting it for me. I'm asking my doc on Monday if I can start getting weekly injections. I'm not getting any wood unless I lay hands on it, lol. When I started HRT last year this time, after a few weeks I got spontaneous wood. Energy came back, stopped falling asleep at 8 pm, etc. Then it wore off. Increasing the dose helped, for a while.

    I assume I'm becoming more shutdown the more I use, and as a result, need more to maintain my level.

    How much do you think I should ask for? 200 a week, 250? Do you need something to keep gyno at bay when you are on HRT?

    If I was to buy some "extra" test-e for a boost, do I need anything say at the end of 14 weeks, or because I'm on HRT I don't need PCT?

    I'm 5'10, 192 lbs, about 21% BF (based on pics of BF examples and tape method), and 43 years old. I lift 3x a week, do 45 mins cardio 6x week, and do complexes on my off days (3x wk)).

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    while I'm getting this thread moved to the HRT section for you,

    I will say in general, no you don't need any pct if you are on HRT.

    You would just resume your usual HRT dose.

  3. #3
    nunyabizness is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the info.

    Anyone care to suggest a dose? From what I've read, 250 twice weekly is a "normal" first time dose. I know that the doc won't give me that lol, but do you think I should ask for 200 or 250 as a regular dose. He doesn't seem to care about the bloodwork. I was on the cusp of low, just barely normal, when I started. He said he was more concerned with the alleviation of symptoms, ie - what makes me feel normal, than the dose.

  4. #4
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    I get 200 mg's every 10 days, that's what works for me for HRT. The so called average is anywhere from 200 to 300 mgs per week. 300 being on the high side.

  5. #5
    nunyabizness is offline Junior Member
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    OK. From what I've been reading here I'll ask for 200 and see what happens. Are you on cyp?

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    if u stay on hrt you'll never need to do pct...youre lets say on a life long pct...

    dont think you'll be able to ask for a certain should start around 100mg a week and go from there....for you sounds like a nice target would be a dose that would get your energy and no hands wood back?...

    gyno questions...keep an eye on your estro levels....could possibly need a little arimidex if they rise and/or you get symptoms of high estro like itchy nipples/low libido/lethargy/bloat but i wouldnt take until necessary...this will keep you from bouncing up and down with your levels...but from what i've learned from own personal use and reading here is to start low and adjust accordingly....100mg should get you healthy may need 125/150 to achieve optimum levels upwards toward the higher end of normal without any negative sides like you mentioned...

    dont like the fact that your doc doesnt concern himself with bloodwork at also have to monitor and or predetermine if you havent already how your prostate is...

    hope this helps bro

    best of luck

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