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Thread: Low test- 23 yo

  1. #1
    mang is offline New Member
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    Low test- 23 yo

    Hey guys, got a blood test from my regular Doctor. Testosterone came back at 231. Doc prescribed me Androgel but I had heard it does not work very well and I live with my girlfriend and would not want her coming in contact with this stuff. I have never used AAS or PH's before. I am pretty nervous about this because I don't really wanna go on TRT/HRT for life but I am in dire need of help with my symptoms. I want to see the correct doctor to help me out, but I have had no luck finding a good Endo. I am located in Central New Jersey and was wondering if anyone could PM me a few good doctors to try out. I am open to traveling if it means I will get the help I am looking for . Thank you

  2. #2
    Serotonin's Avatar
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    Just talk to your doc you have man. Don't be afraid or anything, maybe you could do a shot of sust or something a month.

  3. #3
    mang is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serotonin View Post
    Just talk to your doc you have man. Don't be afraid or anything, maybe you could do a shot of sust or something a month.
    When he had prescribed me androgel , he didnt mention anything about shots. Bare with me , as I am completely unaware when it comes to this subject. IF I were to do shots, would I be on them for life ? what is sust?

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    if you arent ever going to produce enough test naturally then how long would you like to be on medically prescribed test? are you under the impression that this condition can be fixed and then go about your life?

  5. #5
    mang is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    if you arent ever going to produce enough test naturally then how long would you like to be on medically prescribed test? are you under the impression that this condition can be fixed and then go about your life?
    Is it wrong to be optimistic? I just want to find out information on the matter and see what my options are. I'm willing to do whatever it takes, I just want to know that I'm heading in the right direction.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    cool..sorry to hear youre low at 23....but doesnt matter...gettin healthy is ALL that matters...your optomism and taking charge of your health so i'd say youre headin in the right direction...but yes if youre not coming off a failed cycle or injury or just 1 low blood test in other words YOU DO NEED TRT..then IT IS for life..and you would want it so

  7. #7
    mang is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    cool..sorry to hear youre low at 23....but doesnt matter...gettin healthy is ALL that matters...your optomism and taking charge of your health so i'd say youre headin in the right direction...but yes if youre not coming off a failed cycle or injury or just 1 low blood test in other words YOU DO NEED TRT..then IT IS for life..and you would want it so
    Thanks for the help man. Know of any sources where I can read more in depth on this subject ?

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by mang View Post
    Thanks for the help man. Know of any sources where I can read more in depth on this subject ?
    here and google

  9. #9
    SilverTest's Avatar
    SilverTest is offline Senior Member
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    why wouldn't you go on TRT ?

    TRT = feeling like a king 24/7

    like JPK said , you would WANT TRT for life.

  10. #10
    Twist's Avatar
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    I am 22 on trt FOR LIFE> changed my world. Do it if you need it. you can pm me if you need anything I do not check this section very often

  11. #11
    mang is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    I am 22 on trt FOR LIFE> changed my world. Do it if you need it. you can pm me if you need anything I do not check this section very often
    I cant send Pm's for some reason but whenever you come back to this, I'd like to ask you some questions, thanks a ton for offering man. hope to hear from you soon.

  12. #12
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    yeah but once your on trt ur guaranteed to have smaller balls then me

  13. #13
    xclusiv96 is offline Junior Member
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    after just one test? i would go back and do some more tests early in the morning when your test is at its highest sometimes your test drops at certain times of the day or even when working out and stuff.

  14. #14
    Twist's Avatar
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    go mess around and psot like 25 times and you can send me a pm.

  15. #15
    tboney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mang View Post
    Hey guys, got a blood test from my regular Doctor. Testosterone came back at 231. Doc prescribed me Androgel but I had heard it does not work very well and I live with my girlfriend and would not want her coming in contact with this stuff. I have never used AAS or PH's before. I am pretty nervous about this because I don't really wanna go on TRT/HRT for life but I am in dire need of help with my symptoms. I want to see the correct doctor to help me out, but I have had no luck finding a good Endo. I am located in Central New Jersey and was wondering if anyone could PM me a few good doctors to try out. I am open to traveling if it means I will get the help I am looking for . Thank you

    Have you ever used any aas'??? What is your doc attributing your low test levels to?

  16. #16
    mang is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post

    Have you ever used any aas'??? What is your doc attributing your low test levels to?
    I have NEVER used AAS or PH's, honest to god, I haven't even ever seen AAS in person. And he did not say why I have low test, he just told me to start exercising more and using the Androgel but I am very hesitant to use Androgel because of the side effects and for the main reason that I live with my girlfriend and do not want to chance her coming in contact with it. And as for exercising, I try to enjoy surfing(even though I get tired very easily) and I go to the gym on and off because I get worn out very easily when I start a workout routine. Not to mention I bust my ass at my job(Metal recycling) I move heavy weight all day.

  17. #17
    *Thiago*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twist View Post
    I am 22 on trt FOR LIFE> changed my world. Do it if you need it. you can pm me if you need anything I do not check this section very often
    Damn bro, did this happen because of AAS use ?

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