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  1. #1
    kingofthedt's Avatar
    kingofthedt is offline New Member
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    Have my nuts FAILED?

    What is up with my numbers? I'm 29. My doctor says I've got primary testicular failure, but I'm wondering whether secondary is more like it. Check out my test results:

    Total test: 191 (280-800)
    Free test: 6.8 (9.3-26.5)
    TSH: 1.210 (0.450-4.500)
    LH: 4.5 (1.7-8.6)
    FSH: 1.2 (1.5-12.4)
    Prolactin: 12.3 (4.0-15.2)

    What is going on here? Is it time to find an endocrinologist?

  2. #2
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    Yup. That is the next step anyway. GP to endo for elimination tests .. to make sure there is no tumors, just a case of the boys refusing to follow instructions to produce. My dr said mine just got lazy..

  3. #3
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Ouch those are low numbers.

    Looks like it's time for TRT..

    I'd head down to the endo.

  4. #4
    kingofthedt's Avatar
    kingofthedt is offline New Member
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    Thing is I want to avoid a lifetime of TRT if possible. I want to see if there is something else going on here besides testicular failure that maybe I can do something about to get my testosterone up naturally. I'm also wondering whether my Lexapro (50mg every day) may have something to do with it.

    So with that in mind, do my numbers, particularly the FSH, suggest something other than primary nut failure to anybody? Thanks.
    Last edited by kingofthedt; 01-23-2010 at 04:30 PM.

  5. #5
    whiteowl is offline Associate Member
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    410 might want to bump your question into the one on one room. There is so much brainpower on this site. Opinions of course are just that but. Mine is the only thing worse than a lifetime of HRT would be a lifetime without it.

  6. #6
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    OP, why not checking also GnRH, DHT, Aldosterone, Androstenedione, Pregnenolone and Estradiol?
    Furthermore, have you ever run any cycle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    my nuts have not failed...they died and were reabsorbed..;( is my own fault and how i have abused AS...started like everyone else looking for a little pep..going from 200 q2weeks to 600mg a week..i have stopped for the past month and hopefully by starting again at 200mg a week the fellas may come back...not really looking for answers more like a confession..only myself to blame..anyone with similiar stories would be great..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    just bought some dhea today from walmart..remember back when a doc would prescribe it to bring the boys back ta life...

  9. #9
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Quote Originally Posted by therecanonlybe1 View Post
    my nuts have not failed...they died and were reabsorbed..;( is my own fault and how i have abused AS...started like everyone else looking for a little pep..going from 200 q2weeks to 600mg a week..i have stopped for the past month and hopefully by starting again at 200mg a week the fellas may come back...not really looking for answers more like a confession..only myself to blame..anyone with similiar stories would be great..

  10. #10
    JHeisman1 is offline New Member
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    Those labs look to me like secondary hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. I do not think it is your testes. However, if you want to know for sure, take HCG [1000 IU every other day for 21 days] and then re-check your testosterone to see if it went up. If it did, then your issue is low FSH/LH [and you can try clomid, nolva, stinging nettle herb- all help to increase FSH/LH]. If the test stayed low while on HCG, then you know its primary testicle malproduction and the treatment is TRT for life.

  11. #11
    amcon's Avatar
    amcon is offline physical pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside... The pain of quiting will lasts forever!!
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    in the freaking cold
    yes ...

  12. #12
    kingofthedt's Avatar
    kingofthedt is offline New Member
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    thanks for the responses, guys. i really do suspect something else is going on here besides my nuts failing. my problem now is finding an endocrinologist in my area who is not preoccupied with diabetes.

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