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    mdezel is offline New Member
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    Jul 2009

    Anybody in Houston that knows a good endoc....

    i'm starting to get fed up with this situation i have been dealing with for a long time. i'm on hrt test cyp and still no improvement, mood swing, low concetration, low libido, hot flashes at night(soak with sweat), diminish muscle mass etc and i'm only 28yr old. i take 200mg every 10 day but i found out that my testosterone was 1860<250-860>, and my estrogen 23, but what i don't understand is been on this for about 4 weeks now i should be feeling it. i went back to my doctor he did a full panel blood test of which will take about 2 or 3 weeks for him to be available again. i'm so frustated about this whole thing about hormone imbalance, and i'm starting to thing that it might be estrogen converting to SHBG which is competing with my testosterone receptor. I believe the last test i did was for total estrogen, but i don't know if total estrogen and free/serum estrogen is the same, but if not i hope my doctor included that in my full panel hormone test. Please has anyone experence what i'm going through now, cause i feel like i'm caged in my own little cell. Again is there anybody in Houston Tx that will refer me to a good endocrologist that really knows his stuff, i will really appreciate it and any suggestions is welcomed. Thanks.
    Last edited by mdezel; 01-24-2010 at 02:21 PM.

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