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  1. #1
    Ace2112 is offline New Member
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    40 yr old-Trying to figure out T scores...

    I was diagnosed in 1996 at 27 yrs old w/ Secondary Hypogonadism. I'm now 40. My first total testosterone score was 164 in a range of 241 to 827. At that time I crashed. I had NO energy, drive or will to do anything.

    Since then I've tried most of the testosterone replacement drugs available with what I feel is little success. Over the last 13 years my scores have averaged in the upper 300's in a range of 350 to 1030. Around August 2009 I decided there is no reason I should not get my score to at least 700 just to see if I would feel better and possibly to increase my libido which I've never really had. I'm a normal guy from an appearance standpoint but I've never been in a relationship. I like women. I'm not gay. I've just never had even a small amount of that horny drive that I presume other men have or have had in their youth. I thought it might help me to get my T score up. I new it would not be a magic bullet but I thought it might make some difference. So far it hasn't. I feel about the same as I did last August. I have noticed my voice is stronger, not as raspy.

    I'm trying to make sense of my most recent scores...

    08-18-2009 T Serum Total 386 (range 350-1030) Androgel 4 pumps
    11-03-2009 T Serum Total 415 (range 350-1030) Androgel 5 pumps
    T Serum Total 445 (range 241-827) 4 weeks on 10 Testopel Pellets
    01-26-2010 Testosterone, Free+Weakly Bound
    T Serum 816 (range 280-800) 8 weeks on Testopel + 2 Pumps of Androgel
    % Free+Weakly Bound 52.2 (range 9-46)
    F+W Bound 426 (range 40-250)
    Estradiol, Serum, MS 5.4 (range .8-3.5)

    I've always used Total T scores as my barometer. Can someone shed light on how that relates to the "bound" scores?

    These new scores I got today are dramatically out of the ordinary. My estradiol looks to be over the top. The last time it was measured was 1998 and it was at 4.1 then. It's my understanding that estrogen affects ED. I don't have that problem. Does estradiol affect ones libido at all?
    I gather that injections are the most popular way to receive T from reading the forums. I did that about 10 years ago. As soon as the Testopel pellets have dissolved I'm going to do injections. It's odd that Adrogel alone did not bring my T score up but when I add 2 pumps to the Testopel it shot way up.

    Incidentally I am good in all other aspects, thyroid,etc. I do have osteoporosis and osteopenia.

    Any ideas?


  2. #2
    talstar is offline Junior Member
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    Are you taking a estrogen blocker? I would start out at 100mg of test a week and check after a month. That should be alot better than the gel.

  3. #3
    NEMESIS RR is offline Associate Member
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    test levels look GREAT but your estrogen is a little high. I would lower dosage and then retest but I would definitly take a strong look at injectable test.

  4. #4
    Ace2112 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies.
    Can someone tell me if they would be concerned having a F+W Bound score @ 426 (range 40-250)? It strikes me as really high.
    I've noticed I've been having a lot of anxiety lately. If I were to get a proper dose of Arimidex to bring my E2 level down would that possibly help with the anxiety?
    I guess that would raise mt T level so I'd need to use only one pump of Androgel .

    Thanks again.

  5. #5
    NEMESIS RR is offline Associate Member
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    Arimidex might raise test even further. Before adding drugs try cutting dosage. After you cut dosage see how you feel and have blood work. If estrogen still high go on very low dose of arimidex. Remember HRT is for life so try to find the minimum amount that is right for you.

  6. #6
    Ace2112 is offline New Member
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    I'll talk to the endo soon. I'm just trying to figure out why people take AI. Is it just to raise T? Is it to cut certain side effects?

  7. #7
    subnet's Avatar
    subnet is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ace2112 View Post
    I'll talk to the endo soon. I'm just trying to figure out why people take AI. Is it just to raise T? Is it to cut certain side effects?
    it's to knock down their Estrogen level and eliminate/reduce effects such as itchy/puffy nipples, hot flashes, etc. I'd definitely recommend reading the 'stickes' at the top of this forum (HRT Info parts 1,2,3 and the others) - lots of good info.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i got your email...sorry i didnt see your thread before...

    seems as you have many testosterone blood tests but only the one....

    AND....looks key...out of range high estradiol....NOT GOOD...

    maybe you've had this poor ration all along and thats why you dont have a libido but what confuses me further is you say no problem with ed...that means youre getting wood without looking or thinking of women....masturbating?....

    you say youre a normal guy from appearance standpoint? i dont mean this in anyway othe than curiosity because i've NEVER heard a guy say what you've said before but are you indeed male?

    i was thinking that you are the female riddler????

  9. #9
    Ace2112 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    you say youre a normal guy from appearance standpoint? i dont mean this in anyway othe than curiosity because i've NEVER heard a guy say what you've said before but are you indeed male?

    i was thinking that you are the female riddler????
    Yeah, re-reading my post, I went a little overboard. I do have a libido. It's just not strong as I'd like it to be.

    I'll read the stickies, thanks.

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