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  1. #1
    mdezel is offline New Member
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    Jul 2009

    Guys any good advise will be appreciated...

    i know i have been on this subject for quiet awhile now.....i have been using my test cyp for about 6 week now, but still not a single improvement. My doctor asked me to inject 1cc(200mg) every 10 days, i even decided to go lower by injecting 100mg every week when i saw no improvement, and still no improvement. My sympthoms of low testosterone is still current, it's like i'm taking a placebo causing i'm still having low libido, hot flashed, hard time remembering and making sentences, trouble sleeping, and my pubic hair seem not to be growing cause i only shave down there once in 2 or 3 months cause there is northing to shave.

    i'm so confused about this whole thing, i complain to my family but the think i'm losing my mind. How can i combat this issue cause it's driving me crazy. I have ran so many blood test, and it's shows that my trt testosterone is 800 and the doctor keep telling me that everything looks fine on the blood work but i know that everything is not fine cause i still feel like shit. PLEASE WHAT CAN I DO ABOUT THIS CONDITION, I HAVE ANOTHER DOCTORS APP ON WEDNESDAY, SHOULD I ASK THE DOCTOR TO PUT ME ON A DIFFERENT ESTER OR WHAT???.I feel so lifeless and it's not good cause i don't know what to do next. HELP PLEASEE.......

  2. #2
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    man... It sounds to me like you might be depressed or manic. (sorry for sounding harsh).

    Honestly, I would talk to the doctor about perhaps treating you for another condition.

    It doesn't really sound like low-T levels are the cause of your problems IMO... (i'm not saying they didn't contribute to the original problem; however, perhaps there is something else psychologically wrong w/ you.)

    One things for sure, w/ levels ~800 = your testosterone is very high. So it's not like you're getting underdosed or bunk gear (obvs not cuz it's pharma-grade, but I'm just saying.)
    Last edited by Vitruvian-Man; 02-01-2010 at 06:16 PM.

  3. #3
    mdezel is offline New Member
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by vitruvian-man View Post
    god man. It sounds to me like you're depressed or manic. (sorry for sounding harsh).

    Honestly, i would talk to the doctor about perhaps treating you for another condition.

    It doesn't really sound like low-t levels are the cause of your problems imo... (i'm not saying they didn't contribute to the original problem; however, perhaps there is something else psychologically wrong w/ you.)

    one things for sure, w/ levels ~800 = your testosterone is very high. So it's not like you're getting underdosed or bunk gear (obvs not cuz it's pharma-grade, but i'm just saying.)

    i'm not crazy but if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say northing.......

  4. #4
    Brian McClay is offline Junior Member
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    Mdezel, Wow your test levels are on track but remember good test levels are not the cure all for anything and everything, It sounds like something else is going on...
    My question is does the increase in test blood levels give the any of the other associated advantages besides feeling good ????

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    up the dosage and get laid


  6. #6
    Vitruvian-Man is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mdezel View Post
    i'm not crazy but if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say northing.......
    I was being 100% genuine in my response man.

    Nothing against you. I'm not trying to sound like a d*ck. I'm just saying it because clearly you can't be suffering from low testosterone when your levels are ~800. That's definitely within good range.

    I'm sure if these issues persist your doctor will begin to explore other issues which may be causing these particular symptoms for you. I'll leave that to him/her though.

    Best of luck.


  7. #7
    mdezel is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian McClay View Post
    Mdezel, Wow your test levels are on track but remember good test levels are not the cure all for anything and everything, It sounds like something else is going on...
    My question is does the increase in test blood levels give the any of the other associated advantages besides feeling good ????
    yea it's in normal range but i don't display the secondary male characteristics like growing pubic hair....that gives me a hint that it might be hormonal. But if it's not testosterone what would that be then?? what baffles me at this situation.

  8. #8
    mdezel is offline New Member
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    i know there got to be at least someone on this forum that had experience what i'm going thru, i will really appreciate it for an input.

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