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  1. #1
    valencia1's Avatar
    valencia1 is offline Junior Member
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    When to use an AI

    When I started TRT about a year ago my total Test was about 220 ng/dl. Post TRT, labs have been between 700 and 1240 ng/dl. The high number had my endo a bit concerned. He is targeting 800.

    My question: at what level should one consider taking an AI?

    Or, more to the point, what is the highest total test blood level one can have and NOT worry about estrogen conversion? (In general of course realizing that everyone is different)

    I inject at 80 to 100 mg Test C twice weekly.


  2. #2
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Quote Originally Posted by valencia1 View Post
    When I started TRT about a year ago my total Test was about 220 ng/dl. Post TRT, labs have been between 700 and 1240 ng/dl. The high number had my endo a bit concerned. He is targeting 800.

    My question: at what level should one consider taking an AI?

    Or, more to the point, what is the highest total test blood level one can have and NOT worry about estrogen conversion? (In general of course realizing that everyone is different)

    I inject at 80 to 100 mg Test C twice weekly.

    I am afraid your questions will remain unanswered.

    The first one is almost impossible to answer, really.
    The second could be worked out somehow but the problem is there are not studies on that specific topic, as far as I am concerned, and only a few people who use aas, I sadly realized, have a proper blood work before, during and after the cycle.

  3. #3
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    Look for estrogen raise symptoms on yourself, if any, and act accordingly.

  4. #4
    valencia1's Avatar
    valencia1 is offline Junior Member
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    Los Angeles
    Thanks BJJ. I appreciate your candid response and suggestion.

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