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Thread: Low Estrogen

  1. #1
    baja212 is offline Junior Member
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    Low Estrogen

    What are the negative side effects of low estrogen? And what can be done about it?

  2. #2
    Kratos's Avatar
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    I'm assuming you're a man and likely older
    osteoporosis and ligiment/tendon injury
    difficulty gaining weight
    mental decline, heart issues

  3. #3
    Brian McClay is offline Junior Member
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    Estrogen is not my favorite hormone, but what is your level at or what do you consider low estrogen levels

  4. #4
    baja212 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian McClay View Post
    Estrogen is not my favorite hormone, but what is your level at or what do you consider low estrogen levels
    My current level is <20 ng/ml. I though that's low for being TRT. I was under the impression when taking exogenious test you estrogen levels rise. I also was told that low estrogen will bring on ED problems, which I currently have.

  5. #5
    tboney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baja212 View Post
    My current level is <20 ng/ml. I though that's low for being TRT. I was under the impression when taking exogenious test you estrogen levels rise. I also was told that low estrogen will bring on ED problems, which I currently have.
    Yes it can cause ed. Are you taking an AI?

  6. #6
    baja212 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Yes it can cause ed. Are you taking an AI?
    No, I thought an AI is used for a blocker when it gets to high, not when its low. Actually, I was excited when blood work revealed it was low. How can it be low if I'm HRT? I was planning on cycling in May, I just might push it up.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by baja212 View Post
    No, I thought an AI is used for a blocker when it gets to high, not when its low. Actually, I was excited when blood work revealed it was low. How can it be low if I'm HRT? I was planning on cycling in May, I just might push it up.
    Am AI is used to lower estro levels. ... I was asking to find out why your estro levels would be low. What is the estro range that the lab used?

  8. #8
    baja212 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Am AI is used to lower estro levels. ... I was asking to find out why your estro levels would be low. What is the estro range that the lab used?
    Again, I currently taking Testim Gel,by the way. the range is <20-47 pg/ml according to my labs. I thought exogenous test would make E2 levels rise, that's why I was taken aback by the lab results.

  9. #9
    SilverTest's Avatar
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    man do i envy you or what , i hate estrogen , only very little is needed in men .

    NEVER let your estrogen go high.

    it is very weird that it is low while you are on HRT .

    What are your other hormone levels??

  10. #10
    tboney's Avatar
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    How long have you been on the gel?
    Exogenous use of test can cause estro levels to rise. However the gel is delivers a very low dose. There might not be a rise in estro.

  11. #11
    baja212 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilverTest View Post
    man do i envy you or what , i hate estrogen , only very little is needed in men .

    NEVER let your estrogen go high.

    it is very weird that it is low while you are on HRT .

    What are your other hormone levels??
    I've been on TRT for 11 months and that includes one cycle. From September to the present, I was taking 250 Test Enan. EOW self perscribe than I switched to Testm 5g tube MD persribed. What other hormone level are you looking for? Also, my hypogonadism is AAS induced.

  12. #12
    tboney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baja212 View Post
    I've been on TRT for 11 months and that includes one cycle. From September to the present, I was taking 250 Test Enan. EOW self perscribe than I switched to Testm 5g tube MD persribed. What other hormone level are you looking for? Also, my hypogonadism is AAS induced.
    So you have never taken any kind of an AI????

    Ok... so when did you get diagnosed with hypogonadism?
    You said that it is aas induced.. When was that cycle? How many cycles have you run?
    Did you run a pct? What was it?

  13. #13
    tboney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baja212 View Post
    Again, I currently taking Testim Gel,by the way. the range is <20-47 pg/ml according to my labs. I thought exogenous test would make E2 levels rise, that's why I was taken aback by the lab results.
    Ok. so its a low end of the normal range???

  14. #14
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baja212 View Post
    My current level is <20 ng/ml. I though that's low for being TRT. I was under the impression when taking exogenious test you estrogen levels rise. I also was told that low estrogen will bring on ED problems, which I currently have.
    I think you mean pg/ml?

    but 20 pg/ml should be ok I think, if you're at 20...check with your doc, but I think that should be in the healthy range

    or do you mean, you're low enough you're off the chart?

    hormones are not the most likely cause for ED
    can you get it up with viagra?
    can you wack but have trouble in bed?
    if you really think it's estrogen I would think you could just try drinking a glass of soy milk and see if that helps.
    but unless you're well below 20, I wouldn't think that would be the issue...but maybe you are if you're off the chart

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I think you mean pg/ml?

    but 20 pg/ml should be ok I think, if you're at 20...check with your doc, but I think that should be in the healthy range

    or do you mean, you're low enough you're off the chart?

    hormones are not the most likely cause for ED
    can you get it up with viagra?
    can you wack but have trouble in bed?
    if you really think it's estrogen I would think you could just try drinking a glass of soy milk and see if that helps.
    but unless you're well below 20, I wouldn't think that would be the issue...but maybe you are if you're off the chart
    Yea, I agree. I dont think that 20 pg/ml is all that low.

  16. #16
    baja212 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    So you have never taken any kind of an AI????

    Ok... so when did you get diagnosed with hypogonadism?
    You said that it is aas induced.. When was that cycle? How many cycles have you run?
    Did you run a pct? What was it?
    Never taken any AI!!

    I got diagnosed with AAS induced in Feb-09, went on Testim for 3 months, discontinued it in May to begin my cycle. Ran my cycle from May to September and then jumped back into HRT to the present time. No PCT, because I never thought I had to if I got a script for Testim (stupid, I know!!).

    My cycles are pretty straight forward; Test Enan 300mg EW, with Deca 300mg EW. Then switched to Tren Hex 200mg EW and continued taking the same dose of Test Enan. I have have 6 cyles under my belt after the age of 37. TBoney, go easy on me please (LOL). I'm just a 43yr old has-been football player/athlete/AAS weekend warrior.

  17. #17
    baja212 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I think you mean pg/ml?

    but 20 pg/ml should be ok I think, if you're at 20...check with your doc, but I think that should be in the healthy range

    or do you mean, you're low enough you're off the chart?

    hormones are not the most likely cause for ED
    can you get it up with viagra?
    can you wack but have trouble in bed?
    if you really think it's estrogen I would think you could just try drinking a glass of soy milk and see if that helps.
    but unless you're well below 20, I wouldn't think that would be the issue...but maybe you are if you're off the chart
    I'm just trying to blame the ED problems on something. I thought low estrogen brings on ED issues. I beginning to think my body needs more Test than a tube a day. My E2 levels a year ago before TRT were 29 pg/ml.

    Wow, Ok, I feel a little awkward. I have morning wood, but as far as sex goes, I could take it or leave it right now. I have Cialis, which I lied several years ago to get a script from MD. In the past I would use Cialis in case I wanted to bang something strange or if I was drinking. But now it seems I need them for home as well. If I don't take the Cialis I only get it to a semi before penetration and then finally things start to heat up. But it takes a while. My wife is getting a little annoyed. Help!!

  18. #18
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    Bro, if you did deca and tren with no pct then you could be shut down hard. Get some more blood work and see where your progest/prolactin levels are. Either way it is going to take a good pct and alot of time for you to recover.

  19. #19
    baja212 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Bro, if you did deca and tren with no pct then you could be shut down hard. Get some more blood work and see where your progest/prolactin levels are. Either way it is going to take a good pct and alot of time for you to recover.
    The Deca and Tren was 6 to 7 months ago. Naturally I'll still be shutdown because I'm on TRT? What role does Progest/Prolactin play? Alright Tboney, give a good PCT protocol? What do I need, dosages (noveldex,Clomid,HCG )

  20. #20
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    yes youre gonna be shutdown on trt and not need would only need to do that if you didnt want to be on trt

  21. #21
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by baja212 View Post
    The Deca and Tren was 6 to 7 months ago. Naturally I'll still be shutdown because I'm on TRT? What role does Progest/Prolactin play? Alright Tboney, give a good PCT protocol? What do I need, dosages (noveldex,Clomid,HCG)
    If you're on TRT, then what's with the PCT? At 43 and your previous cycles, I doubt your natty levels will be restored. I'd be going through this w/ the fine tooth comb with a good doctor/endo ... HRT specialist.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by baja212 View Post
    The Deca and Tren was 6 to 7 months ago. Naturally I'll still be shutdown because I'm on TRT? What role does Progest/Prolactin play? Alright Tboney, give a good PCT protocol? What do I need, dosages (noveldex,Clomid,HCG)
    I see. I didnt realize that your intention was to stay on trt. I thought you wanted to try and recover.

    The reason I suggested getting your progst/prolact tested is that tren and deca can cause your levels to get out of whack and you might benefit from some bromo or caber.

    I think that after using test, tren and deca and then trying to use the gel as a means for trt is a bad idea. The gel is ineffective in my opinion....

    Vetteman is probably right, you should consult a knowledgeable endo.

  23. #23
    baja212 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    I see. I didnt realize that your intention was to stay on trt. I thought you wanted to try and recover.

    The reason I suggested getting your progst/prolact tested is that tren and deca can cause your levels to get out of whack and you might benefit from some bromo or caber.

    I think that after using test, tren and deca and then trying to use the gel as a means for trt is a bad idea. The gel is ineffective in my opinion....

    Vetteman is probably right, you should consult a knowledgeable endo.
    TBoney, my intentions are fighting out with TRT till May, then hit one last and final cycle. I really have no goals in mind for the this cycle other than to feel good, strong, increase endurance and stamina. At 43 yrs old, I've been lifting for 30 years, played college football and a competive sprinter, played recreation sports up until I was 40, and now all the wear and tear on my body has caught up with me. Finally, after my cycle is complete I will see a legit Endo who has a progressive approach in treating Androgen Induced Hypoganadism.

  24. #24
    tboney's Avatar
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    Ok well until may comes I would use the injectable test instead of the gel. That will help with the libido issues. You could run 100 mgs of test e or test c twice a week.....

  25. #25
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Ok well until may comes I would use the injectable test instead of the gel. That will help with the libido issues. You could run 100 mgs of test e or test c twice a week.....
    youre guarantying that injecting test will fix one's libido?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    youre guarantying that injecting test will fix one's libido?
    Ofcourse not!! Read my post. I said it can help. Where did you get that I said I could guarantee (thats actually the correct spelling) anything???
    Last edited by tboney; 02-17-2010 at 01:37 PM.

  27. #27
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Ofcourse not!! Read my post. I said it can help.
    i thought i did...i'll reread

  28. #28
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    either way....op...hope you get back on track bro

  29. #29
    baja212 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Ok well until may comes I would use the injectable test instead of the gel. That will help with the libido issues. You could run 100 mgs of test e or test c twice a week.....
    I think we beat the subject to death (LOL). But I love it!! It's not like I can pick up the phone and discuss it with any of you. However, you mention 100mg
    2x per week with Test E or C. Well those dosages is what I consider a cycle. The most Test I ever took per week was 300mgs. But I think you hit upon something. I'm so shutdown that one packet of the Gel is not enough, leading me to believe that the norm is 200mg per week with my current condition. Also, I think someone out there might have brought up that point.

  30. #30
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    Ofcourse not!! Read my post. I said it can help. Where did you get that I said I could guarantee (thats actually the correct spelling) anything???
    your post still says "IT WILL" help...

    already addressed your comment AFTER you asked me to reread your post...

    even though it said "IT WILL" help...i gave u the benefit of leaving it there....then you fuvking go in and edit your fvucking post and then play mrs spelling bee on me....then ask ANOTHER QUESTION in the edited post????????

    we both want to help the guy so leave it the fvck alone and i'll do the same

  31. #31
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    jpk ... Take it easy, buddy. You're right, everyone wants to help the OP, and you're one of the best we have for doing just that!!!!

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    your post still says "IT WILL" help...

    already addressed your comment AFTER you asked me to reread your post...

    even though it said "IT WILL" help...i gave u the benefit of leaving it there....then you fuvking go in and edit your fvucking post and then play mrs spelling bee on me....then ask ANOTHER QUESTION in the edited post????????

    we both want to help the guy so leave it the fvck alone and i'll do the same
    You need to check yourself bro! I made a statement that it will help. That is a true statement! I didnt edit that part of my post.

    You made stupid post! I never said I could guarentee anything! Why would you waste time with a statement like that that has no relevance to what I said.

  33. #33
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    i'm done in this of luck

  34. #34
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Tbo, I think what jpk was trying to stress is that it may help, or could help. I think the context of saying, "It will help" was where it was taken as a guarantee. I think initially, jpk was just trying to confirm that if you take "T" it will resolve the libido issues, or that it might possibly fix it, but no guarantees. Anyways, sorry to beat this poor thread to death ...

    Respects to both
    Last edited by Vettester; 02-19-2010 at 11:22 AM. Reason: typo

  35. #35
    tboney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Tbo, I think what jpk was trying to stress is that it may help, or could help. I think the context of saying, "It will help" was where it was taken as a guarantee. I think initially, jpk was just trying to confirm that if you take "T" it will resolve the libido issues, or that it might possibly fix it, but no guarantees. Anyways, sorry to beat this poor thread to death ...

    Respects to both
    I can see that. I would never guarantee such a thing. I try very hard to help people where I am able and am careful about giving advice about things that are out of my knowledge base.

    I simply meant that if the op was coming off a healthy cycle and was attempting to bridge with test gel that that could be the cause of his libido issues Hence, the injectable test would help.

    In any case, I apologize for my nasty reaction and appreciate your taking the time to assist in ending this thread on a more positive note....
    Last edited by tboney; 02-19-2010 at 01:08 PM.

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