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  1. #1
    kingofthedt's Avatar
    kingofthedt is offline New Member
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    False Start = Permanent Damage?

    After very low test scores, very low FSH, and mid-range LH scores, my primary put me on TRT at age 29. I have taken 7 weekly Test C injections. The first two were 100 mg, and the last five have been 150 mg.

    I now strongly suspect that I don't have primary testicular failure but that my low test scores were a result of illness (I had H1N1 when the blood was drawn!), overdrinking, and malnutrition.

    In other words, I think my low test was temporary and due to external factors and plan to come off as soon I can see an endo to guide me along. However, I'm concerned that now I might have gone and screwed up my HPTA for good by doing the 7 test shots. Is that a realistic concern for me, or should I be able to get back to my full natural potential?

    I'd appreciate anyone's $0.02. There seems to be alot of knowledge on this board.

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingofthedt View Post
    After very low test scores, very low FSH, and mid-range LH scores, my primary put me on TRT at age 29. I have taken 7 weekly Test C injections. The first two were 100 mg, and the last five have been 150 mg.

    I now strongly suspect that I don't have primary testicular failure but that my low test scores were a result of illness (I had H1N1 when the blood was drawn!), overdrinking, and malnutrition.

    In other words, I think my low test was temporary and due to external factors and plan to come off as soon I can see an endo to guide me along. However, I'm concerned that now I might have gone and screwed up my HPTA for good by doing the 7 test shots. Is that a realistic concern for me, or should I be able to get back to my full natural potential?

    I'd appreciate anyone's $0.02. There seems to be alot of knowledge on this board.
    If you truly think your test score was low because of the above said and you want to try and recover i would suggest you do a full pct starting 14 day from your last injection!

  3. #3
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    You've only taken it for 7 weeks, and the dosage amounts aren't all that high ... You should be fine. Get with your endo and he might be able to put you on a little HCG therapy and help restore your natty.

  4. #4
    kingofthedt's Avatar
    kingofthedt is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the replies, guys. The hardest thing is finding an endo who is not preoccupied with diabetes. The only one in San Diego I've found who advertises an interest in testosterone issues is A) a woman and B) booked until late May.

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