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  1. #1
    Lethalius's Avatar
    Lethalius is offline Junior Member
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    HCG and TRT Questions...

    I have been mostly "on" for in excess of 2 to 3 years now at moderate-high doses of testosterone , and my testes have definitely decreased in size. I am wondering if I came off completely, if my body's HPTA could recover all the way? I really think I am going to need to be on low dose HRT the rest of my life given my past aas use/abuse and if I use HGH with it, maybe that will work for me.

    I am thinking of coming down to TRT doses of 100-200mg/wk (from 750-900mg/wk) and use HGH at 4 ius, 5 days on/2 days off and see how I like it.
    I may try that for several months and see how my body responds. It could be that maybe I use the low TRT doses for several months out of the year, and then do one or two blast cycles where I up the test to moderate-high doses.

    Given I want to come down to TRT doses of 100-200mg/wk, would HCG use help bring my testes back to normal size? What dose would I need to start with on HCG? Do I need an aromatase inhibitor when on TRT doses?


  2. #2
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Yes, you stand a good chance to grow the testes with HCG , permitting no damage or other variables not considered. My suggestion ... Get with a HRT specialist doctor on this. It might not be uncommon that he would recommend doing something in the range of 250iu x 3 per week. The AI is pending where your E2 levels are at, and where they should be. It might not hurt to keep some Arimidex around ... I take 0.5mg x 2 per week, and I'm on 200mg/wk of Test. I also take HCG as mentioned above.

  3. #3
    Lethalius's Avatar
    Lethalius is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Yes, you stand a good chance to grow the testes with HCG, permitting no damage or other variables not considered. My suggestion ... Get with a HRT specialist doctor on this. It might not be uncommon that he would recommend doing something in the range of 250iu x 3 per week. The AI is pending where your E2 levels are at, and where they should be. It might not hurt to keep some Arimidex around ... I take 0.5mg x 2 per week, and I'm on 200mg/wk of Test. I also take HCG as mentioned above.
    Can you take the HCG at the doses you are taking, 250 iu, 3 times per week indefinitely- the whole time you are on TRT? Or do you need to take a break from HCG on occasion? Just curious if one can take HCG long term without harming anything.

  4. #4
    pittbulldad's Avatar
    pittbulldad is offline Associate Member
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    i'm taking 2500iu of HCG .. i don't know if 250 would do anything.. most of the lower doses i've heard is 1000/week

  5. #5
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lethalius View Post
    Can you take the HCG at the doses you are taking, 250 iu, 3 times per week indefinitely- the whole time you are on TRT? Or do you need to take a break from HCG on occasion? Just curious if one can take HCG long term without harming anything.
    According to my doctor, yes, it can be standard protocol with your TRT program. The issue is finding the right balance to get that is in conjunction with the TRT that you're taking. If your numbers are getting over the top, then certain things might need tweaked. E.g., you might need to cut back the "T" to 125mg/wk and HCG down to 2x week. I worry about the higher doses of HCG causing desensitization issues with the leydig cells, but the smaller amounts appear to be okay. Get your doctor's opinion on it and see what he thinks.

  6. #6
    Lethalius's Avatar
    Lethalius is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    According to my doctor, yes, it can be standard protocol with your TRT program. The issue is finding the right balance to get that is in conjunction with the TRT that you're taking. If your numbers are getting over the top, then certain things might need tweaked. E.g., you might need to cut back the "T" to 125mg/wk and HCG down to 2x week. I worry about the higher doses of HCG causing desensitization issues with the leydig cells, but the smaller amounts appear to be okay. Get your doctor's opinion on it and see what he thinks.
    Thanks Vetteman. I will also be keeping arimidex around. In fact, I just ordered some.

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