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  1. #1
    Mr.Rose's Avatar
    Mr.Rose is offline Anabolic Member
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    Effect of TRT/HRT for life?

    What are the implications of being on TRT for life. For example starting at maybe age 40-50 and running it till the day you die.

    What negative effects on the body does having your HTPA suppressed permanently have?

    Sperm quality?
    Other hormone levels?
    Retaining youth?
    Increase life expectancy?

    Last edited by Mr.Rose; 03-11-2010 at 03:10 AM.

  2. #2
    durak's Avatar
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    I know of a few people on it for about 10 years but no info on 10+ years.

    Also it makes a difference if you take test 365 or for 12-20 weeks then PCT for a month then 12 -20 weeks again.

  3. #3
    IMunchRoidz's Avatar
    IMunchRoidz is offline Junior Member
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    bump.. i wanna know this too

  4. #4
    eregitano's Avatar
    eregitano is offline Junior Member
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    i think it's fairly unknown since TRT has sort of sprouted in the last decade, not a lot of folks in their 70's or 80's that have been on TRT from their 30's or 40's...

    Our generation is really the Guinea Pig generation, however medical folks and other can certainly speculate.

  5. #5
    coop1212 is offline Junior Member
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    Well, I will be on for life . I'm 34 now. Shot a week or fill like Crap is my choices!

  6. #6
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by coop1212 View Post
    Well, I will be on for life . I'm 34 now. Shot a week or fill like Crap is my choices!
    Well, I myself have started down the TRT path for life about 3 months ago (im taking test cyp @ 250mg/wk (I was given adex but havent used it since Ive had no estrogen/water retention issues and I have not used HCG and dont know if I need it since there is no reason to keep my balls active)... I am suffering from adrenal fatigue/ reverse t3 probs which was affecting my libido, energy, mood, strength, hypoglycemic issues, testosterone /estrogen levels.... I am also using low doses of hydrocortisone which has rectified the hypoglycemia issues... I finally got my wife pregnant about 7 months ago which cleared the way for me to go on TRT without any reproduction/sperm quality issues since I will not be having anymore kids (i am 34 yrs old)... I have absolutely no problems being on trt for life as long as I have an available legit supply of test from my doc from here on out.... the only question I have is if I need hcg at all or if there is any probs with just letting my nuts atrophy since I will be on test injections...? that is my only concern....

  7. #7
    ReBilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    What are the implications of being on TRT for life. For example starting at maybe age 40-50 and running it till the day you die.

    What negative effects on the body does having your HTPA suppressed permanently have?

    Sperm quality?
    Other hormone levels?
    Retaining youth?
    Increase life expectancy?

    [QUOTE=Mr.Rose;5103099]What are the implications of being on TRT for life. For example starting at maybe age 40-50 and running it till the day you die.

    What negative effects on the body does having your HTPA suppressed permanently have?

    Sperm quality / Reproduction - We can only assume but conventional wisdom says it hurts your sperm quality and reproduction (the addition of HCG may change that assumption now tho, we'll see) - but at 40-50 few will be looking to have kids, especially in the older end of that range.

    Other hormone levels / Conventional wisdom also says that messing with test / estrogen etc can and will affect other hormones so you need to keep a close eye on it. That's part of the lifelong commitment of TRT. But like some diabetics live longer because they take better care of themselves (because they have no choice), same goes here for your hormones. TRT can actually improve these things as opposed to throwing them off since you're watching everything so closely. Just don't keep your eye off the ball

    Anti-Aging / Retaining Youth - People sure look and feel younger when they are on TRT... at least, this seems to be the case right? I don't know many 65 year olds NOT on TRT who can go to a bar and pick up a barfly and bring them home and rail them, or who can bench press their body weight

    Increasing life expectancy - this one can only be speculated at this point. Some would argue your entire system would be stronger and thus you'll probably live longer while others would cite increased susceptibility to certain types of cancers, or increased probability of engaging in more risky (younger) behaviors may lead to secondary causes of death not directly related to TRT (think motorcycling accidents, STDs, injecting something bad or doing it wrong, etc)

  8. #8
    jamesinarkansas is offline New Member
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    trt fulltime versus doing PCT every 12 or so weeks

    My question is what is the supposed benefit of doing PCT rather than fulltime TRT?Is the main purpose to prevent receptor burnout?I know that the longer you are on testerone the more it seems to take to feel the same.Is this something anyone else has had experience with?I myself feel there is something to it as I don't seem to get the same results as I did 4 years ago and getting my doc to up the dose is like asking for a hit of heroin by the way that she acts.
    Last edited by jamesinarkansas; 07-21-2010 at 07:14 PM.

  9. #9
    Billytk03z is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamesinarkansas View Post
    My question is what is the supposed benefit of doing PCT rather than fulltime TRT?Is the main purpose to prevent receptor burnout?I know that the longer you are on testerone the more it seems to take to feel the same.Is this something anyone else has had experience with?I myself feel there is something to it as I don't seem to get the same results as I did 4 years ago and getting my doc to up the dose is like asking for a hit of heroin by the way that she acts.
    bro, test is test whether naturally made in ur body or put synthetically into ur body through injection... your body cant tell the difference, and if receptor burnout or overstimulation was a problem then men as they age would be having receptor burnout naturally occurring then...

    I think your thoughts on test burnout are purely paranoia and anecdotal... you can only get so big naturally and a little bit bigger/stronger with the help of anabolics.. so yes in the beginning stages of AAS use you will see bigger/rapid gains on even small doses of AAS than you will later on in the game... What you are not realizing is that you will peak (hit a plateau) on AAS, then you will just maintain.. but yes you will have to use more or stronger AAS to push past that plateau...

    HRT will maintain youthful test levels helping you to retain libido, muscle, well being feeling, etc....

  10. #10
    eregitano's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z View Post
    bro, test is test whether naturally made in ur body or put synthetically into ur body through injection... your body cant tell the difference, and if receptor burnout or overstimulation was a problem then men as they age would be having receptor burnout naturally occurring then...

    I think your thoughts on test burnout are purely paranoia and anecdotal... you can only get so big naturally and a little bit bigger/stronger with the help of anabolics.. so yes in the beginning stages of AAS use you will see bigger/rapid gains on even small doses of AAS than you will later on in the game... What you are not realizing is that you will peak (hit a plateau) on AAS, then you will just maintain.. but yes you will have to use more or stronger AAS to push past that plateau...

    HRT will maintain youthful test levels helping you to retain libido, muscle, well being feeling, etc....
    nice informative post, thank you

  11. #11
    Noles12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Billytk03z View Post
    bro, test is test whether naturally made in ur body or put synthetically into ur body through injection... your body cant tell the difference, and if receptor burnout or overstimulation was a problem then men as they age would be having receptor burnout naturally occurring then...

    I think your thoughts on test burnout are purely paranoia and anecdotal... you can only get so big naturally and a little bit bigger/stronger with the help of anabolics.. so yes in the beginning stages of AAS use you will see bigger/rapid gains on even small doses of AAS than you will later on in the game... What you are not realizing is that you will peak (hit a plateau) on AAS, then you will just maintain.. but yes you will have to use more or stronger AAS to push past that plateau...

    HRT will maintain youthful test levels helping you to retain libido, muscle, well being feeling, etc....
    I agree test is test but there is a big difference between synthetic and natural.

    Naturally your testes are working and your body is not shutdown. When you start with synthetic test you no longer have a need for the testes or the natural production, hence why the testes shrink. This shutdown is what causes the certain problems that the OP has asked about.

    Being shutdown can have a negative effect on sperm production therefore making it difficult to reproduce. Synthetic testosterone is sometimes coined as "male birth control" though some still get their wife/girlfriend pregnant.

    I do think TRT is a great choice for someone who really needs it and does not mind the couple of sides that may occur. My dad became a different person when he got prescribed. He talks about how he used to be depressed with no sex drive and was constantly feeling down or tired. The change in his character and personality showed that he needed it. He was happy again and more lively. He lost some weight and seemed more youthful. Now he is off again because he is too lazy to go to the doctor weekly (i have tried to convince him to self inject and i think he may start soon). The difference is huge and very noticeable

  12. #12
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eregitano View Post
    nice informative post, thank you
    x2 well said billy

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