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  1. #1
    durak's Avatar
    durak is offline Member
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    Mar 2010

    Extending HRT cycle

    I will be finishing my first 10 wk cycle soon taking 200mg cypionate a week. For any that my remember I have winstrol but decided not to take it yet. My dr will let me extend the cycle to 20wks before I am required to do PCT.

    Several options exist when I reorder. I am thinking of 3 options and would appreciate some feedback.

    - Upping to 400mg of cyp a week.
    - 200mg of cyp and 200mg of deca (can do 400mg of cyp and 200mg of deca but I think that will be too much)
    - 200mg of cyp and 25mg or 50mg of anavar ED.

    I am mostly curious about pros/cons of deca vs anavar without price being a concern. Any thoughts? Could I get aways with 25mg of anavar ED?

    Ordering Monday so I need to decide soon.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    i choose 200/200 test/deca ANYDAY....

    used all three and those two are my favorite

  3. #3
    durak's Avatar
    durak is offline Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    On the 200mg cyp I am already feeling so much better. How will the test/deca combo be different than 400mg of test?

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