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Thread: My New protocol

  1. #1
    pittbulldad's Avatar
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    My New protocol

    So I will be starting my new HRT/TRT program next week.. right now this is what I'm looking at

    Test Cyp 100mg every 3.5 days
    Test Prop 50 mg every 3.5 days
    anavar 50mg daily for 6 weeks
    HCG 500iu every 3.5 days
    Anastrazole 1.5mg for 2 weeks then labs to see where estradiol is at..

    yes my anastrazole is high comparatively but my estradiol is running close to 60 and my doc want's to "knock it down" and evaluate...

    any thoughts on tweeking it

  2. #2
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by pittbulldad View Post
    So I will be starting my new HRT/TRT program next week.. right now this is what I'm looking at

    Test Cyp 100mg every 3.5 days
    Test Prop 50 mg every 3.5 days
    anavar 50mg daily for 6 weeks
    HCG 500iu every 3.5 days
    Anastrazole 1.5mg for 2 weeks then labs to see where estradiol is at..

    yes my anastrazole is high comparatively but my estradiol is running close to 60 and my doc want's to "knock it down" and evaluate...

    any thoughts on tweeking it
    Pittbull, good to see you found a new place!

    Personally, I'd cut the prop and maybe knock down the HCG to 250iu til at least you get your BW and see where you stand. Just my .02, not saying that it's a must, just a thought.

    Also, you might throw a little injection B12 in the mix (1000mcg/wk). I'm also on the same Anavar program and elected to get some UDCA for liver protection. We all know that Var is a great liver friendly product, but it still is an oral, and I want to avoid any lipid conflicts on my lab work. I'm going to take two tabs of the UDCA per week to play it safe.

  3. #3
    Epic Ed's Avatar
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    Sounds fun! Not sure about the advantage of running test prop with test cyp, though. It looks like you'll get a 48 hour boost and then a drop before your next series of pins. Granted, we're talking about 1.5 days, but...anyhow.

    Going through an aging/wellness clinic, I assume?

  4. #4
    pittbulldad's Avatar
    pittbulldad is offline Associate Member
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    I'll have b-12 to take too. forgot to add it..

    so drop test prop?

    yeah this was through an aging/wellnes doc

  5. #5
    durak's Avatar
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    have you tried the prop yet? I did last thursday and my leg still hurts.

  6. #6
    Epic Ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by durak View Post
    have you tried the prop yet? I did last thursday and my leg still hurts.
    LOL! I've heard it's a bit spicy.

    I'm not suggesting you drop it -- I've just not seen both esters recommended as part of a TRT program before. I certainly haven't seen it all, so please don't take my question as any sort of recommendation.

  7. #7
    durak's Avatar
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    IMO not worth it. Let's get pitbulls thoughts after he pins.

  8. #8
    bowers32 is offline Junior Member
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    I would prepare for what the 500iu of HCG may do to you.... my dr had the same idea in that my estrogen levels were high and my est levels were moderatly low... so he wanted to really "kick everything in high gear"..

    So he put me on a high dose of HCG and let me tell you.. it knocked me on my ass for a day.... 250Iu wasn't bad... but those high levels really knocked me out... so if you are going to take the 500iu... take it at night, not early in the day.

  9. #9
    tboney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pittbulldad View Post
    So I will be starting my new HRT/TRT program next week.. right now this is what I'm looking at

    Test Cyp 100mg every 3.5 days
    Test Prop 50 mg every 3.5 days
    anavar 50mg daily for 6 weeks
    HCG 500iu every 3.5 days
    Anastrazole 1.5mg for 2 weeks then labs to see where estradiol is at..

    yes my anastrazole is high comparatively but my estradiol is running close to 60 and my doc want's to "knock it down" and evaluate...

    any thoughts on tweeking it
    I wouldnt exactly call this hrt/trt.
    The prop should be used eod or ed not every 3.5 days.
    1.5mgs of adex ed is wayyyy to high!! That will wipe out your estro and you need to have some! No estro can sometimes be as problematic as too much estro..You should start of at .25mgs eod and you can increase if needed...I would not exceed .5mgs ed.

    I also agree that you should go with 250ius twice a week.

  10. #10
    durak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    I wouldnt exactly call this hrt/trt.
    The prop should be used eod or ed not every 3.5 days.
    1.5mgs of adex ed is wayyyy to high!! That will wipe out your estro and you need to have some! No estro can sometimes be as problematic as too much estro..You should start of at .25mgs eod and you can increase if needed...I would not exceed .5mgs ed.

    I also agree that you should go with 250ius twice a week.
    This is advanced trt. It's all the rage.

  11. #11
    pittbulldad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    I wouldnt exactly call this hrt/trt.
    The prop should be used eod or ed not every 3.5 days.
    1.5mgs of adex ed is wayyyy to high!! That will wipe out your estro and you need to have some! No estro can sometimes be as problematic as too much estro..You should start of at .25mgs eod and you can increase if needed...I would not exceed .5mgs ed.

    I also agree that you should go with 250ius twice a week.
    the adex is based on my size and my current estrogen levels.. currently running about 60.. with figuring 1mg might knock me down to half of that.. i'd still be in the mid-high range.. he is hoping to put it down to 20.... which is why i'm doing labs fairly quickly to establish my levels..

  12. #12
    pittbulldad's Avatar
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    as a side note i'm dropping the HCG down.. i was doing much more do to stupid doc.. just doing it in steps so my body can ramp up

  13. #13
    tboney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pittbulldad View Post
    the adex is based on my size and my current estrogen levels.. currently running about 60.. with figuring 1mg might knock me down to half of that.. i'd still be in the mid-high range.. he is hoping to put it down to 20.... which is why i'm doing labs fairly quickly to establish my levels..
    I will say it again.....1.5mgs of adex ed is far to much....

  14. #14
    bowers32 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tboney View Post
    I will say it again.....1.5mgs of adex ed is far to much....
    vetteman has been very helpful with me in determining that the anti-E dose can be too high. Question....(hope this is in the flow of the thread... don't want to highjack it)....I know what to high a dose of HCG will do.. knock you on your ass... what are the side from too high anti-E??? if it does knock your estrogen levels too low... what would be the symptons of that?

  15. #15
    tboney's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowers32 View Post
    vetteman has been very helpful with me in determining that the anti-E dose can be too high. Question....(hope this is in the flow of the thread... don't want to highjack it)....I know what to high a dose of HCG will do.. knock you on your ass... what are the side from too high anti-E??? if it does knock your estrogen levels too low... what would be the symptons of that?
    The first obvious issue is that it disrupts homeostasis within many of the functions of ones body. But additionally, it can cause erectile dysfunctiion, increase risk of osteoporosis, problems with muscular development, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction...... Thats a few of the POSSIBLE side effects.

  16. #16
    durak's Avatar
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    You pin the prop?

  17. #17
    durak's Avatar
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    pit, did you pin the prop? really curious about any pain you may get. For some reason it hurts like hell in my leg but I pinned in the delts and have no pain.

  18. #18
    prop402 is offline New Member
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    Why did you stop the cyp + prop? I see you've tried to get off TRT. Why? Were you getting high BP or something or what? Pain? How often did you take the 1.5mg anastrazole? I'm curious how you felt on this monster protocol with var and everything lol since you appeared to have been on it for a year or so. Props hurts me like a mofo compared to cyp, dunno why.

  19. #19
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by prop402 View Post

    Why did you stop the cyp + prop? I see you've tried to get off TRT. Why? Were you getting high BP or something or what? Pain? How often did you take the 1.5mg anastrazole? I'm curious how you felt on this monster protocol with var and everything lol since you appeared to have been on it for a year or so. Props hurts me like a mofo compared to cyp, dunno why.
    his last post was 9 days ago

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