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  1. #1
    ReBilly's Avatar
    ReBilly is offline Junior Member
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    Cost effective places online to get bloodwork done

    I know we can't list websites here, but I want to keep a much closer eye on my estrodiol and prolactin than every 6 weeks like my Dr has me doing. I want to know my levels when I feel good, and when I feel tanked, so I can dial this in a little better. I have bursts of feeling OK but I am not out of the woods yet, and I dont feel like waiting 6 weeks to find out if the .25 Arimidex 2x weekly is enough to get my libido back up, then maybe another 6 weeks after that tweak if it's needed.

    I found some sites but they seemed pricey. If you have experience, can you PM me a few sites you've used before?

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    matt77's Avatar
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    Private Labs MD

    Try this place, I just printed out my paperwork and going in the morning to give the samples. With the coupon code its only $127 for the full panel or you can do select tests if you choose but its a better deal to do them all.

  3. #3
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReBilly View Post
    I know we can't list websites here, but I want to keep a much closer eye on my estrodiol and prolactin than every 6 weeks like my Dr has me doing. I want to know my levels when I feel good, and when I feel tanked, so I can dial this in a little better. I have bursts of feeling OK but I am not out of the woods yet, and I dont feel like waiting 6 weeks to find out if the .25 Arimidex 2x weekly is enough to get my libido back up, then maybe another 6 weeks after that tweak if it's needed.

    I found some sites but they seemed pricey. If you have experience, can you PM me a few sites you've used before?

    Thanks guys
    You can use these guys:

    It's not a problem to list websites just as long as it's not a source site, porno, things of that nature.

  4. #4
    ReBilly's Avatar
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    thanks guys :-)

  5. #5
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    Just curious, is your interest in online labs based on price or is there another motivating factor?

  6. #6
    ReBilly's Avatar
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    It's part price, but more than anything I wanna be able to get bloodwork done spontanteously. Like if I'm feeling good, I want to know where my levels are at, and when I'm feeling not so good, I wanna know too. This *should* help me figure out where my sweet spot is for test, free, estradiol, prolactin, etc. without having to ask a doctor or schedule an appointment. Know what I mean?

  7. #7
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    Got it... I only asked because as someone who has no insurance and pays cash out of pocket, I've found shopping around can save you a *ton* of money; I'm talking 70% on a complete panel. For example: at my doctor's office, it would have cost me $693.75 for my latest work up. But by shopping around, I got it down to $184.90 by going through my local hospital. I even got a local resident discount. The rule of thumb is, on any situation, whether it's testing or a general visit, if you are indeed paying cash, *always* ask for a cash discount. That alone can save you 10-20% just for asking.

    It's ironic that most people never even think to "shop" when it comes to health related expenses. We do it for cars and TVs or even homes, but take it for granted that healthcare is expensive and that we have no choice.

    I just thought I'd share that for what it's worth.

  8. #8
    matt77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by forrest_and_trees View Post
    Got it... I only asked because as someone who has no insurance and pays cash out of pocket, I've found shopping around can save you a *ton* of money; I'm talking 70% on a complete panel. For example: at my doctor's office, it would have cost me $693.75 for my latest work up. But by shopping around, I got it down to $184.90 by going through my local hospital. I even got a local resident discount. The rule of thumb is, on any situation, whether it's testing or a general visit, if you are indeed paying cash, *always* ask for a cash discount. That alone can save you 10-20% just for asking.

    It's ironic that most people never even think to "shop" when it comes to health related expenses. We do it for cars and TVs or even homes, but take it for granted that healthcare is expensive and that we have no choice.

    I just thought I'd share that for what it's worth.

    I went and had my blood drawn yesterday and I was in and out in less than 2 mins. It blew my mind how fast it was. I mean it was really 2 mins from the time I got out of the car and got back in. I used private labs listed above but had blood drawn through Lab Corp. Other than being the cheapest Ive seen for that type of testing its also private. Only you see the results and its not on your medical history unless you take to a doc yourself.

    For $127 I got all this:
    Thyroid Profile w/ TSH
    Complete Blood Count w/ Differential
    Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
    Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA)
    Testosterone (Free), Serum With Total
    Lipid Profile
    Insulin Growth Factor (IGF-1)

  9. #9
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    Wow.. that is a good deal. My test included:

    Lipid Panel
    T4 Free
    Free T3
    Total Testosterone

  10. #10
    ReBilly's Avatar
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    I did the same thing but must not have picked the right stuff. Mine was nearly 200 for test, free test, estrodiol, and prolactin. I'm assuming you chose a package on that site eh? If so, which package did you guys get?

  11. #11
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    Actually I had my test done through my local hospital, I haven't used any of the online services... Yet...

  12. #12
    matt77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReBilly View Post
    I did the same thing but must not have picked the right stuff. Mine was nearly 200 for test, free test, estrodiol, and prolactin. I'm assuming you chose a package on that site eh? If so, which package did you guys get?
    This is the package:

    It doesn't have prolactin though.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt77 View Post
    This is the package:

    It doesn't have prolactin though.

    I'm definitely going to have to use these guys next time. Their closest location to me is only a half mile away. So how does it work, does the lab do the draw and send the blood out for you or do they give you the samples and you have to mail them yourself?
    Last edited by forrest_and_trees; 07-18-2010 at 01:20 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by forrest_and_trees View Post
    I'm definitely going to have to use these guys next time. Their closes location to me is only a half mile away. So how does it work, does the lab do the draw and send the blood out for you or do they give you the samples and you have to mail them yourself?
    You choose what you want, choose the location you want your blood drawn, pay online, then print out the sheet they give you and take it to the place you chose. They usually already have your order in their system but best to bring the print out just in case. Within minutes your blood is drawn, and you walk out. Then when your results are ready, you can log in and see them online.

    10x more convenient than any other method, and you don't need to ask permission to get any test you want.

  15. #15
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    It amazes me that this service is not more widely advertised and known. This is yet another example of how whacked and unnecessarily expensive our healthcare system is. The majority of Americans are unaware they even have options and just pay the *completely unjustified* costs. And we wonder why insurance continues to skyrocket while we get less and have to pay more. And I don't buy this, "it's more expensive because we have the best healthcare system in the world" crud. HA! ...Pass the cool-aid please... Sorry; I'm getting a little OT but this just happens to be a hot spot with me.

  16. #16
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    Also be sure to use the coupon code in the link listed in one of the first responses. 20% off!

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Excellent info.. thanks!

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