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  1. #1
    Alloy's Avatar
    Alloy is offline Junior Member
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    HCG and AI for an HRT...any thoughts?

    After many years, I've finally woken up to the fact that there is a problem. Someone put me in contact with a reputable clinic (thanks dude) and I'm thinking about going the HCG and AI route. From what the bw reads, my FSH is in real bad shape, it's not far from being out of range on the low side. My E2 is high, 54 and is flagged as "high" from Labcorp. T-Test went from 612 to 490 within a year's time. My LH is so-so but I think from reading my BW, it's the "twins" that are having problems.

    With that said, has anyone had success with an HCG and AI routine to get everything "up and running again"?

    Interesting as it may be, I remember life being really good without so much as a blip until my late 20s when I broke my spine. From then everything has been down hill.

    Any feedback or experience would be greatly appreciated. I'm going to start off slow with my HRT and make small steps until I get this corrected.

  2. #2
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Glad to hear you're taking the steps to get this going in the right direction!

    I include HCG and and Arimidex in my regiment.
    HCG = 300iu x 2/wk
    Arimidex = 0.5mg x 2/wk

    You should be able to get your E2 levels down in the 20's or low 30's pretty easily with maybe going 0.5mg x 3/wk.

    I believe you are also taking some form of exogenous testosterone too? Can you refresh us with your dosage amount?

  3. #3
    TRT2010's Avatar
    TRT2010 is offline Member
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    bump.. interested

  4. #4
    Alloy's Avatar
    Alloy is offline Junior Member
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    I'll keep this thread updated. I'm getting everything wrapped up this week and will post updates as this progresses.

  5. #5
    CMB's Avatar
    CMB is offline Senior Member
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    I'd rather go the Nolvadex route easier, cheaper, and produces better, longer lasting results IMO.

  6. #6
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I have always wished I tried and AI first with no t or hcg to see if that would have lowered E@ and increased available t. Then if that didnt totally work, adding hcg in with it. I think it is a very plausable route to go. It all makes sense to me. I dont know why more doc's dont try this protocol first.

    If you are on extra t now, you are going to have to work out the timing - and re-run bw to establish a new baseline after the exogen t is gone.

    Good luck and keep us posted on your experience please.

  7. #7
    killswitch is offline New Member
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    I'm taking 1200 iu hcg weekly and .25 adex 5 times a week along with 150mg test e.
    Doc told me the hcg makes the test much better because natural production remains high.
    Feel great no sides from the test.

    I'm also taking nightly gherlin shots as well.

  8. #8
    cuban1983 is offline Junior Member
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    On the same boat buddy. I feel like my testes size and output never fully recovered after a tren /test cycle with proper pct a couple years back.

    Recently went to the dr and got 10,000ius of HCG and a 30 day supply of nolvadex 20mg/day. I'm on day 4 of the regiment and i'm already feeling better, testes are definitely getting bigger, and things just bother me less. Actually, i feel like i'm on test.

    So anyways, i decided on 12 days of 800 ius per day, with 20mg of nolva starting on day 1 continuing through day 30.

    Good luck!

  9. #9
    ds53 is offline Junior Member
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    Went on HCG after being on TRT for 7 months. Started 500 everyday for 5 days, then 250 ius every 3 days. Works wonders bring them bad boys back to life!!

  10. #10
    Alloy's Avatar
    Alloy is offline Junior Member
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    I'm posting a new thread of my progress! I will say that an HCG and AI protocol will work as I've done it for 2 weeks. Check for my new thread with a full update on everything! It's more positive than negative!

  11. #11
    jimmy79's Avatar
    jimmy79 is offline Junior Member
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    Alloy, why not keep your progress to 1 thread, then people can follow more easily? :-)

    When are you getting your new BW back?

    Last edited by jimmy79; 10-19-2010 at 09:07 AM.

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