So i decided to get my Testosterone checked prior to starting my cycle just to see where my levels were so i knew where i needed to get them back to prior to starting another cycle. To my suprise, my levels are EXTREMELY low.. i tested out at 10.2 nmol/L (basically equivelent to 250-300ng/dl) which is less than half where i should be at 27 y.o. and even lower than that of a 100 year old man.. The thing is that I do not feel as if I have low test levels.. I do not find myself lothargic or any lack of a sex drive or anything like that. The issue is that i already started my cycle.. 2 weeks in, and feel great.. but once i do get off should i look into testosterone therapy during my off cycles even if i feel normal at those low levels??? or is it still not low enough to get into that??? I am sure that these low levels are the result of my juicing when i was 18, either that or these results are wrong.. i mean how would i have been able ot put on 20lbs of muscle in a year of lifting naturally if those reading were accurate??