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  1. #1
    ReBilly's Avatar
    ReBilly is offline Junior Member
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    The most often overlooked part of HRT / TRT

    I've been quiet on these forums lately because I feel pretty good. It took a while, but I think I got it. Learned a ton about hormones, drugs used to regulate or deregulate them, body chemicals and other stuff that's making us feel crappy. I got needles, got test, got arimidex , got HCG , vitamin B shots, anti-biotics for the acne, etc etc. Spent forever trying to dial it in exactly to where my hormones need to be to feel better and have a sex drive again. And no matter what I did, I couldn't feel better.

    Because I spent so long feeling crappy, that's what I was used to. TRT was not the magic bullet. I had ED, lowered self esteem, a mild case of depression, etc etc. Feeling like less of a man messed me up. So I've been cruising on HRT for a while now and it didn't fix me, when I finally realized I actually gotta fix my head now.

    So many of us on TRT spend so much time trying to tweak the numbers and dial it in to perfection. And while there's nothing wrong with that, I think we get caught up thinking we're gonna feel magically better by getting the numbers juuuuust right. And then you're bummed when it isn't a cure all. Well, my test / estro was pretty much dialed in when I finally decided to work on my head and emotional health.

    Now here's the kicker... now that I'm thinking more clearly and feeling a litte better, NOW I can feel the dialed in hormones doing their thing. Sex drive and performance is great, mood is better, less anxious... and I would never have felt this way on HRT OR just working on my head alone. It was a combo deal. So don't forget, if you're new to HRT and you've been living with the symptoms of low test for a while, getting your test up and / or your estrogen down alone might not fix it. Feeling crappy about yourself or less manly takes its toll on your head, and that needs to be addressed as well. Do them both, you'll probably be the man you'll feel like you should be.

    Thanks to everybody on this forum for your help and support while I went down this road and tried to get everything dialed in. And while I'm sure I'm not out of the woods yet, I'm better than when I started!
    Last edited by ReBilly; 10-07-2010 at 04:07 PM. Reason: sloppy syntax and typos

  2. #2
    big_ron's Avatar
    big_ron is offline Anabolic Member
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    Happy to hear man

  3. #3
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nice post.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by flatscat View Post
    Nice post.


  5. #5
    dosXX's Avatar
    dosXX is offline Member
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    Good to know. Nice post indeed

  6. #6
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Definitely agree!!! Your post is why I also stress the the diet and exercise combo. Seems a lot of guys hear that and they think it's a just a push for hormones to make a guy big, when in fact it's more about getting the body and mind working together and in sync. Combine that with some good sleep and a guy has a fighting chance to make some great changes.

    Thanks for the post!

  7. #7
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Glad you posted that. So it takes time is what you are saying. I was thinking about posting a question about ways to increase libido, aside from more T. Maybe it just takes some more time, diet and exercise. My libido was off the chart during the first five months of TRT. But something has changed since then. It does mess with your head. I am working on losing fat weight and getting better overall fit (weights and P90X). But if there was a "magic bullet" that would get me back to where my libido was in the Spring...I'd take it.


  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i've always preached that libido, etc. (all things that hormones CAN help) doesnt necessarily GET fixed with hormones alone..

    and good addition vette...GOOD SLEEP - muey importante

  9. #9
    ReBilly's Avatar
    ReBilly is offline Junior Member
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    The best part is that sex just feels better. I would take too much test and get my estro nice n low with arimidex , pop a cialis and shoot some PT141 and be machine like and functional, but nothing beats the feeling when you just WANT it. Getting my head clear allowed the TRT to do what it's supposed to. And for me, it was almost as simple as a decision that I'm not gonna sit around feeling bad about myself anymore. Well, that and a killer slump buster!!!

    Some of the changes I made that helped a lot: Drastically decrease alcohol consumption. Stopped over training. Stopped taking NO-xplode (the mega doeses of caffeine made me anxious). Wake up and smell the roses or coffee or whatever little simple thing makes you happy. When I start thinking negative, I replace those thoughts with better ones and force myself through it. Take an afternoon nap every day. Take chances to be happy even if I don't feel like it, like say if a friend invites you out to go riding and you're bluesy and thinking of staying in and being a babypants, just go out and do it and let it cheer you up. Smile more. Gave myself a break. Learning to stop obsessing about being a porn star and started just letting myself enjoy whatever is going on. Try not to think too much. And when I feel strong, or feel alpha, I let myself go with it. Kinda tell myself "I'm the man" lol (for real, it's funny but it helps me feel like I am in fact, the man) - whatever it takes. Just letting myself be happy was probably the biggest thing. Good mood is an instant libido enhancer!

  10. #10
    talstar is offline Junior Member
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    Don't let life get in the way of living is what I say when things get to me. Glad you are doing well.

  11. #11
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReBilly View Post
    The best part is that sex just feels better. I would take too much test and get my estro nice n low with arimidex , pop a cialis and shoot some PT141 and be machine like and functional, but nothing beats the feeling when you just WANT it. Getting my head clear allowed the TRT to do what it's supposed to. And for me, it was almost as simple as a decision that I'm not gonna sit around feeling bad about myself anymore. Well, that and a killer slump buster!!!

    Some of the changes I made that helped a lot: Drastically decrease alcohol consumption. Stopped over training. Stopped taking NO-xplode (the mega doeses of caffeine made me anxious). Wake up and smell the roses or coffee or whatever little simple thing makes you happy. When I start thinking negative, I replace those thoughts with better ones and force myself through it. Take an afternoon nap every day. Take chances to be happy even if I don't feel like it, like say if a friend invites you out to go riding and you're bluesy and thinking of staying in and being a babypants, just go out and do it and let it cheer you up. Smile more. Gave myself a break. Learning to stop obsessing about being a porn star and started just letting myself enjoy whatever is going on. Try not to think too much. And when I feel strong, or feel alpha, I let myself go with it. Kinda tell myself "I'm the man" lol (for real, it's funny but it helps me feel like I am in fact, the man) - whatever it takes. Just letting myself be happy was probably the biggest thing. Good mood is an instant libido enhancer!
    Great advise - it is really easy to become obsessed with the whole sex thing since you want to do it ALL the time. At one time I was taking t, 141, cialis and caber just to see how much and how many freakin times I could do it - (it was fun once). Especially if you have not had those urges for years. Ask my wife - things actually got worse for a while because I hounded her EVERY day and would get pissed if she didn't give it up. Things are a little better as I am down to "hounding" every other day lol.

    And part of the new ability to focus on things does lead to thinking tooooo much like you said.

    Again, great addition to your first post bro.


  12. #12
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Avoiding newbies @ gym...
    Great post by OP & great topic! I too have found; where your head is at has a lot to do with one's overall health & well being. I almost died from complications after surgery last year. Since then, my mind & outlook on life have change dramatically & for the better. HRT 'alone' cannot account for the good life I have today...

  13. #13
    durak's Avatar
    durak is offline Member
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    Don't forget vitamin c. Exogenous T depletes it.

  14. #14
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by durak View Post
    Don't forget vitamin c. Exogenous T depletes it.
    durak...where u been hiding...thought the black dog vanished

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Great post and so true about getting your head right and not over thinking it. Now if I can only stick to that...

  16. #16
    Alloy's Avatar
    Alloy is offline Junior Member
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    This is very good information!!! I like the others strongly agree that Diet and Exercise will make TRT into a much protocol. Just after 5 weeks of eating whole food (fresh protein, veggies, fresh bakery whole grain bread), no fast food (I hope Mcd and Burger Crap go out of business), drinking lots of H20, and going to the gym 3-4 times a week, I feel great! In addition my body is more in tune with my medication and changes are gradually coming along. Stress...**** stress....I won't have any of it. If ppl try to stress me out, I walk away and tell them GFY. Cardio while it does fall under gym time is great! 30-45 minutes kills stress and like every cardio doc I've spoken to says, "The best medication for High BP is sweat and cardio"!

    One other thing that I was told by a doc is to get a hobby! I can honestly say that having one is great and makes you feel good inside.

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