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  1. #1
    nwjt's Avatar
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    TRT and Side Effects

    I've been on 200 mg of test Cyp per week. Upping to 300. However, are these side effects normal:

    Acne on shoulders and side of arms
    3 or 4 cold sores on lips suddenly appear, maybe every month.

    I've always had cold sores but they seem a lot worse, more abundant, and more frequent now for some reason.

    What can I do about the acne?

  2. #2
    frawnz's Avatar
    frawnz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Dunno about the cold sores (could be oral herpes, serious), but the acne is a normal side. I seem to be able to keep mine under control with constant skin cleaning (hard scrubbing in the shower 2x day with a deep cleaning soap, including immediately after workout). YMMV.

  3. #3
    nwjt's Avatar
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    Cold sores are oral herpes. They are very common. I am wondering if the TRT is weakening my immune system.

    I started doing what you do, it is helping but need to do it 2 times per day like you do.


  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    Cold sores are oral herpes. They are very common. I am wondering if the TRT is weakening my immune system.

    I started doing what you do, it is helping but need to do it 2 times per day like you do.

    How long have you been on TRT? I could see your immune system being slightly weaker when 1st starting TRT but if you have been on for a while your system should be stronger.

  5. #5
    nwjt's Avatar
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    Going 4 months now.

  6. #6
    nunyabizness is offline Junior Member
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    Is it possible that you are getting acne around your lips, and not cold sores? That dose seems a little high too, have you had levels done on it? Sides might decrease if the dose isn't as high.

  7. #7
    nwjt's Avatar
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    No these are cold sored, no mistake. I used to get 1 every now and then, sometimes if I had been sick.

    I just got like 4 yesterday all at once, and one is really bad. Just wondered if others who have them could chime in.

    BTW, they are oral herpes, and they are common. In my case genetic.

  8. #8
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    No these are cold sored, no mistake. I used to get 1 every now and then, sometimes if I had been sick.

    I just got like 4 yesterday all at once, and one is really bad. Just wondered if others who have them could chime in.

    BTW, they are oral herpes, and they are common. In my case genetic.
    I get cold sores to but generally only when i am run down or sick. When was the last time you had blood work done to see were your levels are?

  9. #9
    nwjt's Avatar
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    I've had it done 3 times in the last 4 months:

    Original test levels were about 200
    2nd test, 1 week after 200 mg of test cyp: 700ish
    3rd test was 2 weeks after my last shot: 550ish

    I do the shot every week but I skipped a shot just to see what my levels would do. Interesting. The doc gave me 300 mg per week, and some HCG which I Have not filled yet.

    I plan to do a cycle with my script then jump back down to 200 mg per week.

    The acne is not horrible but noticable and annoying, but the cold sores are driving me nuts and they may be unrelated.

    I may need to go see a doc to get something to control them before I do a cycle. I plan to do 400mg per week but would like to know if the cold sores are going to get worse if I do that.

    I have tried some of that cold sore stuff, avera, but it causes scarring on me and did not have any effect other than numbing the sore for a bit, so I stopped using that.

  10. #10
    wakejunkie37 is offline New Member
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    Bro I have been on TRT for about 10 years now. Never had a cold sore. I would say that is related to something else. My dose is 150mg a week. Acne is sort of the norm but like Frawnz said regular cleansing helps alot! I takes time to dial in the right dsoe. Took my doc about 2 years to find the sweet spot for me.

  11. #11
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Try some dish soap believe it or not. If I remember correctly, I went through a similar phase on my first 6 months of it. It wasn't as severe as you're describing, but it def was there. For the most part it dissipated after 6 months or so, especially when I started to get my program balanced out better. How's your E2 looking?

  12. #12
    nwjt's Avatar
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    I started by using stridex max strenth pads after my shower. I realized how much dirt and grime still came off after a shower. SO I started using a wash cloth to really scrub instead of just my hands.

    I'll keep trying to clean and wait a bit and see how it goes.

    Vetman, E2 is always in the 30s.

    2 weeks afte rmy last shot of 200 mg of test cyp, test levels were 500 with e2 in the low 30s.

    I am bumping up to 300 so not sure where that will put it. I noticed my nipples are more pointy than normal when hard, and bit more lose when relaxed. No soreness or bumps. But my bodyfat is pretty high.

  13. #13
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    Hey bro,

    You need to get tested for herpies and if you have it get on valtrex. It's nothing to be ashamed of. About 80% of the population has it. Many people get it from their mothers or grandmothers kissing them when they are babies and are infected. Valtrex will stop the sores. Get yourself checked out buddy cause its got to be killin your social life.

    As far as acne, I had it bad the first year. I found I don't break out if I wear lose cotton shirts, shower right after working out and use a back brush.
    Good luck man-hope it works

  14. #14
    nwjt's Avatar
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    Lol. Thanks man. I DO have herpes, cold sores. But I like the idea of the medication to stop it. I do not have genital herps BTW. It does suck and it is embarrassing. Usually its just 1 or 2 sores. Today I counted 5 all around my mouth.

    I do not know why they are more prominent, could just be stress or maybe the test.

    But going to call the doc tomorrow.

  15. #15
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    You are going to want to take a valtrex everyday if you are breaking out every month. Stress will cause it for sure. No big deal man. Just about everyone has it.

  16. #16
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    I got some acyclovir, not sure if that is what I need to prevent these though. THis seems more to treat sores that have occured.

    I've just noticed higher frequency and I had 5 total at once on my lips, and one on the roof of my mouth, first time ever.

    I've never had more than 2 at a time before so I thought it may be the test.

  17. #17
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Try putting some pure oil of Oregano in your cold sores. It may burn a little but it should make them go away and stay away.

  18. #18
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    I got some acyclovir, not sure if that is what I need to prevent these though. THis seems more to treat sores that have occured.

    I've just noticed higher frequency and I had 5 total at once on my lips, and one on the roof of my mouth, first time ever.

    I've never had more than 2 at a time before so I thought it may be the test.
    I never heard of acyclovir, but I Googled it and it is for breakouts. If you are breaking out every month then you need valtrex so you don't break out in the first place. I am suprised your doctor didn't offer it.

  19. #19
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    Cold sore outbreaks are caused by an amino acid imbalance (among other things). You are left susceptible to them when your NO levels are higher than your Lysine levels. Supplementing with 2-3 grams of L-Lysine daily will usually keep you outbreak-free. I just buy a large bottle of 1 gram tabs and take 2-3 daily. It works as long as I don't get lazy and forget to take them (especially during periods of stress).

  20. #20
    nwjt's Avatar
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    I guess that meand that Test could cause them? Because it would use all my amino acids to build muscle leaving littel for bodily functions? I mean the of protien needed on test must be higher than when not on test I guess.

    I did get some L-Lysine tabs. Also got some biotin.

  21. #21
    weknowbobbito's Avatar
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    i have heard acne is a common side effect

  22. #22
    CraigWatts is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by nwjt View Post
    BTW, they are oral herpes, and they are common. In my case genetic.
    I think you were shooting for "congenital" versus "genetic". Herpes is an acquired condition.

    I got some acyclovir, not sure if that is what I need to prevent these though. THis seems more to treat sores that have occured.
    Its preventative inbetween outbreaks. So is Valtrex. Its what they give to pregnant women who have herpes so that they don't pass it to their babies during childbirth (congenital transmission).

    Lysine supplementation is an imperative for preventing outbreaks. Highly recommended. Avoid Arginine like the plague ...
    Last edited by CraigWatts; 11-09-2010 at 01:50 AM.

  23. #23
    awesome1's Avatar
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    yes acne was a bit of an issue with me on TRT. Ive come to realize that for me it's all about stability. When i change doses/miss a dose ill get a little bit of acne.

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