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Thread: lifting on HRT

  1. #1
    streeter's Avatar
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    lifting on HRT

    So before I started HRT I would lift one muscle group then the next day I would jog a mile or two then the next day a different muscle group and then the next jog again so I guess I would work the same muscle group maybe twice in a week at the most. Now that I am on HRT I feel great would it be ok to lift every day and just make sure I don't do the same muscle group two days in a row or do you think it would be counter productive with not enough rest in between?

  2. #2
    ReBilly's Avatar
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    That's a simple question with a complex answer. Depends on what your goals are. If you're trying for power / bulk, I've found 4 days a week with rest in between is best. I do upper body Monday, Lower Tuesday, rest Wed, Upper Thurs, lower Fri, rest weekend. Almost all multi muscle power lifting. Tons of squats, deadlifts, bench, overheads, cleans, upright barbell rows, etc etc. If you're looking to shred up, then you work out much different. My standard (non bulking, non shredding phase) workout is a 6 day schedule with lots of rest and practically over training a specific muscle group til failure. Monday Chest for 1.5 hours, Tuesday legs 1.5, Wednesday Shoulders n Traps 1.5, Thursday Back 1.5, Friday arms 1.5, then a core workout and misc, training on either weekend day. Mix in some morning cardio too some days and that's my routine. 1 day rest, lots of protein and supps. Shredding is a whole other thing, supersets galore and cardio, wind sprints, core every other day, and all kinds of intermingled weight training from day to day.

    But just cuz that works for me doesn't mean it's 100% optimal.

    If you like your routine and you feel like you can do more, why don't you stick with it and add weight, add reps, and or add time / distance?

  3. #3
    crg is offline Junior Member
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    keep in mind TRT aint a cycle. although you"ll feel great and want to workout more, pace yourself. your "great feeling" comes from having been at a congratulations you are now "normal", realistically probably on the high side of normal. since youve been working out and jogging, keep it up and when you feel froggy add weight or miles.
    but to lift everyday? I'd be concerned about irritating tendons, ligiments, overtraining, etc. esp if you using mod/heavy weights. bottomline- it really depends on your goals, stats, lifting/injury history, etc.

    testostrone induced euphoria...ya gotta love it

  4. #4
    streeter's Avatar
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    testostrone induced euphoria...ya gotta love it

    I think that hits it right on the head. I have already been working harder lifting heavier and getting pretty sore. I will try to stick with my schedule of rest in between each lift day it's probably best.

  5. #5
    Alloy's Avatar
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    Please be very careful when it comes to lifting and HRT. I was in pretty bad shape but after the first month of eating well, working out, and my HRT, life is getting better with each week. Like you the first thing that hit like a ton of bricks was this new found power with using an AI and HCG . I'm very sensitive to E2 I had to start out very slowly, my heart would do flip flops if I was even a few hours late with my AI.

    Once I found out what worked in the first month, the power was great! It took my brother in law 1 full year of pushing iron to be able to do 100lb incline dumbells. Before HRT, I was lucky to struggle off 2 or 3 sets of 25lb incline dumbells. Once the HCG kicked in and the AI smashed the hell out of my E2, in 3 weeks I doubled my weight comfortably to 50lb incline dumbells. It was quite the high, yet I wasn't sore enough. At that point, I hadn't even added the Test into the mix yet! Unlike other ppl, I've seen what happens when Test is abused at the gym. PPL get seriously hurt so right now I'm working with 45lb dumbells and will work my way up 5-10lbs every month or as comfortable. Muscles grow very fast when your eating so much you clean out the meat and egg section at the supermarket. Tendons however will stretch, but need more time and different nutrients.

    With October here, we have 6 months to slowly and safely bulk up before summer. I saw first hand what happens to a person at a gym who was on a very good HRT regiment and he was about 50 yrs old. Guy looked awesome, had some freak veins, a nice tan, nice overall, didn't look his age, girls of all ages wanted him. He was in my words, optimal and what a great healthy male should look like. Then one day he got on some ego trip and I guess he was "blasting" since he was mentioning about a blast cycle. With the help of 2 others he went to do a 500+ lb press for multiple reps. I knew he could do it but something didn't sound right with the way he was acting. Long story short, after the first few reps......horrible tearing sound......a scream of pain like no other, and two very scared spotters who got the bar safely racked. We all come running over, one heavy weight monster comes to his side and says, "Bro you have a pec-tear, don't move....we called 911". He pushed too much weight because as strong as he was, he fibers couldn't handle it.

    Just go slow and steady, you don't ever want to see a sight like this. It gives me butterflies and reminds me to go slow.

  6. #6
    crg is offline Junior Member
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    "...after the first few reps.."

    "blasting" may be an understatement when hitting multiple reps with 500

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alloy View Post
    Please be very careful when it comes to lifting and HRT. I was in pretty bad shape but after the first month of eating well, working out, and my HRT, life is getting better with each week. Like you the first thing that hit like a ton of bricks was this new found power with using an AI and HCG . I'm very sensitive to E2 I had to start out very slowly, my heart would do flip flops if I was even a few hours late with my AI.

    Once I found out what worked in the first month, the power was great! It took my brother in law 1 full year of pushing iron to be able to do 100lb incline dumbells. Before HRT, I was lucky to struggle off 2 or 3 sets of 25lb incline dumbells. Once the HCG kicked in and the AI smashed the hell out of my E2, in 3 weeks I doubled my weight comfortably to 50lb incline dumbells. It was quite the high, yet I wasn't sore enough. At that point, I hadn't even added the Test into the mix yet! Unlike other ppl, I've seen what happens when Test is abused at the gym. PPL get seriously hurt so right now I'm working with 45lb dumbells and will work my way up 5-10lbs every month or as comfortable. Muscles grow very fast when your eating so much you clean out the meat and egg section at the supermarket. Tendons however will stretch, but need more time and different nutrients.

    With October here, we have 6 months to slowly and safely bulk up before summer. I saw first hand what happens to a person at a gym who was on a very good HRT regiment and he was about 50 yrs old. Guy looked awesome, had some freak veins, a nice tan, nice overall, didn't look his age, girls of all ages wanted him. He was in my words, optimal and what a great healthy male should look like. Then one day he got on some ego trip and I guess he was "blasting" since he was mentioning about a blast cycle. With the help of 2 others he went to do a 500+ lb press for multiple reps. I knew he could do it but something didn't sound right with the way he was acting. Long story short, after the first few reps......horrible tearing sound......a scream of pain like no other, and two very scared spotters who got the bar safely racked. We all come running over, one heavy weight monster comes to his side and says, "Bro you have a pec-tear, don't move....we called 911". He pushed too much weight because as strong as he was, he fibers couldn't handle it.

    Just go slow and steady, you don't ever want to see a sight like this. It gives me butterflies and reminds me to go slow.
    Quote Originally Posted by crg View Post
    "...after the first few reps.."

    "blasting" may be an understatement when hitting multiple reps with 500
    true dat

  8. #8
    Alloy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crg View Post
    "...after the first few reps.."

    "blasting" may be an understatement when hitting multiple reps with 500
    Yeah, I figured that much. This guy from what I've been told was from the Arnold S / Lou F. era of lifting weights. I've heard stories of this guy from when he lifted back in the day when doing as much as possible as frequently as possible was the thing to do. I guess that's why he's doing the HRT thing now in his 50s. In regards to "blasting", in his world its all relative to what would constitute his protocol. Some ppl protocol their T between 125-300 a week, some ppl are as high as 400mg just becuase that's what their body chemistry is responding to. Some ppl up those numbers and go on a "blast cruise" until their next blood work which I've been told can be as high as 500mg....I guess a regular T cycle.

    Now can you imagine this guy that has a chest a thick as can be what blasting is to him? Hell, it's probably what he was doing back in 1980 as a normal cycle. Anyway I did see him and he's still thick as ever, but this time when he goes for a heavy set....he only does a few reps nice and slow and his technique is much better. Thinking about a pec-tear gives me anxiety attacks, I'd rather pass a kidney stone than have half my chest turn purple for 6-9 months.
    Last edited by Alloy; 10-10-2010 at 11:23 PM.

  9. #9
    streeter's Avatar
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    Just thought I would give you all an update as to my progress. Went to the gym today third time since my first injection. I did 3 sets of 6 with 75 pound DB,s incline press. I was doing 55 to 60 a few weeks ago. Everything has gone up already. My stamina has gone through the roof and I work out longer and heal quicker. But the funny thing is I have to admit the greatest benefit so far is just how I feel. I do feel real good. I get my next shot the 14th.

    The only thing that scares me is I am putting on the weight so fast I have a hard time believing it's all muscle even though I do feel and think I look a little bigger. I went from 179 to 183.6 in 7 days.

    Oh yea and I haven't started any HCG or anti E med yet so far just my one shot of Test Cyp

  10. #10
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by streeter View Post
    Just thought I would give you all an update as to my progress. Went to the gym today third time since my first injection. I did 3 sets of 6 with 75 pound DB,s incline press. I was doing 55 to 60 a few weeks ago. Everything has gone up already. My stamina has gone through the roof and I work out longer and heal quicker. But the funny thing is I have to admit the greatest benefit so far is just how I feel. I do feel real good. I get my next shot the 14th.

    The only thing that scares me is I am putting on the weight so fast I have a hard time believing it's all muscle even though I do feel and think I look a little bigger. I went from 179 to 183.6 in 7 days.

    Oh yea and I haven't started any HCG or anti E med yet so far just my one shot of Test Cyp
    keep your cardio up and drink lots water to minimize water ret

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