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  1. #1
    KungPao is offline New Member
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    Question New to HRT, looking for feedback


    After feeling run down for years, I had a physical and had my hormone levels checked. I've been put on TRT (gave myself my first injection 3 days ago). I am interested in your feedback on my situation, dosage, etc.

    31 year old male
    6'0", 160 lbs.
    Testosterone level was measured at 358 (last time I had it checked was 4 years ago, when it was in the low 400s)

    I was prescribed weekly intramuscular injections of Testosterone Cypionate (210mg/mL -- the doctor instructed me to inject 1 mL per week).

    I was also prescribed Anastrazole (1.2mg capsules, take one every 3 days).

    I injected my glutes with 1 mL on Friday night (hurt a little... used a 23 gauge needle, ordered some 25 gauge ones to hopefully ease the pain). I took the Anastrazole at the same time.

    Over the next few days I feel like I've felt some tingling in my nipples. I'm guessing this is due to heightened estrogen levels, even though I'm taking the Anastrazole.

    What do you guys think of the Test Cyp dosage I am on, and the amount of Anastrazole? Should I raise or lower either? Is the tingling normal, or should I not feel anything out of the ordinary in my nipple area? I don't want to get man-boobs, that's for sure.

    My goal is to feel normal and energetic again, not sleepy/depressed all the time.

    Thanks in advance for your comments.

  2. #2
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    looks good bro,1.2mg of anastrozole is plenty for 200mg per wk but everyones diff. if you still getting tingling/pain in your nipples get bloodwork done, you may need to up it to 1.5-2.0mg

  3. #3
    bowers32 is offline Junior Member
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    What was your estrogen levels before you started? Frankly, that high a dose of Anastrozole can cause some problems so be paying attention to night sweats, headaches and things like that. I started on a dose like that and man it caused havoc, but as stevey said, everyone is different. Are you on HCG with this protocol? THe best thing you can do is to really pay attention to your body... take note.. how are you sleeping, how is your blood pressure.. how is your energy during the day.. how is your morning wood (though at that young age, you probably didn't need any help with that).. but all those things will be signs as to how your body is handling all of this. Wait about 6-8 weeks and get lab work done to see what your levels are. Get it all checked, test, free test, estrogen, lipids, liver, psa etc...

    Good luck

  4. #4
    KungPao is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your comments -- when the doc called me to go over the results of the lab work, he mentioned my estradiol level was higher than it should be, but I don't recall him mentioning the exact number.

    Did the high dosage of Anastrazole cause any other problems for you besides the night sweats and headaches? I guess it can negatively impact the sex drive too if you estrogen levels are too low?

    I wasn't prescribed HCG . If I ask for it I may be able to get it, but right now it's just Test Cyp and Anastrazole. I'm not crazy about the fact my gonads are likely to shrink due to the TRT, but if they were barely functioning to begin with...

    I've been having some difficulty sleeping, though I've had issues with insomnia for years so this is not necessarily anything new. The morning wood is pretty good... libido issues are partly responsible for my seeking TRT. Since I was about 26 I've had almost no sex drive and also had ED issues. Doctors kept telling me it was just depression and kept prescribing different antidepressant combinations (none of which did anything except either make me sleepy or feel cracked out).

  5. #5
    Epic Ed's Avatar
    Epic Ed is offline Associate Member
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    That is a good, responsible protocol to be on for TRT. Shake your doctor's hand for understanding the half life of test cyp and be grateful you have him as your doc. Ask your doc for a copy of your blood work. You need specific numbers for certain values to really understand the whole picture. MOST people do not need any form of AI, at all, while running a TRT dose of testosterone . However, if your E2 levels were really high I could understand putting you on an AI from the start. Most people on TRT would do well to have an AI on hand just in case they started getting symptoms of high E2 levels and then woul start dosing at .25 mg of Dex EOD. 1.2mg EOD is a high dose for ArimiDex . You're going to need to be on the look out for symptoms of low E2 and you should not hesitate to adjust accordingly and on the fly if necessary.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    bloodwork soon to see if any adjustments needed....without knowing numbers i would say large dose of both test and anastrazole(to start) but bloodwork will tell

    welcome and keep us posted with ALL

  7. #7
    BillyBob210's Avatar
    BillyBob210 is offline Junior Member
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    I wish I had your doctor!

  8. #8
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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  9. #9
    JuiceBox12's Avatar
    JuiceBox12 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epic Ed View Post
    That is a good, responsible protocol to be on for TRT. Shake your doctor's hand for understanding the half life of test cyp and be grateful you have him as your doc. Ask your doc for a copy of your blood work. You need specific numbers for certain values to really understand the whole picture. MOST people do not need any form of AI, at all, while running a TRT dose of testosterone. However, if your E2 levels were really high I could understand putting you on an AI from the start. Most people on TRT would do well to have an AI on hand just in case they started getting symptoms of high E2 levels and then woul start dosing at .25 mg of Dex EOD. 1.2mg EOD is a high dose for ArimiDex. You're going to need to be on the look out for symptoms of low E2 and you should not hesitate to adjust accordingly and on the fly if necessary.
    What are the symptoms of low E2 levels?

  10. #10
    Epic Ed's Avatar
    Epic Ed is offline Associate Member
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    Night sweats, achy joints, lethargy, limp dick. Those were mine, anyways.

  11. #11
    JuiceBox12's Avatar
    JuiceBox12 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epic Ed View Post
    Night sweats, achy joints, lethargy, limp dick. Those were mine, anyways.
    Thanks Epic Ed.

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