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  1. #1
    BrysZ's Avatar
    BrysZ is offline Associate Member
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    Okay I should back up and start over...

    Immediately after joining this group I have been overwhelmed with the information I found. So to be honest I will admit I have been jumping around from AAS to testosterone to HGH to supplements to t-Boost to BCAA and back again. I apologize...I never realizied a source of such useful information existed and now I can't focus on one strategy.

    A little about myself. I am 44, married for 20 years with two daughters (14 and 11). I am a Mechanical Engineering Professor in Wisconsin and have been lifting for 25 years.

    A hard gainer but mostly an ignorant lifter. I have learned a lot and unfortunately now that I feel I finally "get it" I believe my body doesn't "want it".

    I have been lifting super heavy for a couple years now and and a religious dieter when I want to be. I buy what I "believe" is best and have never shopped outside of GNC.

    I take 150 - 200 grams of protein a day but I believe I have been grossly guilty of overtraining.

    I was very cut each spring over the last 3 years but at the expense of strength and muscle size.

    I am learning my body more every day.

    I am guilty of letting things slide over the summer, which is short in Wisconsin so I am currently at my heaviest weight with the most amount of body fat that I will carry throughout the year. I am approximately 190# 5'11".

    I usually fluctuate between 15 and 20 pounds each year...heaviest in late fall/winter and lightest late spring/early summer

    I am interested in many options but ultimately my goal is to add between 5 -10 pounds of muscle over the winter and be shredded by the time summer comes around.

    Can I do this without the help of this forum? Not sure...but I do know it will be 10times harder without all your help.

    Today I convienced my family doctor to see me regarding a possibility of testosterone defficency. I haven't had a full physcial in a while so I am going to cover all bases including blood work. He said its possible I could be "low-t" but he also said "I highly doubt it".

    I am hoping that the test results allow me to start a treatment paln for HRT but any advice or strategy you all may provide to help me produce a low-t result is greatly appreciated.

    I have been currently using a "supposed "t-boost" and I have stopped immediately since my physical is two weeks from Friday...does anyone believe the t-boost will hurt my test results?

    I appreciate any help any of you may provide and again I am sorry for my impatience and over eagerness.

    Take care...Bryan

  2. #2
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    i got a degree in Civil Engineering.. we are basically work mates.. RE your training.. why do you fluctuate so much?? i suggest posting your diet for two or three days with break down of weights and total protein etc.. you need to be consuming more like 300g of protein a day to gain weight.. I gained 25lbs in 10 months naturally on nothing but protien and diet etc..

    Regarding test levels, you probably won't get it, i recommend trying out a mild cycle a few months after you get your diet together

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i think it naive for the doctor to say he doubts your testosterone is low at 44 years of age...youre little experiment with the test booster may cause a drop in what you had u cant be for sure

    i had big strength and bf% loss gains with a regular diet(similar to the silly food pyramid with an added pwo shake) not all the 2-3 grams of protein per bodyweight when i started trt

    there are several ways to negatively effect your bloodwork...hopefully you dont need to do that

  4. #4
    BrysZ's Avatar
    BrysZ is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    i think it naive for the doctor to say he doubts your testosterone is low at 44 years of age...youre little experiment with the test booster may cause a drop in what you had u cant be for sure

    i had big strength and bf% loss gains with a regular diet(similar to the silly food pyramid with an added pwo shake) not all the 2-3 grams of protein per bodyweight when i started trt

    there are several ways to negatively effect your bloodwork...hopefully you dont need to do that
    I would be interested in these "many ways to negatively effect your bloodwork" maybe as an insurance plan...

  5. #5
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Like JP said, the test booster you have been taking might actually help here - depending on if it caused your body to slow/cease it's own t production - but I doubt it. My advise to you is to get the blood work done without "trying" to lower your levels. If you lower your levels unnaturally, and start on replacement therapy, you will always regret not knowing what your true baseline numbers were. I still refer back to them to them even after a couple of years.

    If your levels are mid to high range naturally, and want to pursue other avenues or visits with another doc and more bw, then you can try to manipulate your levels or cycle if that is what you wish to do.

    Do you have any other low t symptoms?

  6. #6
    BrysZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flatscat View Post
    Like JP said, the test booster you have been taking might actually help here - depending on if it caused your body to slow/cease it's own t production - but I doubt it. My advise to you is to get the blood work done without "trying" to lower your levels. If you lower your levels unnaturally, and start on replacement therapy, you will always regret not knowing what your true baseline numbers were. I still refer back to them to them even after a couple of years.

    If your levels are mid to high range naturally, and want to pursue other avenues or visits with another doc and more bw, then you can try to manipulate your levels or cycle if that is what you wish to do.

    Do you have any other low t symptoms?
    Symptons...yes pretty much all of them...irritability, mood swings, low libido, night sweats, hard muscle gains, difficulty lossing fat, tired a lot, etc.

    I agree I should not fake my results...unfotunately this looks like my only option to get a dr monitored system in place to aid my fitness goals. Well if the test turns out I have normal t-levels I can look at AAS or HGH or whatever else you guys recommend...thank you.

  7. #7
    BrysZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    i got a degree in Civil Engineering.. we are basically work mates.. RE your training.. why do you fluctuate so much?? i suggest posting your diet for two or three days with break down of weights and total protein etc.. you need to be consuming more like 300g of protein a day to gain weight.. I gained 25lbs in 10 months naturally on nothing but protien and diet etc..

    Regarding test levels, you probably won't get it, i recommend trying out a mild cycle a few months after you get your diet together
    Fellow Engineers...awesome...if we are brothers why didn't I get your arms!!!!

    My training doesnt fluctuate as much as my diet...I have to work so HARD to get cut in the sugar, low carbs, no alcohol, low mid summer I BURN OUT and return to a more typical american diet...I always refuse sweets no matter what time of year but I am a sucker for beer, cheesburgers, beer, bratwurst and beer!!! Did I mention beer?

    Right now my weekday diet is typically a shake (whey and casin mixed) in the morning with extra L-glutamine, a multi and two eggs with cheese between two slices of whole wheat toast. During the day I eat three low carb wraps filled with 3 slices of lunch meat, cheese and mayo. I eat one every two hours. I usually eat a protein bar or a bagel/peanut butter or a banana before my workout with a preworkout drink. Afterwards I eat whatever the family is having for dinner cutting out the high sugar or fat protions. If I can fix my own dinner I like two chicken breasts diced up into a can of vegaitable soup. I drink another shake (whey) with extra L-glutamine after the workout with another multi. Depending on how late the workout eneded I will try to drink another shake before bedtime of 100% casein protein. I always wake up in the middle of the night STARVED and try to eat healthy but often fail.

    To be honest I can't imagine consuming 300 grams of protein a day...I am not want you call a big fact I find eating as more as an inconvience than anything else. During the day sometimes its hard to find the time to eat. Weekends are another story I eat whatever is in front of me...staying away from sugar still, but going out to eat is very common on the weekends.

    Thank you for your help!!!!

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