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  1. #1
    swllce's Avatar
    swllce is offline Associate Member
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    New bloodwork, need advice

    I just got back my blood work.
    It looks like crap to me, but the doc says its normal.
    I feel tired all the time and i cant gain much muscle in the gym.I put the work in but the results are minimal.I have a lot of other low ''T'' symptoms found here in this forum.The Doctor is a general Physician who did the test on my request.Ido not have a Endochronologist.
    I am 37 197ibs/5'11/ 20%bf
    FREE TESTOSTERONE. 6.2 ,RANGE 4.0-29.0.
    SHGB .30 ,RANGE 13-89.
    Some advice on how to proceed would be great!

  2. #2
    frawnz's Avatar
    frawnz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Go to an endocrinologist or an anti-aging clinic.

  3. #3
    V-ROID's Avatar
    V-ROID is offline Member
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    Does not look ideal to me. I always love to read evaluations by the experts on the forum. Good luck. Subscribed.

  4. #4
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Aug 2009
    Where do these docs come up with all their different reference ranges?? You got one place that shows 280 as the low end, the other at 255, now this one is 170! And of course, each of these doctors are right and everyone else is wrong. Anyways ... Your score would be considered low with any clinic out there. I guess if these doctors get the ref range low enough they won't have to treat anyone!

    If you want to proceed then you probably need to get another doctor that isn't a score monger, or look at going to a AA Clinic. Did he check other labs ... LH/FSH, TSH, E2, etc.???
    Last edited by Vettester; 10-14-2010 at 08:05 PM. Reason: typo

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    my best advice to anyone feeling symptoms of low T is to call first and make sure that they are willing to treat the symptoms if indeed u come back low even if in the reference range...that way u dont waste any time/money with appointments like u just did...sorry to hear your doctor showed u the door with nothing but YOURE FINE....same age and same numbers i had...trt will be like magic when u find the right doctor bro

  6. #6
    swllce's Avatar
    swllce is offline Associate Member
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    I was not expecting much more from this doctor.But it was good to know that there may be something i can do ,and maybe i can have a better quality of life with trt,
    We tested liver and kidney function,etc (everything normal)
    TSH was 2.18, range 0.34-5.6uiu/ml
    Testosterone bioaverage 118 . range 77-357 ng/dl
    Not sure what the other things are lh/fst ,ths,E2?

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