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  1. #1
    kenny424 is offline New Member
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    I need help. I have a TON of problems.

    Hi, everyone. I'm miserable. I don't know where to begin because I have a ton of problems and I'm hoping testosterone therapy will help. I guess it's all caused by age and becoming overweight. Here are some questions and comments:

    1. I am becoming really fat and obese. Will steroids help reduce my body fat? My body fat is just really localized around my stomach and chest area, no where else.

    2. I don't really have any more muscles or muscle endurance, I know steroids will help. However, what are the probabilities of getting the enlarged breasts (god, they are big and fat enough already), smaller penis size (god, that doesn't need to be any smaller either), extreme anger, and hair loss? Would anyone experience anymore unpleasant side effects?

    3. I cant get it up hardly anymore. I use levitra, but it helps. It does nothing for my drive. It seems my sex drive is almost non-existent. The time it is there, it is uncontrollable. I will just be sitting somewhere, and I'll get really horny which leads to ejaculation within seconds. That is not normal either. It makes for a really happy and pleasant girlfriend. I went to a doctor and told him I thought my testosterone levels where low. He's what he said, "I can tell they are low by looking at you". Well, gee thanks.

    4. Do steroids really increase the strength of an erection and ejaculation? It's said. When I just drops doesn't have that squirt any more. Is there some FDA think or prescription that will help increase size (length and width both)

    Please help me. I'm sorry for bugging everyone on this forum. I don't know what to do. Thanks.

  2. #2
    kenny424 is offline New Member
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    I'm sorry. I'm not wearing glasses and my mind is all over the place, so I mispelled a couple of words. I think most all of you can figure it out.
    3. HERE'S what he
    4. It's SAD
    Last edited by kenny424; 10-17-2010 at 10:07 AM. Reason: Another Question

  3. #3
    kenny424 is offline New Member
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    What would everyone recommend? What kind of treat? The name, dosage, route of administration, etc. Thanks again.

  4. #4
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Welcome...we need your stats...age..weight...etc
    so the guys can give you specific help...gets the ball rollling much faster with stats!
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 10-17-2010 at 10:23 AM.

  5. #5
    kenny424 is offline New Member
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    Ok, I'm 37. I'm 5'10 and weigh about 220. All fat, almost no muscle. Thanks.

  6. #6
    kenny424 is offline New Member
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    What other kind of information do i need to give?

  7. #7
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Great..thanks...have you had any bloodwork done lately? if so..posting BW helps too..I am trying to get all the info so when the men chime in, they have what they need

  8. #8
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    do you work out? do you eat healthy?

  9. #9
    kenny424 is offline New Member
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    No, . No blood work unless you include the physical blood work. There was a poster on the doctors wall and it listed all the symptoms of low testosterone . Sad enough, I fit EVERY ONE! The doctor said all he had to do was look at me and tell me my testosterone was low. Then, he continued to say that the body metabolized fat into estrogen. My cholesterol LDL, expecially the low density cholesterol, was also high, as well as blood sugar. My HDL was also low. All the other tests were normal. I didn't have any hormone level tests.

  10. #10
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    you need to get bloodwork done and get on TRT if you need it.. but that won't solve all your problems.!!!!!!

    i recomend that you read this thread.. it was started by another guy on here in similar situation.. read the whole thing, but especially what GBrice advises..

  11. #11
    kenny424 is offline New Member
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    I dont each much anymore, no appetite. When I do, I try to eat somewhat healthy. Alot of vitamin energy drinks, like Rockstar. I am on my feet all day long walking over 5 floors. I try to work out, but I do not have the energy...or muscle endurance. I literally cannot get out of bed the next day I am so sore. I helped a friend move for an hour last night, and my biceps are so sore.

  12. #12
    kenny424 is offline New Member
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    That was a nice thread. That guy physically seems to be the mirror image of me. I still am going to help a friend move again today, more exercise. What is this sick and tired feeling I have all the time? Is it lack of food?

  13. #13
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    sounds to me like you want testosterone if I am reading between the lines..however, before you do this I really recommend getting some bloodwork done to see where your levels are..find another doctor who does not give you the trite comment of "I can look at you and see you have low t" nothing about it. I hear this all the time here. Being pro-active is the name of the game. Finding the right doctor...the right diet..the right workout.

    Did your doctor check your thyroid levels in your regular physical? Thyroid is routine you have this to post? Low thyroid can really contribute to your fatigue.

    Eat every 3 hours or so to keep up your energy plus burn fat...eating mulitple times per day prevents fat from being stored

  14. #14
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Agree with running more tests, especially all the hormones and thyroid as stated by SlimmerMe. It's all speculation until you know the numbers! I hope your doctor is setting this up instead of just looking at you and talking about how he can visibly see your testosterone deficiency.

    How did your CBC and Metabolic panels look? Anything out of range, or on the border of high/low? Please specify if you don't mind.

  15. #15
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    wut the fvck did that pos doctor do for u at all other than take ur fvcking money???????????????????????????????????

  16. #16
    Epic Ed's Avatar
    Epic Ed is offline Associate Member
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    If the message isn't clear yet, find a doc who will do a full panel of blood work including checking free testosterone levels , total testosterone levels, estrogen levels, PSA, TSH, and HGH. Once you have the facts about where your levels are at we can help with further guidance, but the first step is absolutely mandatory.

  17. #17
    kenny424 is offline New Member
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    Thanks everyone. I am going to try to get to another doctor and have all of those tests ran. My CBC was fine (mid range)...metabolic I'm not sure...the doctor also said my thyroid was fine as well. It was just my blood sugar that was high, my VLDL (very low density cholesterol) was high, my hdl was low, my very high density LDLs where normal. I will see if I can track down the sheet with the numbers. I probably just need to have another test ran.

  18. #18
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenny424 View Post
    Thanks everyone. I am going to try to get to another doctor and have all of those tests ran. My CBC was fine (mid range)...metabolic I'm not sure...the doctor also said my thyroid was fine as well. It was just my blood sugar that was high, my VLDL (very low density cholesterol) was high, my hdl was low, my very high density LDLs where normal. I will see if I can track down the sheet with the numbers. I probably just need to have another test ran.
    you might be borderline diebetic milletus mate, androgens will increase LDL and reduce HDL also, you gota be careful if you consider TRT. Best to find a good new doc and ask him about all of these, goodluck.

  19. #19
    pittbulldad's Avatar
    pittbulldad is offline Associate Member
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    I'd start with a good diet and exercise program... for TRT to work well you need to have those onboard based on your questions.

  20. #20
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevey_6t9 View Post
    you might be borderline diebetic milletus mate, androgens will increase LDL and reduce HDL also, you gota be careful if you consider TRT. Best to find a good new doc and ask him about all of these, goodluck.
    i thought trt was favorable to the lipid profile if anything or did u mean if u have diabetis?

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