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  1. #1
    boundup is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Blood work Results - Doc afraid of TRT

    I am currently on round three for doctor's regarding symptoms of low test. I received another set a lab work and have the following. This is the third set of blood work with similar results. 12 hour fast + 10AM blood draw.

    LH: <0.2 (LOW)
    Ref: 1.7 - 8.6 mIU/ML

    FSH <0.2 (LOW)
    Ref: 1.5 - 12.4 mIU/ML

    Testosterone , Serum: 382
    Ref: 280 - 800 ng/dL

    Free Test: 13.6
    Ref: 9.3 - 26.5 pg/mL
    Endo considers me in reference range and wants to experiment with drugs. I am not a test rabbit. The idea testing out random medication for the sake "figuring it out" is not what motivates me. I perked up and began to explain the consistent split on HDL/LDL on the rolling blood tests, but I seemingly am met with a derp face each time.

    Primary GP is actually not seen, I usually see the ARNP, and she is kind of scared of the idea of TRT. She said "I don't know anything about anabolics. Let me call you back." She said would consider the fact, but needs more information and the buy-in from an Endo. However, so far they have been huge waste of time.

    Third doctor told me to keep going on the exercise bit and it will "happen eventually." Awesome.

    I have resisted the urge to tell the Endo and the other GP about my 4 week cycle of Test Prop as I do not believe it will help me in anyway. However, I do feel exactly the same as I did before my first ever cycle, yet, I didn't know the difference until I had higher test levels. Hope that makes sense?

    The only thing I can think of is getting more aggressive with the doctors. I do not want to self medicate, but the willingness off my ARNP to do blood work whenever I want, and the understanding of how to read it, I am tempted to do just that. What is even more confusing is that she was more than willing to support me during the PCT.

    My last ditch effort is a clinic in this area that, fortunately takes insurance, and has a doctor that specializes in this area.

    Any thoughts or suggestions?

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Mar 2006
    another thread where the poster mentions several test results but lists one...

    you want test....need test...get on test...

    everyone on this forum needs, wants, and is either on test or wants to get on test...

    dont know of any clinics that take insurance..

    oh yeh..the third doctor stole your money

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    actually i guess all 3 did if you went in with symptoms and walked out without ANYTHING AT ALL

  4. #4
    boundup is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    another thread where the poster mentions several test results but lists one...

    you want test....need test...get on test...

    everyone on this forum needs, wants, and is either on test or wants to get on test...

    dont know of any clinics that take insurance..

    oh yeh..the third doctor stole your money
    I appreciate the help. I do have several pieces of blood work, but they are all redundant. No sense in posting the same thing over when the numbers are maybe 2-5% up or down from one another. LH & FSH all unreadable on all tests, and this one has the highest testosterone score of out them all.

    Oh well, wish me luck!

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    fair enough...with consistent numbers in the high 300's it may be hard to get on test NOT IMPOSSIBLE without a clinic...numbers might not be optimal but they can easily refuse cuz they r "in range"

    best of luck and keep us posted

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