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  1. #1
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    Apr 2010

    Weight Loss- Time for celebration or should I be concerned?

    The good news is, I've lost 10 lbs in the past 3 weeks.

    This is significant for someone who for the past 15 odd years has had trouble keeping weight off; even though I don't eat a lot. In fact I eat less than a lot of people who look normal and on occasion can go all day without eating; yet I kept putting weight on. I tried everything but the only thing that worked was the Atkins diet.

    For those who know the details of the Atkins diet, I was one of the unlucky few who took up to two weeks to get my body metabolicly "in the zone" based on the urine strip tests; even though I was very strict to follow the rules, and no cheating. The slightest miss-step would knock me out of the game for another two weeks before my body finally got back in to the zone. I lost 30 lbs on it but it was impossible to stick to the levels I needed for it to work for me.

    That was 8 years ago. At the time I went from 290 to 260 however, things in my life took an unexpected turn and I lost the willpower to stick with it. In fact, things got really bad and not only did I gain back the weight, but I put on 110 lbs over 3 years; even though I didn't binge, I didn't eat an exceptional amount and I ate relatively healthy. It was my body shutting down due to the combo of Low T, excessive stress, hypothyroidism, and metabolic syndrome with the likelihood of some adrenal fatigue thrown in for good measure.

    Fast forward and I've been on HRT for 16 months now and most recently I believe I've dialed in my thyroid meds however, I'm a little concerned that I may have over shot the mark or am I finally just getting "normal" after so long?

    I'm currently taking 4.5 grains [270mg] of NatureThroid and that seems to be working but I'm concerned because one of the signs of taking too much is weight loss. I haven't really had any of the negative signs of excessive dosage such as palpitations, although I have noticed a couple times if I drink too much coffee, I do begin to feel my heart beat in certain parts of my body where I didn't before. Obviously I need to ease up on the caffeine some. I usually drink 1-2 cups in the morning and like it strong but when I have 3 cups or a large espresso based drink, I can sometimes feel my heart beat. I also used to drink diet soda with lunch but I'm trying to eliminate that too.

    I've cut out complex carbs from my diet when I learned about the Metabolic Syndrom. No more pasta, potatoes, rice, heavy breads, sugar, etc. [aside from sugar, carbs used to be one of my down falls.]

    I'm also working out at the gym 3-4 days a week. I try to go every other day but occasionally I need to give my muscles an extra day of rest or nurse a hangover from the world series... =)

    My blood sugar is good, as it's always been, but it's looking even better now. I've heard that rapid weight loss can be a precursor to a number of bad things. Should I be concerned? Am I overdoing it on the NatureThroid? Or have I finally found my sweet spot and can I confidently enjoy the ride as I get back to were I used to be?

    Thanks for the input and bearing with the long post.

  2. #2
    Bob OD is offline New Member
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    I have struggled with weight gain issues and cutting back on the carbs was the answer. Problem is that as a triathlete and runner I need the carbs to train and race. Tough to get the right balance and feel good. Sounds like you have done well.

  3. #3
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    SWEET SPOT!!!!! Sounds..GREAT!

  4. #4
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    Apr 2010
    Thanks guys for chiming in. I'd have to say, it's more than just the carbs alone. As I mentioned, last time I did the Atkins diet, I had to be strict as hell for it to work for me. This time I've been pretty loose with the carbs, just eliminating the main culprits like I mentioned above.

    I know I may have sounded silly to ask this but considering the potential dangerous side effects of too high a dosage of the thyroid meds, I was a bit concerned:

    # Broken bones or signs of weakened bones
    # Heart palpitations
    # A rapid heart rate (tachycardia)
    # Heart failure, chest pain, or a heart attack
    # High blood pressure (hypertension)
    # Seizures
    # Stroke
    # Coma
    # Death

    I know there's also the obvious blood work, but as other thyroid patients know, tests aren't as helpful in determining necessary dosage. Your T3 T4 and TSH levels may appear fine, but you can still have the symptoms and until you find that level that works for you, you keep stepping it up little by little. Sounds like I may have found mine.

    Now on with the transformation! DAMN it feels good to be normal again! =)

  5. #5
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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  6. #6
    PPC is offline Super Knowledgeable ~ Female Member
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    Congrats. I think it is much smarter to cut back on carbs as you are doing but leave in a few - mainly lots of non starchy veges, berries and some whole grain carbs every now and then. This is a long term approach, so seeing this as something you can live with day to day and not just for a short sprint is wise. Sounds like you are figuring out what works for you - it took me fifteen years on all sorts of diet tangents.

    Our bodies do need some carbs too. Whenever I add in carbs like a sweet potato or some rice - I pull back the fat and eat it with lean protein - sort of like the South Beach principle. But....I like fat, so if I am not having a starchy carb at my meal, I have more fat and this keeps me from craving and binging.

    It's great reading about your progress here.

  7. #7
    Epic Ed's Avatar
    Epic Ed is offline Associate Member
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    I am VERY carb sensitive. My weight can fluctuate as much as 5-8 lbs in one weekend depending on what I eat. If I eat a lot of simple carbs like breads, pasta, cereal, etc. I can blow up like a balloon and I feel like crap. Coming off of a bad weekend of eating is much like recovering from a hang over. It's that bad for me.

    I think your weight loss is good news. No need to worry at this point. Stick to complex carbs like oatmeal, brown rice, and green vegetables.

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