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  1. #1
    caira1074 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2010

    hcg and arimidex

    i have been on test cyp 300 a week and feel pretty good, my total and free are a little high total 1300 and free 55, iam okay with higher t but e2 is 80 doc wont go the armidex route and is the stuff at the top of this page legit i need something to lower e2, as for hcg he wont do that either so is hcg really that necessary if iam through with kids and dont care about ball size, i guess idont understand why everyone on trt for the most part takes it as well, if your on for life why do you need it. So i guess iam asking if i cant get the arimidex or hcg like it looks like everyone else is taking along wth there trt, do i just bag it all together. thanks for any input guys, by the way iam going to go down to 200 a week on the test to see if that helps with the e2

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    lowering your test may lower your E a little but YES the board liquidex i hear works well if u wanna try to whittle that E down some...

    no hcg is NOT necessary...and for the reasons you say period...ive been on trt on various doses and never added hcg i do however use arimidex off and on

  3. #3
    wecker is offline Junior Member
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    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by caira1074;54***53
    i have been on test cyp 300 a week and feel pretty good, my total and free are a little high total 1300 and free 55, iam okay with higher t but e2 is 80 doc wont go the armidex route and is the stuff at the top of this page legit i need something to lower e2, as for hcg he wont do that either so is hcg really that necessary if iam through with kids and dont care about ball size, i guess idont understand why everyone on trt for the most part takes it as well, if your on for life why do you need it. So i guess iam asking if i cant get the arimidex or hcg like it looks like everyone else is taking along wth there trt, do i just bag it all together. thanks for any input guys, by the way iam going to go down to 200 a week on the test to see if that helps with the e2
    you are on 300mg Testo Cyp and total test is 1300 ?

    I am on 220mg Testo Cyp and mine ist total test > 1500 free test. >63
    Is this because I am on HCG 2 x 300 UI and Arimidex ?

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by wecker View Post
    you are on 300mg Testo Cyp and total test is 1300 ?

    I am on 220mg Testo Cyp and mine ist total test > 1500 free test. >63
    Is this because I am on HCG 2 x 300 UI and Arimidex ?
    could be as i hear hcg gives a bump but i heard ppl post similar doses/levels where i was over 2,000 on 300mg

  5. #5
    frawnz's Avatar
    frawnz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Most total T tests have a max limit they test for, usually in the 1300-1500 range, so a score of 1300 could be 2000+ for all you know if 1300 was the limit set for that particular blood draw.

  6. #6
    EZ E's Avatar
    EZ E is offline Associate Member
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    I would just buy the Arimidex yourself either via the Liquidex or from an online pharmacy. It isn't a scheduled drug so you should have no problem getting it. Also try searching for Armotraz, which is one of the names Arimidex goes under in other countries.

    Good luck.

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by EZ E View Post
    I would just buy the Arimidex yourself either via the Liquidex or from an online pharmacy. It isn't a scheduled drug so you should have no problem getting it. Also try searching for Armotraz, which is one of the names Arimidex goes under in other countries.

    Good luck.
    yes...altraz was the one i got lately

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