I have a feeling that the profiteers are going to do to HRT what croakers have to oxycontin and pain management in general.

I know a couple of guys who are on a specific HRT clinic, web based= no brick and mortar, no full time doctor or physicals by their doctor, web forms, lab referral (no lab) , and that’s it, give us your money, fax us your info, and we will start writing scripts ( the doctor works one day a week signing paperwork for scripts just like a meth clinic). Because no one is seeing the patients, many of them are simply doing a cycle then getting lab work done during PCT in addition many are having older friends show up for the lab work or using older guys names to get on the clinic ( I know of a few guys who are in their early 20s doing this) They are not only getting Test but they also get Deca and the dosages prescribed is a joke.

The really Fvkd up thing is that lots of people are using this clinic and having their bodies get locked into big doses of hormones, now when the FDA and DEA start cracking down and shutting the doors on these places where is that going to leave all these 25-35 year olds who have been doing weekly stacks for years on end?

PS… Please don't PM me.. I will not forward any information on this shit as I think it is a disservice to the real HRT clinics who provide a legitimate service.