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Thread: Arimidex dose

  1. #1
    chicolifter123 is offline New Member
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    Arimidex dose

    What dose do you guys take of arimidex on HRT? I'm on 200mg a week and wondering what would be a good dose too take. Thanks.

  2. #2
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    What did your BW say? 200 mg of T a week an no AI can be problematic.

    It all depends on how your body uses an AI but a foundation when someone starts suggests 1.0 mg AI to 100 mg T. In your case, 2.0 mg (which is a lot and I wouldn't take any more as it affects E in the brain). IMO, best to spread your T doses over 2 or better 3 days per week and take the AI at the same time and in the same ratio as T. This smooths things out for you and your body.

    Are you taking any hCG ?
    Last edited by 1; 01-20-2011 at 03:56 PM.

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    What did your BW say? 200 mg of T a week an no AI can be problematic.

    It all depends on how your body uses an AI but a foundation when someone starts suggests 1.0 mg AI to 100 mg T. In your case, 2.0 mg (which is a lot and I wouldn't take any more as it affects E in the brain). IMO, best to spread your T doses over 2 or better 3 days per week and take the AI at the same time and in the same ratio as T. This smooths things out for you and your body.

    Are you taking any hCG?
    agree with part but second time i heard of someone wanting to do shots every 2 or 3 days? was this you that posted that in another thread?...a shot of cyp or enanth usually peak around day 4/5 so its usually advised that that be the minimum amount of days in betwen...and a lot of docs are still writing doses for every other week, every 3 weeks, and some severe cuckoos once a month...

    but agree with the AI advice 100%....

    like said, 200mg is a high STARTING dose for trt and AI should be added in as needed with follow up labs

  4. #4
    chicolifter123 is offline New Member
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    I split the shots up every 3.5 days. I've been on TRT for about 2 years now. My last lab results showed that my estradiol was very high at 156 on a scale where 50 is the upper limit. My doctor prescribed the arimidex at 1mg per day, but I know that is way too high so I'm curious what everyone else is doing. From what I've read 50mg/day is a good dose, or perhaps .25mg? The tablets are 1mg so cutting into quarters would be difficult

  5. #5
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    agree with part but second time i heard of someone wanting to do shots every 2 or 3 days? was this you that posted that in another thread?...

    Maybe JP but I've only posted here a few times and I really don't remember; but it's not unusual by any means. My Doc and I both agree on a protocol that is as natural to the body as possible. We spread out the T so that the T spikes (if there really any) are less and there's a more consistent level of T in the body at any given time. I also take my AI in half doses on each injection of T as well. hCG is EOD. Just a smooth protocol in my opinion. Docs doing EOW or more are doing men a huge injustice and putting them on an emotional roller coaster IMO.

    Chicolifter - Do your research and you'll see that the amount you are taking is way too much. My only guess is that your Doc is front loading you to get you down to somewhat normal levels fast and then put you back on a more regular dose...but that's just a guess. How do you feel injecting E3D? I am only twice a week and feel really good all week long.
    Last edited by 1; 01-20-2011 at 07:34 PM.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    agree with part but second time i heard of someone wanting to do shots every 2 or 3 days? was this you that posted that in another thread?...

    Maybe JP but I've only posted here a few times and I really don't remember; but it's not unusual by any means. My Doc and I both agree on a protocol that is as natural to the body as possible. We spread out the T so that the T spikes (if there really any) are less and there's a more consistent level of T in the body at any given time. I also take my AI in half doses on each injection of T as well. hCG is EOD. Just a smooth protocol in my opinion. Docs doing EOW or more are doing men a huge injustice and putting them on an emotional roller coaster IMO.

    Chicolifter - Do your research and you'll see that the amount you are taking is way too much. My only guess is that your Doc is front loading you to get you down to somewhat normal levels fast and then put you back on a more regular dose...but that's just a guess. How do you feel injecting E3D? I am only twice a week and feel the really good all week long.
    twice a week is a little diff than every 2 or 3 days (when u add it up over time) i see ur point but 3.5 in small doses ive seen and heard good things happen....just a lot of holes in da arse for me and 2 days just dont make sense ...we'll leave it up for more to chime in

  7. #7
    chicolifter123 is offline New Member
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    I inject 100mg every 3.5 days, so 200mg a week. But I've been on this dose for nearly two years

  8. #8
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    Yea, you're right JP I meant to say twice or three times a week; my error...long day!

    Here's my weekly protocol:

    Monday Morning: .60 mgs IM T Cyp & .5 mgs AI
    Thursday Night: .60 mgs IM of T Cyp & .5 mgs AI
    250 ius SC of hCG EOD

    I may be a tad lite on the AI but next BW will tell that story but no high E sides to speak of.

    Yea, a few more holes but it's no big deal and just not banging my body with one dose per week or worse like some of those Docs you spoke of

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicolifter123 View Post
    I inject 100mg every 3.5 days, so 200mg a week. But I've been on this dose for nearly two years
    Not to be disrespectful Chicolifter but I don't think that equates to 200 mg/wk more like 215 mg per/wk or 60 mgs additional every 4 weeks (860 mgs every 4 weeks). I could be wrong but if you're injecting on a every 3.5 day cycle it's more then 200 mg/wk. I can stand to be corrected if I am wrong...and it won't be the first time either

  10. #10
    chicolifter123 is offline New Member
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    It is 200mg/week. That's 100mg every 3.5 days. There's 7 days in the week, which is 3.5 divided by two. So, for example, that would be a shot on Monday morning at 10am, and then a shot on Thursday night at 10pm, and then the next shot on Monday at 10am and so on.

  11. #11
    chicolifter123 is offline New Member
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    *I mean 3.5 TIMES two

  12. #12
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If the half life is 8 days for test c, how much are you building on every time you inject at 3.5 days? My levels go up, week after week and I inject every seven. Most try the twice a week to help control E2, and a lot go back to every week because they see no difference in levels or how they feel (plus the pin cushion effect that JP talked about), which is perfectly fine and acceptable. Some with very high E2 levels are prescribed a daily dose of adex to start with and then are tapered down with subsequent and frequent labs. .5 twice a week or every day 3 is usually enough to drop the bottom out of high E2 numbers in about 3 to 4 weeks.

  13. #13
    ds53 is offline Junior Member
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    With 200mg a week about .5mg arimidex every 3 days should be plenty. The one thing you do not want to do is get your estrogen too low. Then it is about impossible to build any muscle and your hdl and ldl ratios will get screwed up as well. When Im cruising on 200mg a week I usually find a good estrogen blocker at a good sports nutrition store. The new stuff really does work pretty well as my blood work confirmed it. If I decide to go above 300 for a month or two then I will add a little arimidex at about .25 every other day. It seems like to me i can tell when i am getting the estrogen to low by joint and tendon pain, but ultimately blood work is the way to go.

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