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  1. #1
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Building the ultimate erection?

    Building the ultimate erection?

    Hi all, been off the board for a while, so a quick update.

    30 years old, used a lot of gear when I was younger blah blah blah, got a script for TRT. The dosing is fairly liberal, due to my insurance I have to get a new 2gram vial each month, they insist I get a new one, as the concern for bacteria etc... Twisting my arm to give me an extra vial of test.

    Obviously I do not need 400mg EW, but I do hang on to the vial as we all know how to take care of our stuff here, or should. The bottom line is I got a legal script and plenty of test on hand.

    I have been cruising on more than I really need for what should be TRT, using 300mg EW, which I’m sure is too high for long term use.

    Had my blood results come back and my Total Testosterone was off the charts, it was not even listed, just >1500 ng/dl LOL, too high, FreeT was out of the chart as well.

    I’m sure some of it is converting to E2, as I do get a bit sensitive in my left nipple, but its not too bothersome, and no visible gyno. I always get this from test, and AI’s tend to make my joints ache, I feel some E2 conversion is good (so long as its not too much) as it helps protect lipid values etc...

    Blood pressure tends to be around 140/85 so a bit higher then I want it to be.

    Anyway, I’m about 5’9” and 220 pounds, roughly 17% bodyfat (yes I need to cut down some).

    Part of that, reason I’m thinking of cutting down my dose and doing more cardio, is that my erections are not always as good as I like them to be. Sometimes I’ll get a raging hard on, but its not consistent enough for me to be satisfied. Half the time its a rubbery chubby.

    It could be several things, too much use of the penis (I have sex plenty often, I’m good socially with the ladies, is it possible to just be using it too much?) the moderately high blood pressure, too much E2 conversion etc...

    Likely these things can be attributed to too high of a test dose, poor diet, and not enough cardio.

    So here is the question.

    How to build the ultimate boner?

    1. What dose of test “tends to be” ideal? My guess is 100-150mg EW if the type used is Cypionate , what my script is for. Interestingly this is the regular TRT dose, and this makes sense as for most guys this will put their blood level at the top of the physiologic range, without crossing over. Also with the correct testosterone dose (meaning not too high) AI’s shouldn’t be needed for someone my age.

    2. Diet, what stuff should I work hard to include, and which to avoid like the plague? Recently I’ve just been cleaning up my diet from junk, but I am not thinking a bodybuilding type contest diet would do anything to give the ultimate erection. What I am seeking is good blood circulation, low blood pressure etc... So that also means I’m giving up coffee as well.

    3. What type of cardio is best? HIT? Endurance jogging? Whatever kind is best I will do. I’m fine with sacrificing some muscle size. Is there and amount that is too much? From what I have been reading cardio can do wonders for erectly health, but I don’t want to go overboard. My guess would be 60 minutes of cardio each day, plus every other day do at least 1 mile of walk + sprints with the sprint portions adding up to 1 mile themselves. - would that be too much? (again its obviously too much for bodybuilding, but that is not the goal in this case it is blood flow and stamina)

    The things to keep in mind, and I feel confident that for 90% of men age 30+ the proper dose of test, diet and cardio should give very hard, long lasting, and powerful erections. I want excellent stamina in bed, and the ability to thrust hard and vigorously without easily tiring or losing the erection for at least 30 minutes of pounding too. I think these all interrelate, but are not the same as what one would do for bodybuilding etc...

    Obviously I could just take viagra or cialis, but the goal is to get that kind of erection without needing to rely on those type of drugs, simply by adjusting the dose of TRT, diet, and exercise.
    Last edited by meathead320; 02-22-2011 at 10:56 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    I started using the 5 mg daily use Cialis and man what a difference. My libido has greatly improved with TRT but add a little of this stuff each day and turn the clock back 30 years

  3. #3
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    I got plenty on hand and it does work for me well. Only issue is that I prefer not to have to.

    I think getting my BP down, and keeping my test near the top of the range, but not going over would be better, at this point, instead of masking the issue with cialis.

    It was only several months ago there were no issues at all, but I was doing a lot more cardio then...time to bump that back up.

  4. #4
    arizona32's Avatar
    arizona32 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    I got plenty on hand and it does work for me well. Only issue is that I prefer not to have to.

    I think getting my BP down, and keeping my test near the top of the range, but not going over would be better, at this point, instead of masking the issue with cialis.

    It was only several months ago there were no issues at all, but I was doing a lot more cardio then...time to bump that back up.
    True, too much test messes some people up. It can act as a stimulant on your CNS and thus harm erections and ability to reach orgasm. Go down in dose first before adding other meds.

  5. #5
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    I take a well planned daily supplement protocol and I really don't see this little 5 mg pill any different then why I take supplements. It's a low dose and just gets me over the hump with a much fuller and faster erection...I love the shit! Hell, with the TRT, AI and hCG I take what's a little extra help going to hurt.

    One observation, if you didn't have no issues several months as you note something is off balance. When was your last work-up done? I am willing to bet it's E2 maybe DHT...who knows? You need DHT for libido and dialed in E2 so you may want to check that out as well my friend.
    Last edited by 1; 02-22-2011 at 02:32 PM.

  6. #6
    trix8 is offline Associate Member
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    awesome thread name... see if u cant get proviron or just some AI even Hcg helps alot

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    19,486 back to reading the rest...

  8. #8
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    dont forget stuff like pt-141 and caber so u can use that bad boy more than once. This thread is fvcking cracking me up.

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    erectus perfectus new screen name

  10. #10
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    Seriously, who doesn't like a massive hard-on?

  11. #11
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Mate, not sure about all the above, but for me, cardio cardio cardio! I was in a similar state, but when i knocked off the booze, double downed on the cardio, and cleaned up my diet, big willy came back to life.

    you should try that first before chemicals... just my .02

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    Mate, not sure about all the above, but for me, cardio cardio cardio! I was in a similar state, but when i knocked off the booze, double downed on the cardio, and cleaned up my diet, big willy came back to life.

    you should try that first before chemicals... just my .02
    ^agreed. Cardio has so many benefits, its dumb not to do any (which I used to be guilty of a lot).

    I do daily morning cardio (empty stomach except BCAAs or if I have a splash of skim milk with my coffee). I was doing 45 mins on stationary bike, but worried about muscle loss, I cut it back to 30 min. on workout days and 45 mins on non-workout days. The intensity is moderate to high.

    Also, make sure you are getting enough water. I try to drink atleast a gallon a day.
    Last edited by Black; 02-23-2011 at 08:02 AM.

  13. #13
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Times Roman

    See that is exactly the idea I have in mind.

    So here is what I plan to do:

    Diet: Pretty basic eating plan Broken down into 5 smaller meals per day:

    Breakfast: 1 cup of oats + natural peanut butter + 1 tblspoon brown suger (again not a contest diet)
    Fish oil 2 grams, daily multivit

    Mid meal 8 oz. Various protein, couple dried fruits of some kind

    Lunch 8. Oz of meat + dark leaf salad

    Dinner. Meat 8.oz + vegetables

    Final meal protein shake, or couple of eggs, or even handful of nuts like cashews etc...


    2 mile of sprints & jogs for WU, Lifting weights moderate rep range 8-12 reps for about 5 sets for 2 body parts, followed by 2 miles jogging. This is EOD.

    Not weights day is 60 minutes at speed 4 on a treadmill with a 25 pounds dumbell in backpack

    You will notice I have de-emphasized weights over all. Again hanging onto a ton of muscle is not that needed, I prefer to stay big enough to look like I obviously lift wieghts, but massive is not the goal here. May bump the weights up if I am seeing too much size lost, but overall I’m genetically an meso-endomorph so hanging onto muscle is not so much an issue as it is staying lean and keeping good circulation.

    Drugs: Reducing test dose from 300mg EW cruise, down to about 150mg EW. (technically I’m drawing up 160mg, thats 8 tic marks at 200mg per ml, but due to stuff in needle, tiny bit of leakage accounted for, likely I’m only getting about 150 which is fine for the goal here)

    Part of the reason I am not including other drugs is that the dose of test is intended to be low enough to not need them, but to be high enough to keep me at the top of the range, without serious spill over that would require AI's.

    So that is the recipe I’m going to try. Will let those here know how it goes. I’m not expecting any big changes right away, but hopefully something noticeable in a about a month.
    Last edited by meathead320; 02-23-2011 at 01:20 PM.

  14. #14
    flatscat's Avatar
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    I feel like we are in the twilight zone (I can hear "Now as Meat Head reaches into the furthest part of his mind, searching for the perfect recipe of diet, exercise and drugs for the return of the one eye'd monster, we are taken back to what caused all of this in the first place - HIS OVERACTIVE BRAIN") watching this quest for the perfect woody. This thread is really - uh - unique.

    More power to you meat head. And no disrespect meant - just some fun.

    Last edited by flatscat; 02-23-2011 at 06:19 PM.

  15. #15
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    lol read the thread name and sounds like your planning should wield some results however its very amusing..

  16. #16
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you build it . . . will she cum?

    Seriously, you better have somewhere to put that ultimate wood or you will be ultimately frustrated.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryansm View Post
    Well if you are looking for a natural supplement to help Sustain Alpha is great for libido.
    Why dont you at least show a shred of ethics and put in your signature your a primordial performance rep.... shilling

  18. #18
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    What works for me is a new hot little 19 yr old hottie I have not been with before. It always gives me a harder hard-on than when I am with a usual business partner.

  19. #19
    clemont51 is offline Banned
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    Try a dash of any product containing Yohimbe. You can use it as a paint scraper!

  20. #20
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Well here is the 7 days in report.

    Things are already improving. Much more often getting the iron pipe than the rubbery chubbies.

    No need for pills either. That is the goal here. To be doing his WITHOUT any supplements.

    Only drug is my prescribed TRT.

    I did also switch to Decaf coffee, I like the taste of coffee, but I've been reading that caffine is anti-boner.

    I know Decaf still has a little bit of caffine in it, but FAR less than regular.

    New 23 year old hottie GF does not hurt either. She even does my laundry for me.

  21. #21
    BigBlackGuy is offline Banned
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    Sorry if I missed it, what changes did you make? Just the coffee or did you lower the TRT dose/get an AI?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBlackGuy View Post
    Sorry if I missed it, what changes did you make? Just the coffee or did you lower the TRT dose/get an AI?
    reducing test dose from 300mg EW cruise, down to about 150mg EW.

  23. #23
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    So had a conversation with my GP about what I have been doing as of late.

    I figured he would give me another one of those "roids are bad" lectures like the first time he agreed to do labs for me.

    Turns out he is 100% behind this move.

    He says; "sooo your cutting your dose in half, back within the physiologic range, your going to eat a normal healthy diet I'd be fine giving to anyone, cutting way back on the caffine, and doing far more cardiovascular work than with weights.... I'm sure you will get harder erections, AND you will likely LIVE a lot longer if you keep these changes".

  24. #24
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Nice to hear your doctor is working with you and is not another uneducated quack when it comes to Test.

  25. #25
    dirtybrd's Avatar
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    The girl has everything to do with it! The last girl I dated was 26, Im 37. To me she was smoking hot! She cold just touch me and I'd have to think about naked old ladies and dead puppies to keep from getting a raging boner. If you're out just boneing random chics you're gonna start getting bored with it. Find a chic that drives you crazy and you'll never have that issue!

  26. #26
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Although you blood pressure would not point to it high RBC count which is common with TRT also causes poor hydraulic action, see an erection is composed of two things the desire (libido) and the physical (hydraulics) while test and the narrow passage of young asian girls are well documented in helping libido it will not help much if the problem is physical.

  27. #27
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Although you blood pressure would not point to it high RBC count which is common with TRT also causes poor hydraulic action, see an erection is composed of two things the desire (libido) and the physical (hydraulics) while test and the narrow passage of young asian girls are well documented in helping libido it will not help much if the problem is physical.
    I'm glad you mentioned RBC. I ussually DO donate every 56 days to keep it low, but I wonder if I may have driven it a bit too low, as I have done so for over 3 years now, and for a quite a while things were always really good.

    I can say that I am already noticing improvements anyway with a reduction in test dose, and the increase in cardio.

  28. #28
    Emperor9's Avatar
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    One thing that has helped me big time, is plenty of water before sex and zinc. yes its a pill but its natural. I also did not want to mess with viagra and such.

  29. #29
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    I recently started taking a 60% extract of Icariin that is a clinically proved PDE5 inhibitor plus a NO enhancer. You can do a Google search on it and read the med research. I have noticed a difference in my erections, better morning wood and enhanced sexual desire. Most horny goat weed is only 10% icariin extract which is way too low to really have a biological impact. The 60% I take is the strongest of its type. If you don't want to take an RX PDE5 inhibitor I strongly recommend.

  30. #30
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Well, while i have noticed some improvement right away with the reduced dose, cardio, and diet, I think things could still be better.

    I am considering droping my dose to 120mg EW, with 2x EW injects of 3 tic marks, or 60mg.

    Not sure if its needed or not however. Also considering running a bit of caber at 0.5mg just once or twice to reduce any prolactin that may hav built to high levels while I was cruising at 300mg EW of test.

    One thing that has been bothering me lately has been the lack of morning wood.

    Nocturnal erections are very important for erectile health, and I want them back.

    Then there is the chance I am converting too much to E2, and while I do plan to get some blood work done, I have about 50 days to wait until blood test (insurance sucks), so I am going to attempt to remedy this on my own with a reletively cheap solution, one which hopefully will come out right on the blood test.

    I am familiar with Arimidex being dosed at 0.25mg E3D, starting at 2 days after the shot...

    What I am thinking of doing:

    test cypionate: 60mg 2x EW mondays and fridays (tiny 5/8th 25gg pins)

    Liquidex: 3 squirts or 0.3mg on wednesdays and sundays (I'm pretty sure with the liquidex that 10 squirts is 1ml and 1mg, someone correct me if I'mwrong)

    Everything else the same with cardio and diet as listed above.

    What I am looking for is morning wood. I am confident that the right dose of test, combined with keeping E2 in the 20-30pg/ml range should, as well as proper diet and cardio should not in any way need PDE5 lowering drugs.

    As far as I know when E2 drops to low, < 20pg/ml you know it because this is when morning wood stops. It also is supposed to stop happening at > 35mg/ml.

    In other words morning wood should be a good indicator.

    Does anyone have expereince with the dosing of TRT and Arimidex and using morning erections as indicators of E2 levels?

    Come to think of it, since I'd be using the liquid form of arimidex, liquidex, perhaps it would be possible to spread those doses out more evenly too.

    As far as I know the 0.25 E3D, or 2x per week protocol was developed because thats the smallest the pills could be broken down into.

    With liquidex woul dit be possible to do 1 spray (0.1mg) each day? too keep it more even, or 1 spray EOD?
    Last edited by meathead320; 03-13-2011 at 09:21 PM.

  31. #31
    BOB89 is offline Associate Member
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    Adex is one of those weird chemicals in that in testing a .5mg every day dose had almost the exact same results as a 1mg every day dose. I haven't seen any testing on .25 dosing v either of those two though.

    Right now I'm playing with adjusting my dose by dropping one .25mg dose per week, using 4 weeks as the duration of each change. I haven't consider tracking morning wood as an indicator of the correctness of my dose and may adopt that into my considerations.

    I'm not sure how acurate your general numbers(>35 no wood) would be though as I know I had morning wood at 50+ at one point.

  32. #32
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Well, honestly if it only got me down to 45-50 pg/ml but my erections are very strong, and I was having awesome morning wood, then I'm not going to complain about the lab result.

    From what I have read its the 20-30 pg/ml that is ideal, this is not all about lab numbers.

    So long as my BP is low, I'm my nips are not itching, and I'm getting really solid erections , both during use, and at night I'll be happy.

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