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Thread: New Lab Results

  1. #1
    Forest is offline Junior Member
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    New Lab Results

    Lab tests based upon 3 month script of: 200 mg TestE E2W:
    Age 43
    6'1, 205 lbs
    10% BF

    Hematocrit: 48.6
    PSA: 2.16
    Test Free: 0.77
    Test Bio: 66
    Test Total: 211

    So, my numbers have not changed much compared to when I was taking Testim gel. Consequently, Doc has increased dosage to 100mg/every 5 days.

    Any comments on the numbers above?
    As an endurance athlete, I feel absolutely awesome with regards to cardio capacity. Is this due to the Hematocrit level?

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    numbers need ref ranges but there prolly ng/dl and yes look low... how long after last shot did u do bloodwork?

    how u describe your cardio is more important than numbers but i do like the new 100 every 5 day protocol quite a bit...dont know the answer to your hema question...

    hope u continue to improve and you do well with the new protocol

    keep us posted

  3. #3
    Forest is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman;555***1
    numbers need ref ranges but there prolly ng/dl and yes look low... how long after last shot did u do bloodwork?

    how u describe your cardio is more important than numbers but i do like the new 100 every 5 day protocol quite a bit...dont know the answer to your hema question...

    hope u continue to improve and you do well with the new protocol

    keep us posted
    I did the BW 10 days after my shot but my Doc wanted it done exactly 7 days after shot. Kinda cheated!

    Also, Doc said that the PSA jumped up quite a bit although its in the normal range (its 2.16 and range is 0-4ug/dl). I am wondering what this means if it did go up higher as I have been dosing a bit higher than prescribed (150 EW).

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forest View Post
    I did the BW 10 days after my shot but my Doc wanted it done exactly 7 days after shot. Kinda cheated!

    Also, Doc said that the PSA jumped up quite a bit although its in the normal range (its 2.16 and range is 0-4ug/dl). I am wondering what this means if it did go up higher as I have been dosing a bit higher than prescribed (150 EW).
    y didnt you list what your psa was b4????? u gotta be precise for best help....cancer of the prostate should have been ruled out before trt....a slight raise wouldnt be concerning but youre saying quite a bit...what did the doctor say?

    also weird that 10 days after a 200mg injection your total t was only low 200's

  5. #5
    Forest is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    y didnt you list what your psa was b4????? u gotta be precise for best help....cancer of the prostate should have been ruled out before trt....a slight raise wouldnt be concerning but youre saying quite a bit...what did the doctor say?

    also weird that 10 days after a 200mg injection your total t was only low 200's
    PSA was originally 0.3ug/dl. My Doc said its in the normal range now, but is concerned with the jump and therefore wants to re-test again in 3 months.

    In hindsight, I really wish I would have had the labs done as Rx'ed...7 days after shot. But I thought If I cheated I could get the Doc to increase the script, which he did. However, its probably better to really know where I am at. Oh well. Live and learn. Thanks for your response.

  6. #6
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    HUGE jump in psa, you should be a little concerned until you find the cause or rule out bad b/w result. i would want to redo psa test again, not saying that your trt should or could have a caused that much of a rise in that short of a period - it just looks like a bad lab result.
    Last edited by flatscat; 03-09-2011 at 08:47 PM.

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