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  1. #1
    tonyinnh is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2011

    Newbie Saying hey,, great site!

    I just had my 3rd shot 100ml this morning and finally got to do it myself and bring it home,, Any suggestions? I had my first 2 on each side of my butt, they didn't hurt that bad after,, a little crampy, but not nasty...

    I did it myself with the nurse this morning on the top of my right thigh.. It hurts like hell now.. almost 12hours later.. Im not a ***** with pain.. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't painful.. any ideas or usefull info on future shots?

    I saw a few videos on youtube and one doctor has a great video on painfree injections.... I will try the holding pressure for a full minute method next time like he suggests...

    thanks a bunch,, tony

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    welcome... posts on all forums and learn what you can to help you gain your own goals and ask questions when u cant find and offer your own experience like doin the nurse....good job

    shots...i stick with glutes

  3. #3
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonyinnh View Post
    I just had my 3rd shot 100ml this morning and finally got to do it myself and bring it home,, Any suggestions? I had my first 2 on each side of my butt, they didn't hurt that bad after,, a little crampy, but not nasty...

    I did it myself with the nurse this morning on the top of my right thigh.. It hurts like hell now.. almost 12hours later.. Im not a ***** with pain.. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't painful.. any ideas or usefull info on future shots?

    I saw a few videos on youtube and one doctor has a great video on painfree injections.... I will try the holding pressure for a full minute method next time like he suggests...

    thanks a bunch,, tony
    see bold. hurts my back too when I favor one side or the other. nice 4th post though. JP is spot on, geeze, again.

  4. #4
    tonyinnh is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2011
    ive been reading on here for years, I had an account i couldn't remember the email i had back in 04,, so I opened this new one..... just never posted till now...

    but all the info I learned on here is the whole reason i got injections instead off topical that ive been off and on the last few years,, I just hated the sticky goo,,,,.... reading all the positive in here about injections,, and so far,, I haven't felt a ton, a little better, but from what I read wait until 3 to 4 months and thats when things start getting a lot better...

    Back to the nurse riding my thigh in the first post.. haha,,,, I don't think i was high enough towards my torso,, to far to the knee area .. after I have seen pics and videos today of others used areas.. i will move up a few inches and hold pressure on it for the full minute to see if that helps... My leg is swollen a bit right now,,, Who knows what i did... thanks again,, t

  5. #5
    tonyinnh is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2011
    oh and jpkman,, just like your photo you have,, its great to hold my kids without the worry of my girls getting the gel goo on them...

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