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  1. #1
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    2x EW injections at half total dose help to lower E2 conversion?

    2x EW injections help to lower E2 conversion?

    Hi all I know there are two major schools of thought on injection protocol for TRT.

    I’ve been on it for a while but dose has been too high and I also made this thread here:

    As for a while I had been having some inconsistency in erection strength. Sometimes very good and solid, and other times, rubber chub.

    Anyway, I have been getting my cardio into line, and reduced my dose from 300mg 1x EW cruise, to a proper TRT dose of 150mg 1x EW, and I may lower it even a bit more.

    Right now health and my sex life is most important to me, and I am prefering NOT to go the route of PDE-5 lowering drugs. (have them on had for when things are not so good )

    At the age of 30 they are just not likely needed yet when the issue is hormonal.

    Even though my erections are getting much better during daytime use, there is still room for improvement.

    Now this question is more related to something else that had NOT been happening. I have not been getting morning erections for quite some time.

    From what I understand E2 levels > 35 pg/ml can cause the brain to not release nitric oxide when sleeping. So long as testosterone is high enough, and E2 is 20-30 pg/ml morning wood should be expected.

    I have not had my blood checked for E2 recently, and I am planning on getting it checked soon, as I suspect it is a bit high. Tender in left nipple, so obviously E2 has to come down. I'm willing to lower my total weekly test dose from 150 down to 120 or even 100 if this helps.

    What I'm considering most right now is to simply drop to 3 tic marks (60mg of cypionate ) on both mondays and fridays.

    I want to know if anyone here has any evidence or experience with splitting injections up into 2x EW, say Monday and Firday, at 50mg or 60mg Each (for a total of 100-120mg EW), and if that managed to lower Estradiol conversion at all?

    I’d prefer to be able to do this without having to rely on Arimidex or Letrozole , but rather to have my testosterone levels be in the right range by and of itself to keep my estradiol at 20-30 pg/ml, and so I would like to know if anyone here does their TRT in 2x EW injections at half dose?
    Last edited by meathead320; 03-12-2011 at 02:15 PM.

  2. #2
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    There is another thread similar to this one with people talking about splitting up their dose. I inject twice a week but have zero idea if it has any benefits.

  3. #3
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Thanks for being honest Johhny too many folks are preaching twice a week with zero data to back it up.

  4. #4
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Yep, which is exactly why I'm asking it too. That and the purpose of it.

    In other words does anyone have even anecdotal evidence such as significant increase morning wood?

    Even better would be blood results seeing E2 go down from above 35 pg/ml to between 20-30 pg/ml.

    Same goes for dropping test dose in general from say 150mg EW down to 120 EW?

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    it wont hurt you to try your intended biweekly approach and you'll have the best anecdotal evidence u can find....then u can post your own experience

    my .02

  6. #6
    flatscat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    Yep, which is exactly why I'm asking it too. That and the purpose of it.

    In other words does anyone have even anecdotal evidence such as significant increase morning wood?

    Even better would be blood results seeing E2 go down from above 35 pg/ml to between 20-30 pg/ml.

    Same goes for dropping test dose in general from say 150mg EW down to 120 EW?
    Maybe I am just lucky - I inject 200 about every 6-9 days. I have raging wood EVERY morning starting about 4am that seems to last forever (or until it gets put to use lol). It had been many years since I had it before starting trt. E2 is maintained with .5mg adex a week. Supplement with vit D, DHEA, zinc, good men's multi, fish oil and vit b12 every once in a while. Still using hcg at 250-500 twice a week - most weeks. I have lost a significant amount of weight, and live pretty healthy with diet, cardio and some strength training - which has a ton to do with it as well.

    I used to stress out about finding the sweet spot, and funny enough, didn't find it until I quit trying and just rolled with how my body responds to what I am taking. You have to do the same - no matter what the protocol is, find the one that works for you and don't stress about it. Hopefully it is one that you don't turn yourself into a pin cushion while doing it.


  7. #7
    arizona32's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flatscat View Post
    I used to stress out about finding the sweet spot, and funny enough, didn't find it until I quit trying and just rolled with how my body responds to what I am taking. You have to do the same - no matter what the protocol is, find the one that works for you and don't stress about it. Hopefully it is one that you don't turn yourself into a pin cushion while doing it.

    I agree completely. Unfortunately it takes time to figure out what works for you. Like JPK said, the best anecdotal evidence will be your own experience.
    Personally, changing to 2Xweek seemed to help for me, but that is totally anecdotal with no bloodwork to back it up. Also I don't mind injections, in fact I kind of look forward to them (is that crazy?), and more frequency means less to inject each time. A lot of guys have had luck with an AI or finding the right dose/combination thereof.

  8. #8
    arizona32's Avatar
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    Just noticed you said you were taking 300/wk. and just went to 120/wk. How long have you been at 120? Too high of T can mess you up too, with or without the high E2 so until your blood levels drop the T might be part of the problem.

  9. #9
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by arizona32 View Post
    Just noticed you said you were taking 300/wk. and just went to 120/wk. How long have you been at 120? Too high of T can mess you up too, with or without the high E2 so until your blood levels drop the T might be part of the problem.
    For sure, thats one of the reasons I dropped it down to a more proper TRT amount.

    Should I start to notice possitive results soon as the T levels and E2 levels are more where they should be?

  10. #10
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    E2 is a powerful testosterone receptor antagonist and can increase with increased T. What this means, in short, is that it will bind with the androgen receptors and make your T worthless. That's why a lot of guys increase T to get more benefit but end up not seeing any results and with increased E2 levels and get all the neg sides as well.

    Getting down to 100 mg / wk may help IF you have high E2. Without BW you are blind. Besides sensitive nipples are you seeing any other neg sides? Get cold easily? Swore joints? Stomach weight gain? Man boobs?

    Make sure you're taking 90 mgs of Zinc everyday and looking into adding DIM to your supplements. These will help control E2 IF they are high.

    Personally, I inject 60 mg Monday am and Thursday pm (and take .5 mg of AI same time) because it makes me feel better then once a week...period. There are some schools of thought that smaller doses more frequently provides for a more natural state for the body. I've read that it can also help with keeping E2 level stable as the peaks and valleys of EW, E2W or even worse E3W can cause the highs and lows that can do the same to E2 levels. If you just think about it sort of makes sense.

    However, as stated here, not much on the clinical side to support these statements. Testing and how YOU feel is the only real measurement of success.
    Last edited by 1; 03-19-2011 at 12:03 PM.

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    E2 is a powerful testosterone receptor antagonist and can increase with increased T. What this means, in short, is that it will bind with the androgen receptors and make your T worthless. That's why a lot of guys increase T to get more benefit but end up not seeing any results and with increased E2 levels and get all the neg sides as well.

    Getting down to 100 mg / wk may help IF you have high E2. Without BW you are blind. Besides sensitive nipples are you seeing any other neg sides? Get cold easily? Swore joints? Stomach weight gain? Man boobs?

    Make sure you're taking 90 mgs of Zinc everyday and looking into adding DIM to your supplements. These will help control E2 IF they are high.

    Personally, I inject 60 mg Monday am and Thursday pm (and take .5 mg of AI same time) because it makes me feel better then once a week...period. There are some schools of thought that smaller doses more frequently provides for a more natural state for the body. I've read that it can also help with keeping E2 level stable as the peaks and valleys of EW, E2W or even worse E3W can cause the highs and lows that can do the same to E2 levels. If you just think about it sort of makes sense.

    However, as stated here, not much on the clinical side to support these statements. Testing and how YOU feel is the only real measurement of success.
    clinical nor first hand...not saying any just saying not many...believe that you've seen/heard of it just sayin that 3 x a week with long esters is almost unheard of...

    and if man boobs they waited a bit too long

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