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  1. #1
    finalreport is offline New Member
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    21 year old male blood test back, suprising!

    I had a ton of blood work done, but just for the sake of not writing a book ill only post the test related results and see what you guys suggest.

    Before I started androgel 10g a day my t levels were in the low 100's and E was in the normal range.

    Height: 6'1
    Weight: 300

    test 1187 range 249-836 ng/dl
    free 51.4 range 9.3-26.5 pg/ml

    I am only 21 and under the assumption my t levels should be close to this, however my doctor freaked out and lowered me to 5g of gel a day.

    LH .4 range 1.7-8.6 miu/ml
    fsh <.02 range 1.5-12.4

    Estrogens, total 190 pg/ml doctor gave me a range of up to 180
    Estrodiol 94 range 7.6-42.6 pg/ml
    I am blaming this for my complete lack of libido.

    Vit D 19.5 range 32-100 ngml

    IGF-1 398 range 116-358 ng/ml

    I have slight testicular atrophy and she said we could do HCG but if we go that route then she wont prescribe any Test... My goal is to have normal to high levels of test without the fertility and atrophy issues.


    1. Should I get the hcg from my endo and go to my primary for the test and take both? Or just take the HCG or gel?

    2.How much and how often do you run HCG purely to prevent atrophy?

    3. What type of anti e would be best suited for this situation and how much roughly should I be taking?

    4. My abdomen and back have been sore, what could be causing this? (Recent issue)

    5. My testicles sometimes ache, is this cause for alarm?

    6. Removed

    7. Would it be wise for me to switch to enanthate after finally getting my T levels up? I am not a fan of the hassle of applying it everyday with the risk of rubbing it on others.

    8. If I do switch to enanthate injections, how much should I take weekly?

    I realize you guys cant give me exact numbers, I am just trying to get an idea as I am new to this.

    I am scheduling an appointment for a urologist soon and I will discuss all of this with him, I would just like some info from people who have been through this.

    I can update the post with more info if it would help, symptoms, diet, other health issues etc...

    I would like to thank jpkman for the help via email. Once this is all straightened out Im going to buy you a beer
    Last edited by finalreport; 03-14-2011 at 08:59 AM.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    the beer that is

    late here...gonna answer #3 for now afte reading this "non book"....risking losing my beer....LOOKS LIKE A BOOK!


  3. #3
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    Quote Originally Posted by finalreport View Post
    I had a ton of blood work done, but just for the sake of not writing a book ill only post the test related results and see what you guys suggest.

    Before I started androgel 10g a day my t levels were in the low 100's and E was in the normal range.

    Height: 6'1
    Weight: 300

    test 1187 range 249-836 ng/dl
    free 51.4 range 9.3-26.5 pg/ml

    I am only 21 and under the assumption my t levels should be close to this, however my doctor freaked out and lowered me to 5g of gel a day.

    LH .4 range 1.7-8.6 miu/ml
    fsh <.02 range 1.5-12.4

    Estrogens, total 190 pg/ml doctor gave me a range of up to 180
    Estrodiol 94 range 7.6-42.6 pg/ml
    I am blaming this for my complete lack of libido.

    Vit D 19.5 range 32-100 ngml

    IGF-1 398 range 116-358 ng/ml

    I have slight testicular atrophy and she said we could do HCG but if we go that route then she wont prescribe any Test... My goal is to have normal to high levels of test without the fertility and atrophy issues.


    1. Should I get the hcg from my endo and go to my primary for the test and take both? Or just take the HCG or gel?

    Depends, some people on here take both, some just 1, at 21 i would be concerned about my future fertility though if i were to have kids later on

    2.How much and how often do you run HCG purely to prevent atrophy?

    250iu x2 per wk would prevent it

    3. What type of anti e would be best suited for this situation and how much roughly should I be taking?

    adex or aromasin

    4. My abdomen and back have been sore, what could be causing this? (Recent issue)

    cant advise on this, may need to ask your doctor about it

    5. My testicles sometimes ache, is this cause for alarm?

    usually a dull pain means their shutting down or starting up again, im assuming yours are shutting down from the androgel.

    6. My insurance does not cover injections, what kind of cash am I looking at for a month supply of HCG?

    depends if its govt subsidized, but price talk is against the rules here

    7. Would it be wise for me to switch to enanthate after finally getting my T levels up? I am not a fan of the hassle of applying it everyday with the risk of rubbing it on others.

    If you find a willing doc then yes

    8. If I do switch to enanthate injections, how much should I take weekly?

    Usually 100-200mg per wk depending on your bloodwork

    I realize you guys cant give me exact numbers, I am just trying to get an idea as I am new to this.

    I am scheduling an appointment for a urologist soon and I will discuss all of this with him, I would just like some info from people who have been through this.

    I can update the post with more info if it would help, symptoms, diet, other health issues etc...

    I would like to thank jpkman for the help via email. Once this is all straightened out Im going to buy you a beer

  4. #4
    finalreport is offline New Member
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    First off, thank you for the responses.

    Second, ill remove the question asking about pricing.

    I actually already have the enanthate , just trying to decide to switch or not now that my T is finally up there. Basically i know the gel is working and im not sure if i want to start injections and retest months or weeks later to make sure levels are good.

    jpkman wanted me to add a few things

    The reason I started HRT was because ive basically felt like crap my entire life.
    The symptoms ive been having include severe fatigue, weight gain, painful back, lack of facial hair, poor libido, foggy mind, dry skin, severe depression, always thirsty, never competitive or aggressive in sports, and I've lost interest in just about all my hobbies or activities.

    Ive been on thyroid meds for 7-8 months and haven't noticed a difference in any of my symptoms. My new endo put my on armour thyroid at basically double what I was at. She said it may make me hyperthyroid rather than hypo. At this point, if she believes this will help me feel better im down.

    A list of all the meds ive been on in the past months
    cymbalta, i quit this as i believe my depression was hormone related rather than just the normal boo hoo. Besides the epic withdraws I had, I feel no different after quitting.

    Levothyroxine 50mg daily
    Enanthate 200mg bi weekly
    Androgel 10g day
    hydrocodon 5/500 as needed
    methylphenidate 60mg daily
    Ambien 10mg as needed
    Amour thyroid (not 100% on dosage)

    Three other I havent started yet.
    One is to lower prolactin (i have a pituitary microadenoma 4x5x4mm that my endo believes is causing this)
    Other is Vit D scrip
    The other is a cortisol steroid for further adrenal testing (elevated cortisol levels in blood and urine)

    Note: I was low T before all of these meds.

    Lastly I went in for a sleep study and was diagnosed with mild obstructive sleep apnea. I went for a follow up with a cpap and I was fitted for it, just waiting on the insurance company to approve it and get things set up.

    So much for not a book

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