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  1. #1
    GMD3019 is offline Junior Member
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    24 with 305 test need advice

    So I was on trt for like 6 months almost two years ago but because concerns of it making me infertile we decided to stop doing it and i ended up having to get a different doctor because of insurance stuff but now my new doctor did blood work two weeks ago and made me a appointment to see a urologist in a week to get my sperm count checked i just got my blood work results and my test was at 305ng and he says since I'm in the normal range of 300-1000ng my test level doesn't warrant TRT I may be wrong but at 24 shouldn't my test be a lot higher i mean i could see a 50 or 60 year old having a test level in the 305 range but not a 24 who would like to be able to have sex and what not so please give me some input on ways to approach my doctor about this and also do urologist do TRT thank you

  2. #2
    tonyinnh is offline Junior Member
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    if your trying to have kids,, thats prob what is the negative to the doc for therapy... so many issues with birth defects,, etc,,,, I would ask to see somebody else.. cause if your t is that low at your age,, you will PROBABLY be in the same boat as me with depression and such as you get older.. just something for you to watch for... have some kids then get you crap fixed,, then you dont have to worry about it.. I am the farthest thing from a expert here,, just telling you what i know...

  3. #3
    EASTCOASTKID is offline Associate Member
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    Dude get a new doc that "its in the normal range" is saying your doc does not like administering TEST.

    Its kinda like those BMI charts they show you when you are 210 and ripped and they dont even look at you with no clothes and say you need to lose weight.... B.S..

  4. #4
    tonyinnh is offline Junior Member
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    my prescribing doc said im obese at 212 lbs 5' 10"..... most doctors suck,, your just helping pay their boat....

  5. #5
    GMD3019 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys and yeah my depression has been horrible and I refuse to go on antidepressants for it cus I know from a fact it's from low test. The low test sides I'm having are depression, No sex drive and when I do have sex I'm cursed from E.D. now. It sucks because I don't know if it's from me damaging my body during my cycles or if it's from possibly damaging my pituitory gland from a massive head injury I got back in 2007 but anyways like I said I have an appointment with a urologist on the 5th of April and so were gonna get my sperm count checked and if the lil guys are still working I'm gonna get some frozen so I can have kids someday because really not being on TRT isn't an option my life sucks without it I almost bought some test e to start giving myself my own trt because I was getting tired of living like this but I decided it was smarter to stay off it so the urologist would be able to all the blod work and see where all my levels are at naturaly without screwing the results up by doing my own trt. I found a couple charts on the Internet for testosterone levels by age and the charts say I should be in the 800-900ng range so I think I might show my doctor the charts and the info I've found cus he told me I'm his first patient my age he's ever had to do TRT on and also his first patient that has done steroids so I think he is used to having a lot older patients but thank u for the replys and advice

  6. #6
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GMD3019 View Post
    Thanks guys and yeah my depression has been horrible and I refuse to go on antidepressants for it cus I know from a fact it's from low test. The low test sides I'm having are depression, No sex drive and when I do have sex I'm cursed from E.D. now. It sucks because I don't know if it's from me damaging my body during my cycles or if it's from possibly damaging my pituitory gland from a massive head injury I got back in 2007 but anyways like I said I have an appointment with a urologist on the 5th of April and so were gonna get my sperm count checked and if the lil guys are still working I'm gonna get some frozen so I can have kids someday because really not being on TRT isn't an option my life sucks without it I almost bought some test e to start giving myself my own trt because I was getting tired of living like this but I decided it was smarter to stay off it so the urologist would be able to all the blod work and see where all my levels are at naturaly without screwing the results up by doing my own trt. I found a couple charts on the Internet for testosterone levels by age and the charts say I should be in the 800-900ng range so I think I might show my doctor the charts and the info I've found cus he told me I'm his first patient my age he's ever had to do TRT on and also his first patient that has done steroids so I think he is used to having a lot older patients but thank u for the replys and advice
    Low Test often means low E2. I get the same symptoms as you describe when my E2 goes to low from an AI, even though my Test is very good. Of course, knowing that doesn't help your situation, you still have to get the correct treatment. Just be aware that you should be looking at more than T levels! It's a total package. Especially at your age. Kick start the boys somehow if you want kids, do Test later after the wife is pregnant.

    Trust me, having kids is a young man's sport. If you feel like you are 100 because of health and low energy, life will really suck with the extra physical demands of a kid. You can always tell the wife you are not in the mood, but that just doesn't work with a crying kid. And you really want to enjoy this experience . . . it's can be a blast!

  7. #7
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    your op stated you WANTED to come OFF trt.....did you mean to add that you were only coming off for a short time? did you get your partner pregnant? stored some swimmers?

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