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  1. #1
    kickinit's Avatar
    kickinit is offline Member
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    Tired, lazy, weak, dizzy and going crazy

    Hey guys, it's been a while since I posted so I will give some quick info about me.

    Almost 35yrs old, on TRT for about 3 years now, testicular problems.

    my dose is 200mg a week, split twice a week with TEST E. Arimidex .5mg every other day.

    My IGF-1 levels have been low the same time my test was also low, and resently did a stimulation test and since then I can't concentrate and all of the above.

    In the gym its really annoying, usually Im in LALA land and knock it out. Now thinking about groceries etc... is invading my space and can't block it.

    I know its not much to go on and I'm at work now so its quick but anything that can be doing it? Besides STRESS? I just got a massage too (professional) i'm trying to do it once a month.

    Like I said it all started since the Argnine stimulation test.


  2. #2
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Aug 2005
    Think maybe the 0.5 Arimidex EOD is too much and you have drove your E2 too low?

    Perhaps getting that checked, and then lowering your E2 dose to half of that or 0.25mg EOD would be called for?

  3. #3
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I agree with meathead. I was taking 0.25 Arimidex twice a week and it was too much for me. I was on top of the world before having to start the AI, then I felt like crap. I could not concentrate either! I was having major mental issues too. It was not so much memory problem as a wild mind and inability to concentrate. I eventually dropped down to 0.15 mg Arimedex twice a week.

    Your stress test stiumlates the release of HGH. HGH has a big impact on lots of hormonal systems. It's easy to attribute that to throwing off a delicate balance you had obtained with manual control of your hormones.

    Stop the Arimidex completely. See how you feel after 3-5 days. If you are improving you have your culprit. If you feel worse then maybe your problem is the HGH stimulated more E2 production and you need more Armidex. But my money is with meathead and you need less Arimidex to get your E2 levels back up into a good range.

    If the Arimidex is the problem, you will then know which direction you need to adjust based on the above experiment. So then you can adjust your amount accordingly and find the sweet spot again.

  4. #4
    BJJ's Avatar
    BJJ is offline Sapiens Fingit Fortunam Sibi
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    I would get a proper BW and then decide if get rid of the AI or just reduce it.
    In any case, there is no assurance your problems come from anastrozole.

  5. #5
    kickinit's Avatar
    kickinit is offline Member
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    Feb 2008
    Thanks guys, my E2 has always been high it sucks. On testim my E was already off the chart, so I did the .5 every other. My dose has been the same since I started the program. Sometimes I forget to take my orals (clomid and arimidex ) for long periods of time or if I cycle my TEST a little. I did recently cycle my test for about 400mg a week for about 1 month only, mostly to see how I feel and any perticular gains. I had to cut it short since had to go in to see the doctor for annual and tapered off with what I had left. Maybe I dropped the cycle too quick? Im going in for blood work soon again since I feel this way and also to get the results of the stimluation test since they are too CHEAT just to call me with the results.

    Thanks for the info and will keep a extra eye on my E

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