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  1. #1
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Question about aromitase enzyme upregulation and down regulation?

    Recently I’ve been trying to get my E2 to come down, to handle some Erection issues, and Blood pressure issues, associated with my test dose being too high.

    I went from 300mg EW down to 120, taken as 60mg 2x EW and have been doing good on that dose with 0.2mg 2x EW of Liquidex.

    I would prefer not to have to take the Liquidex however and simply let my body make the proper amount of E2 from a proper amount of test.

    I’m only 30, and not overly fat, so I should not be making too much aromitase, but I likely had been by keeping the testosterone cypionate injects too high for too long.

    I was also only injecting 1x EW, so I must have had some very high peak levels.

    Obviously the body will make more aromitase to compensate for this after time, and then eventually I stopped feeling great, was holding water, not getting it up etc...

    Ok, so now that I’m on the liquidex, my concern is that since I am giving the aromitase something to bind to, I am encouraging it to stay high, or stay upregulated.

    If I were to simply go off the liquidex all together, I believe that my aromitase would still be quite high compared to the amount of test I am now taking.

    How long does it usually take for aromitase production to down regulate following a lowering of test dose, when no AI’s are used? I'd much prefer to only need the test if a specific dose alone is enough to keep me in the top 1/3rd, and not be too high in E2.

    For example, lets say someone is on 300mg EW of test C, and they are at 1700ng/dl total testosterone, and 80 pg/ml of E2, obviously lots of E2 conversion.
    How long would it reasonable take from them to be producing only 35 pg/ml from 120mg EW of test, or at least have the E2 be way less than 80pg/ml? (obviously varies person to person, hence why I say reasonable)

    Does Aromitase activity even down regulate after time of less test dose?

    We will see in 4 weeks when my blood test is scheduled for. I'm just hoping things have evened out by then. I will not be on the AI for that time either, since I want to give my body enough time to adjust to the new dose.

    I plan to see where it really puts me in terms of E2, to see if I do/ do not need the AI, or if my test dose needs to be even lower, like 100mg EW total, with 50mg 2x EW.

  2. #2
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I have a low tolerance for E2. If my E2 hits 28 I get sore nipples. So I have researched the aromitase thing a lot. I haven't found any way to get the amount to decrease except to loose body fat. However, I would love to be wrong so I am going to watch this thread.

  3. #3
    trix8 is offline Associate Member
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    i think it would naturally fall with your test dose as the test goes down, probably wouldnt take more then 3 weeks to get a reading of how much estro ur dose just going from what ive heard n felt so dont quote me.

    also take a zma or zinc supplement will stop e2 conversion

  4. #4
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by trix8 View Post
    i think it would naturally fall with your test dose as the test goes down, probably wouldnt take more then 3 weeks to get a reading of how much estro ur dose just going from what ive heard n felt so dont quote me.

    also take a zma or zinc supplement will stop e2 conversion
    How much will it drive it down, and what dose how often?

    Just ordered ZMA supplement from NOW, should that be less of a risk of driving E2 too low, but stil keeping it from getting too high, or at least reducing is somewhat?
    Last edited by meathead320; 03-24-2011 at 08:47 PM.

  5. #5
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    USA, In the Tundra
    I was taking 100 mg Zn every day. I have to say I saw no benefit from it. If there was diminished arimotase action due to the Zn, I couldn't quantify it at all. And the Zn didn't have to lower my E2 by more than about 5 points for me to notice the benefits. At the time, I was right on the boarder when I tried the Zn instead of using an AI. Had it lowered my E2 by 5 points my nipples would have stopped hurting. The stuff I have read indicates it works for "some" men. So I have to think that it's more about if you have a Zn deficiency it will help, but if you already have good Zn levels in your body the extra won't do much for you.

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