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  1. #1
    tonyinnh is offline Junior Member
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    Mar 2011

    how long before you had noticable shrinkage in the sack??

    I just took my 5th shot of 100 in 8 weeks,, my nuts are already 1/2 the size... not joking at all.. is that pretty normal? I know I need to call my doctor about the hcg .. and such,, but just wondering if this is excessive? what the hell happens to the major steroid boys? holy sheet,, they must straight up lose theres!

  2. #2
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Going on my 7th week of 5gms daily AndroGel , sack is still 90% normal size.

  3. #3
    G.P. is offline Junior Member
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    On 100mg a week I didn't notice any difference after 3 months. It could have a lot to do with other things too like what your levels are to start with. If you have lost 50% then your body has probably stopped it's own test production.

  4. #4
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    100 mg/week. The boys were diminished within a month. After two months they were a lot smaller and the sac was so shriveled up it was squishing the boys. I had soreness at the two month mark that persisted. I started HCG .

    HCG is your friend. It is even a better friend to your boys.

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonyinnh View Post
    I just took my 5th shot of 100 in 8 weeks,, my nuts are already 1/2 the size... not joking at all.. is that pretty normal? YUP
    I know I need to call my doctor about the hcg .. and such,, but just wondering if this is excessive? what the hell happens to the major steroid boys? dont know but hear post talking about prevention with hcg as those on trt
    ...when youre huevs dont need to produce test THEY SHRINk....dosage not much of a factor
    holy sheet,, they must straight up lose theres!
    like gotblue said...hcg i hear is the saviour

  6. #6
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    10 weeks at 200mgs per week and mine are down to 60%!

  7. #7
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    When men start a TRT protocol they go into HPTA shut down; and it doesn't take much T for this to happen. When T is introduced exogenously the Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) - also known as Luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) - stops in the Hypothalamus the gland sees that there is no need to increase T production naturally. When this happens the mans pituitary gland will not release Luteinzing Hormones (LH).

    LH binds itself to receptors of the mans Leydig Cells within the testes. It's at this point when the testes start producing natural Testosterone . IF there is no LH there is no need for the testes to function and atrophy occurs.

    hGC is a bio-identical form of LH and your testes respond accordingly.

    All men are different and react differently so some will see immediate atrophy while others may see a very slow lose of the testicle glands. But make no mistake, TRT causes HPTA shutdown. Why some docs don't prescribe this from the get go is just not right in my opinion.

    Men shouldn't have to suffer needlessly.

    Remember, you need healthy testes if you ever want to re-start, have kids, produce Pegnenolone and have a clear state of a bunch of other sides as well.


  8. #8
    streeter's Avatar
    streeter is offline Associate Member
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    Ditto on the HCG . I have stopped it and they start to shrink after 2 weeks. Soon as I go back on 2XW 250mg HCG they bounce right back.

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