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  1. #1
    tonyinnh is offline Junior Member
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    Question Did Your endocrinologist check you balls physically??? please read

    some of you know me a little in here... but I have my next visit coming up on the 14th..

    When he prescribed me my test, my doctor was a wicked dick head with his "old chinese ways".. he asked me 3 or 4 different time if i smoke marijuana .. which i havent touched in 20 years (don't quite get that),, and before he wrote my script he took a detailed "look" and feel of my balls... and felt me in more ways then I have had in years,, lol..

    My ? is ,, is this guy a quack? Why would a blood doctor grab my nuts so much? was he looking for damage?

    making sure Im a guy?

    want to jump my bones?? lol

    I wanted to get your input before i go back,, cause if he tries this sheet again, im prob gonna deck him, (not really) and go see somebody else, esp since how sore my balls have gotten since using the test,,,,

    they are literally up inside me now,, my bag is a shriveled peach pit looking thing,, and is is completely empty,, i have to pull them down from way up and it hurts like hell when i pull them down,, no joke there hard to grab!...

    again, over the phone I talked about the hcg , etc..,, they don't care.. i need to talk to him in a office visit...

    thanks for your input,,,

  2. #2
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    My doc never wanted to see any part of me other than pulling up my shirt to get a quick gauge of body fat.

    I went on 200mg/week of Test Cyp and never noticed testicular atrophy. I went on HCG a few weeks later and they seem to be doing just fine. Totally normal looking.

    At least he got a good look while doing the physical examination. No way he can miss the my-balls-are-gone situation you find yourself in.

  3. #3
    THORSZ's Avatar
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    My doc never looked at mine, but it does make sense. Maybe he was looking for damage or lumps. I am actually surprised how quick some doctors are to pull out their pad and write a script.

    Now if he wants to see them again, have him buy you dinner first.

  4. #4
    tonyinnh is offline Junior Member
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    http://patients.dartmouth-hitchcock....ng_Kong_MD_PhD is the link to him,, hes def got credentials!!

    DINNER,,, RIGHT,,, HAHA,, and maybe a hit off the hookah after that!! wooohooo!!

    It was very hard to get the script,, i had to fight for about 20 minutes, go over the topicall stuff i have tried in the last few years that i hate,,,,

    the not touching my kids,, the separating the laundry,, the not touching the couch or something with the areas of skin its on,, esp in the summer,,, just overall,, really sucked,, never mind the awesome shirt/ glue stuck feeling all day,,, HATE IT!!

    he blamed on my being "obese" (his words) 30 lbs over weight... ( i have lost 15 in the last month) and have totally changed my ENTIRE eating habits,, no junk, no soda, no candy,, just low/no fat foods.. homemade,, the only thing I eat "out" is subway... its been a weird way of life,, but I feel 10 years younger overall.. so its worth it.... I dont want to have a heart attack when im 50.. it was just time to change.....
    Last edited by tonyinnh; 03-28-2011 at 06:52 PM.

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    endo and uro both copped a feel endo was a female they both also went in the back door...

  6. #6
    tonyinnh is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    endo and uro both copped a feel endo was a female they both also went in the back door...
    damn,, i guess i should complain then,,, damn,, sorry,,,,

  7. #7
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I am actually disappointed that my doc didn't do anything to check my prostate other than asking the usual questions about urinating a lot, or needing to get up in the middle of the night to urinate. Not that I wanted the finger action, but now I worry that I have elevated Test levels and my prostate wasn't checked. I am just now getting health insurance again and I plan on getting it checked. Safety first. Ugh.

  8. #8
    Najeem is offline New Member
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    Sounds like you need to find a doc.. but he may have been just checking for lumps. Next time hes down there ask him what he's looking for and tell him you dont feel comfortable that he stroking you nut sack..

  9. #9
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonyinnh View Post
    some of you know me a little in here... but I have my next visit coming up on the 14th..

    When he prescribed me my test, my doctor was a wicked dick head with his "old chinese ways".. he asked me 3 or 4 different time if i smoke marijuana .. which i havent touched in 20 years (don't quite get that),, and before he wrote my script he took a detailed "look" and feel of my balls... and felt me in more ways then I have had in years,, lol..

    My ? is ,, is this guy a quack? Why would a blood doctor grab my nuts so much? was he looking for damage?

    making sure Im a guy?

    want to jump my bones?? lol

    I wanted to get your input before i go back,, cause if he tries this sheet again, im prob gonna deck him, (not really) and go see somebody else, esp since how sore my balls have gotten since using the test,,,,

    they are literally up inside me now,, my bag is a shriveled peach pit looking thing,, and is is completely empty,, i have to pull them down from way up and it hurts like hell when i pull them down,, no joke there hard to grab!...

    again, over the phone I talked about the hcg , etc..,, they don't care.. i need to talk to him in a office visit...

    thanks for your input,,,
    LOL, i needed a good laugh! hey it might be uncomfortable for the doc to touch you in the forbidden areas, but it could save your life! like Johnny V. said, Safety!

  10. #10
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    My uro checked my nuts first thing.

  11. #11
    tonyinnh is offline Junior Member
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    cool,, so its pretty normal then.. i mentioned it to a buddy of mine and he was pretty shocked.. but i see you guys have been through the same crap...

    he can check my nuts all he want as long as i am good and he keeps giving me my scripts...

    i feel like i won a million bucks the way i feel.. i will never go back to the sheety depression, weak just plain sheety feeling i was in......

    thank a ton guys for your info and advise,, i really mean that,, i wish i could buy you all a beer....

  12. #12
    blacksmoke's Avatar
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    I had my nuts checked by the uro and my reg doc and still no script yet!

  13. #13
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    My Doc didn't check them either...but I feel them enough any way to know they are just fine

  14. #14
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    My doc didn't check my nuts, even on the 2nd visit when I told him about my testicular discomfort. They had shrunk up so much they were getting pinched up between the pubic skin and pubic bone. He asked me a ton of questions, like was the soreness in both, a local lump or anything. But he never did an exam.

    I checked out your doc's credentials. I spotted the issue right away. He works at a "Notre Dame Pavilion at Catholic Medical Center" and obviously got his training from some Catholic priests. Be careful if he goes for the prostate exam . . . it may not be his finger!

  15. #15
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    My doc didn't check my nuts, even on the 2nd visit when I told him about my testicular discomfort. They had shrunk up so much they were getting pinched up between the pubic skin and pubic bone. He asked me a ton of questions, like was the soreness in both, a local lump or anything. But he never did an exam.

    I checked out your doc's credentials. I spotted the issue right away. He works at a "Notre Dame Pavilion at Catholic Medical Center" and obviously got his training from some Catholic priests. Be careful if he goes for the prostate exam . . . it may not be his finger!
    hahahaha you are a BAD man. Now there is no way he will be about to get that thought out of his head next visit.

  16. #16
    tonyinnh is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    My doc didn't check my nuts, even on the 2nd visit when I told him about my testicular discomfort. They had shrunk up so much they were getting pinched up between the pubic skin and pubic bone. He asked me a ton of questions, like was the soreness in both, a local lump or anything. But he never did an exam.

    I checked out your doc's credentials. I spotted the issue right away. He works at a "Notre Dame Pavilion at Catholic Medical Center" and obviously got his training from some Catholic priests. Be careful if he goes for the prostate exam . . . it may not be his finger!
    i dont get it...????
    lmao... too funny guy,, a chinese guy working at a catholic hospital.. lol!!

  17. #17
    tonyinnh is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    My doc didn't check my nuts, even on the 2nd visit when I told him about my testicular discomfort. They had shrunk up so much they were getting pinched up between the pubic skin and pubic bone. He asked me a ton of questions, like was the soreness in both, a local lump or anything. But he never did an exam.

    I checked out your doc's credentials. I spotted the issue right away. He works at a "Notre Dame Pavilion at Catholic Medical Center" and obviously got his training from some Catholic priests. Be careful if he goes for the prostate exam . . . it may not be his finger!
    sounds like you have the same issue,,, its not even the shrinking,, its the going up up and away!! i understand,, mine were pretty much dead, (t was 126 last tested) but holy momma... the doctor told me it was going to happen... im just wondering if its so bad cause my natural production was so low to start with...

  18. #18
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tonyinnh View Post
    sounds like you have the same issue,,, its not even the shrinking,, its the going up up and away!! i understand,, mine were pretty much dead, (t was 126 last tested) but holy momma... the doctor told me it was going to happen... im just wondering if its so bad cause my natural production was so low to start with...
    Starting T is no indicator of how much the boys will shrink. They pretty much are going to shrink when you go on TRT.

    I started HCG . 250 IU two times a week. The boys came back rather quickly. After 1 week they had bounced back enough that they were no longer sore, but not yet fully back to size. It can take up to a month to fully return to size.

  19. #19
    APIs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    endo and uro both copped a feel endo was a female they both also went in the back door...
    x 2. I would question any doctor who "doesnt" do this. Uncomfortable, yes. Necessary, yes. End of story...

  20. #20
    sirupate is offline Member
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    My endo checked at the initial visit and hasn't since. If I tell him they are shrinking and I want to add some hCG , I bet he takes another look at them. Awkward for sure. Guess I'll live though...

  21. #21
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirupate View Post
    My endo checked at the initial visit and hasn't since. If I tell him they are shrinking and I want to add some hCG, I bet he takes another look at them. Awkward for sure. Guess I'll live though...
    maybe can just ask him to take your word

  22. #22
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    maybe can just ask him to take your word
    Yeah, trust me doc....but he seems like a real careful doctor to me. More so than I would like really.

  23. #23
    Epic Ed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    endo and uro both copped a feel endo was a female they both also went in the back door...

    You got the bonus treatment, huh? Did they charge extra for that? ;-)

  24. #24
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Epic Ed View Post
    You got the bonus treatment, huh? Did they charge extra for that? ;-)
    hey epic...long time...

    you could definitely say he took more than i bargained for

  25. #25
    Jadam is offline Junior Member
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    The AA clinic I'm at didn't look or touch, just ran blood work. The doctor I saw recently was all over my nuts making sure they weren't under sized, deformed, or damaged. Kind of weird, but like others said, I'd rather have someone do a full check than half-ass it.

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