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  1. #1
    burndawg is offline New Member
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    HRT newbie advice needes

    After getting my levels checked which were in the low 200s I have started injectable HRT. I am in need of any and all advice on what can be done to maximize this in terms of fat loss and muscle gains. Also if anyone can give some insight on what realistic expectations I can have with prescription doses. Any help would be very helpful.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    eat well, live well, play hard, sleep well, rinse and repeat...

    if youve had levels in low 200's for lon you are likely to see obvious improvements in all those concerns...youre seeking maximum then post your diet and workout plans in those respective forums

  3. #3
    n00bs's Avatar
    n00bs is offline Member
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    If you could outline your protocol and labs that would help.

    Testosterone is a small part of the puzzle

  4. #4
    burndawg is offline New Member
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    The injections are testosterone cypionate 200 mg once a week for 3 weeks then moving to once every three weeks. But will check lvls after first 4 weeks of treatment to see if dose is correct.

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burndawg View Post
    The injections are testosterone cypionate 200 mg once a week for 3 weeks then moving to once every three weeks. But will check lvls after first 4 weeks of treatment to see if dose is correct.
    when you switch to the every 3 weeks is your dosage staying the same? regardless every 3 weeks will be like running a marathon by sprinting then walking sprinting then walking sprinting....see the pattern...have u done any reading on this forum prior to posting

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by burndawg View Post
    The injections are testosterone cypionate 200 mg once a week for 3 weeks then moving to once every three weeks. But will check lvls after first 4 weeks of treatment to see if dose is correct.
    No hCG ? Do you know what can happen to you without hCG especially at 200 mg/wk? You are no doubt in HPTA shutdown now...

    What were your E2 levels when you had your BW done? Generally speaking, you'd want to be on 2 mg/wk of an AI (at 200 mg/wk of T) to control amroamatase conversion of T to E2. You'd test later to see where your E2 levels are and adjust accordingly.

    Without either of these two components to your protocol you may, or may not, see the kind of results you'd expect...or worse, see some nasty negative sides as well.

    Also, as stated here very well, a once every 3 weeks is torture to you and your body. At a minimum you need to be on a weekly injection schedule.

    Just my $0.02...
    Last edited by 1; 04-08-2011 at 08:34 AM.

  7. #7
    APIs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by burndawg View Post
    The injections are testosterone cypionate 200 mg once a week for 3 weeks then moving to once every three weeks. But will check lvls after first 4 weeks of treatment to see if dose is correct.
    200 mgs once every 3 weeks? Is this your Doctors plan moving forward? If so, find another Dr. asap. Test Cyp only stays in the body for 6-7 days. Doing one injection every 3 weeks will make your Test levels plummet & have adverse effects (aka feeling like shit). At the very least, explain to him the half-life (6-7 days) and ask why he would suggest 3 week dosing?

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    No hCG ? Do you know what can happen to you without hCG especially at 200 mg/wk? You are no doubt in HPTA shutdown now...

    What were your E2 levels when you had your BW done? Generally speaking, you'd want to be on 2 mg/wk of an AI (at 200 mg/wk of T) to control amroamatase conversion of T to E2. You'd test later to see where your E2 levels are and adjust accordingly.

    Without either of these two components to your protocol you may, or may not, see the kind of results you'd expect...or worse, see some nasty negative sides as well.

    Just my $0.02...
    i was waitin for my hcg bro to chime in...although making the gains the op is looking for myself without hcg i did add an AI early on in my trt protocol...
    also did u not see he's going to e3w?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    i was waitin for my hcg bro to chime in...although making the gains the op is looking for myself without hcg i did add an AI early on in my trt protocol...
    also did u not see he's going to e3w?
    Just trying to help the brother out Jpkman! Too many Quacks out there putting men on wrongful protocols without the correct education (every 3 weeks!!!) or willingness to do it right...which can hurt them.

  10. #10
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    when you switch to the every 3 weeks is your dosage staying the same? regardless every 3 weeks will be like running a marathon by sprinting then walking sprinting then walking sprinting....see the pattern...have u done any reading on this forum prior to posting every two week injection schedule is like that. Can't imagine how bad three week intervals would be.

  11. #11
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    This has already been said, but do not let the doc put you on one shot every three weeks. Your levels will be a mess. Just helping with consensus.

  12. #12
    burndawg is offline New Member
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    I have not done any reading on this form prior to posting. However I have always done general reading on the subject but am far from well versed. I do not have my results so am not sure sure what my other levels were at. My test lvl was at 261 on the chart. Yes his plan was to stay on the same dosage of 200mg when.jumping to the once every three week injection. I thought that would be too much down time as well and was going to have him look at correcting that at our next visit at the 4 week mark. Im not sure what you mean by hCG . I hate to sound like a total noob at test but the fact is I am. I have always had a strong opinion on test that it would ne great but this is the first time I have gotten the chance to use. You guys seem very knowledgeable about this subject so I hope you can keep me in the right direction. The doc said that once we get my lvls where they need to be I will still be on a maintaining role so it doesn't look like he will take me off once it gets good. I went and had my levels drawn due to a varity of symptoms and was hopin to try test. When they actually came back that low it actually made alot of sense with my lack of motivation and my slight increase of weight ier the last few years. By no means am I very large but I do wanna get down about. 25 lbs. I figured 190 to 165 wouldn't be too hard of a task however I do have to jump the biggest hurdle that is my diet. Eat way too much red meat and am way to picky. I will have to find a simple easy to stick to alternative that is based on alot of chicken to be realistic. I know this may seem like alot but your help wont go unused here. Thanks alot. For anything your able to offer. Also sorry if the typing is messed up alittle. A touch screen phone isn't always the best answer for some boards.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by burndawg View Post
    I have not done any reading on this form prior to posting. However I have always done general reading on the subject but am far from well versed. I do not have my results so am not sure sure what my other levels were at. My test lvl was at 261 on the chart. Yes his plan was to stay on the same dosage of 200mg when.jumping to the once every three week injection. I thought that would be too much down time as well and was going to have him look at correcting that at our next visit at the 4 week mark. Im not sure what you mean by hCG. I hate to sound like a total noob at test but the fact is I am. I have always had a strong opinion on test that it would ne great but this is the first time I have gotten the chance to use. You guys seem very knowledgeable about this subject so I hope you can keep me in the right direction. The doc said that once we get my lvls where they need to be I will still be on a maintaining role so it doesn't look like he will take me off once it gets good. I went and had my levels drawn due to a varity of symptoms and was hopin to try test. When they actually came back that low it actually made alot of sense with my lack of motivation and my slight increase of weight ier the last few years. By no means am I very large but I do wanna get down about. 25 lbs. I figured 190 to 165 wouldn't be too hard of a task however I do have to jump the biggest hurdle that is my diet. Eat way too much red meat and am way to picky. I will have to find a simple easy to stick to alternative that is based on alot of chicken to be realistic. I know this may seem like alot but your help wont go unused here. Thanks alot. For anything your able to offer. Also sorry if the typing is messed up alittle. A touch screen phone isn't always the best answer for some boards.
    This is EXACTLY what I mean. The physician put the OP on 200 mg/wk for 3 weeks THEN wants to move to every a 3 week protocol. WTF???

    The OP is in HPTA shut down and the Doctor didn't consider (or even know) that hCG is needed for all the reasons stated in previous posts? (See below)

    All wrong in my opinion and the OP could end up feeling a lot worse without getting the results he's looking for.

    OP: When you start an exogenous T protocol you go into HPTA shutdown. In short, this means your testicles shutdown becasue the receptors on your lydeg cells are not receiving LH produced by your pituitary gland. When this happens your testicles will go into a declining state of atrophy. When this happens your testicles will start getting smaller and it won't stop. Your testicles will be sore 24/7. Your sack will tighten-up and you will look like my 5 year old. Your testicles are the main source for Pregnenolone, the "Mother" hormone for all your other hormones!!!

    In other words, you need to be on hCG!!!!

    Please ask your Doctor what he intends to do about you being in HPTA shutdown and what's going to happen to your testicles. Seriously, if he can't answer you or tell you why you need hCG when you leave his office...RUN!

    And God forbid if you're a young guy and want children in the future!!!

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