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  1. #1
    pugster is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    help with male HRT in the UK

    Hi all , my first post on here tho i have read this forum from end to end looking for info and am unable to pm marcus300- due to lack of posts i guess

    anyhow im 41 yrs old and after experiencing low test symtoms for many years ( no libido , sweats , depression etc) , i finally managed to convince my GP to let me have some tests done , first one showed total test of 10.8 n/mol (range 9-30) , second one showed total test of 10.1 (this also included free/ estrodial /SHBG tests tho he has not disclosed info on results for these)

    anyhow , now to the crunch , my GP is very reluctant to prescribe HRT here and admits he has no knowledge in this area , he also refered me to an endo here who refused to see me unless my total test was under 9 n/mol regardless of my symptoms.

    i am looking for info on any endo / urologists in the UK that specialise in male HRT , my GP wants solid medical evidence .As far as i can gather unless you go private its little used in the UK so i need to present a 'case' to him more or less and am having trouble finding any specialists here that are not in the private sector.

    so far i have >
    Bristish society for sexual medicine - the role of androgens 2011
    investigation and treatment of male hypogonadism -ISA euro guidelines.

    any help from UK members here would be a godsend (or help from members worldwide) , just trying to get a 3month trial to see if it helps me is turning into a bloody nightmare.

    Many thanks

  2. #2
    pugster is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2011
    i would be grafeful if someone could pm marcus300 to let him know this thread is here (i know hes a regular poster and in the UK) , if you do pm him plz post here to say you have so we dont get his in-box flooded (i am unable to pm ppl atm)


  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I have to admit the UK are alittle behind the times with HRT on men and you will struggle unless your doctor has some knowledge in this area. Your T is on the lower end of the limit and I doubt your going get any UK doctor to prescribe you therapy if your levels are within range. Normal UK doctors will send you to see a Endo and you will have a full blood panel done and you will get medication to solve your complaint. But if your BW doesn't show you need any help in this area your not going to get prescribed T. You should of made sure your T levels were very low before you had blood work done then your doctor would of sent you to see the specialist who would of brought your levels back up with medication.

  4. #4
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
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    Uk doctors suck mate .. mine just tell me to talk to i thought i would self medicate @ 200ml of test cyp a week and bingo my life is back on track ..Im going to see my doctor again and prove a point to him..iv suffered over 20y with you symptoms and having im now 43 and sex live is great and only after 5 weeks of shots.. doctors no nothing about what test can do..they just look at the bad side of them..After all our body's run on hormones and if there out of sink we are surly going to run into trouble .

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