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  1. #1
    bbray is offline New Member
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    New to TRT and confused by my test cypionate

    Hey guys, I'm new on HRT. My testosterone level was 183. I'm 5'11", 190 lbs, and 32 years old. It was also found that I had a thyroid problem.

    My treatment is(repeat every week):
    Day 1 & 2 = 500 IU HCG
    Day 3 160mg testosterone cypionate
    DHEA 50mg 1/day
    Armour Thyroid 1/day

    Well I had two questions. First, the test cypionate came in a little bottle(from compound pharmacy) and had on the label CMP 200mg test Zinc 2mg. I looked at the script the doctor wrote and it said 200mg test cyp + 2mg zinc. Has anyone every heard of this? Some friends of mine that have uses test before said that they hadn't.

    Second question. A couple of guys I know are on HRT. They are taking 200 mg/wk test cyp and estrogen blocker and that is all. I am getting 160mg/wk plus the 2xHCG. How will the HCG affect my test levels? Will it make them go up or just keep my nuts from atrophying? Also, any idea what this combo will put my overall t level at such as the day after I take the test shot?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by bbray View Post
    Hey guys, I'm new on HRT. My testosterone level was 183. I'm 5'11", 190 lbs, and 32 years old. It was also found that I had a thyroid problem.

    My treatment is(repeat every week):
    Day 1 & 2 = 500 IU HCG
    Day 3 160mg testosterone cypionate
    DHEA 50mg 1/day
    Armour Thyroid 1/day

    Well I had two questions. First, the test cypionate came in a little bottle(from compound pharmacy) and had on the label CMP 200mg test Zinc 2mg. I looked at the script the doctor wrote and it said 200mg test cyp + 2mg zinc. Has anyone every heard of this? Some friends of mine that have uses test before said that they hadn't.

    CMP is a combination of calcium, magnesium and potassium that can be used for electrolyte nutrition for all muscles of your body. CMP is also useful for some cases of adrenal dysfunction which is probably why your Doc added these supplements. It is most useful for cortical hyperfunction. Potassium also helps to calm the adrenals.

    Second question. A couple of guys I know are on HRT. They are taking 200 mg/wk test cyp and estrogen blocker and that is all. I am getting 160mg/wk plus the 2xHCG. How will the HCG affect my test levels? Will it make them go up or just keep my nuts from atrophying? Also, any idea what this combo will put my overall t level at such as the day after I take the test shot?

    The combo of Test CYP and HCG is excellent. HCG, among a lot of other things, will prevent testicular atrophy and keep your testes working. An added plus is that you will produce more natural testosterone as well.

    At some point you will need an AI. Did you discuss this with your Doc? Keep an eye out for any signs of early E2 rise.
    When is your next BW scheduled for?

  3. #3
    bbray is offline New Member
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    As for the AI my doc said my estradiol was 18 and he wanted to get it to mid 20's and said he didn't want to give AI until that comes up and then he would. My next BW is 3 months but he said if I notice water retention or puffiness or tenderness around nipple then he would go ahead and give the AI.

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbray View Post
    As for the AI my doc said my estradiol was 18 and he wanted to get it to mid 20's and said he didn't want to give AI until that comes up and then he would. My next BW is 3 months but he said if I notice water retention or puffiness or tenderness around nipple then he would go ahead and give the AI.
    makes plenty sense actually....

    please keep us posted with that new bloodwork IN THIS THREAD

    sorry..never heard of that cyp or cyp/zinc mix ....sounds good though and sounds like u have a good doc

    best of luck

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    makes plenty sense actually....

    please keep us posted with that new bloodwork IN THIS THREAD

    sorry..never heard of that cyp or cyp/zinc mix ....sounds good though and sounds like u have a good doc

    best of luck
    My Test Cyp has 2% Zinc. Helps control E2. Oral supplements probably only deliver 3 to 5% into the bloodstream so this is way more effieicent.

    You're right Jman, sounds like he has the right Doc. Good to see that and is a nice departure for the regular bullshit we see from many of the guys.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    My Test Cyp has 2% Zinc. Helps control E2. Oral supplements probably only deliver 3 to 5% into the bloodstream so this is way more effieicent.

    You're right Jman, sounds like he has the right Doc. Good to see that and is a nice departure for the regular bullshit we see from many of the guys.
    indeed it is good to hear positive things,esp since most of the time alot of us are having alot of problems on our trt,good to hear you are on the right path

  7. #7
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    not many compounding pharmacies are adding zinc to cyp - even when the doc requests it. glad you found one that did - makes perfect sense.

  8. #8
    bbray is offline New Member
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    I went ahead and got blood work done after two weeks of treatment. As I said earlier my treatment is 160mg/week of test cup plus 500IU of HCG twice per week two and one day before test shot.

    My new test levels(last test shot on Friday and blood work done on Monday) was 1410(previously 172) total test. My estrogen was high though. Total estrogen was 125.8 Estrone was 62.7(9-36) and estradiol is 63.1(10-42). I've been given arimidex .

    On a physical note, it has been 4 weeks since I started treatment. My BF was 29% and I weighed 187 lbs. My BF is now 24.5 and I weigh 196 lbs. Also my workouts have gone through the roof. Granted it may not be the same as someone using super physiological doses but for me it's a huge improvement. I've gone from 36" waist to 33" waist and not much chub left on stomach. Arms and chest are noticeably larger.

  9. #9
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    All good news except the E2 issue; get it down! Once you do get it down your total test will elevate even more so you will want to keep an eye on that. Also, did you get Free T and Bio Available T?

  10. #10
    bbray is offline New Member
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    The doc didn't check free t this time. I was already only two weeks into the treatment and she was more interested in my tsh as she felt my thyroid med was too high. It turns out it was. My new tsh is .11 so she reduced my MG from 90 to 60 per day. I'll get a full work up in 4 weeks.

  11. #11
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    I wish I would have those kind of results so quickly. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.

  12. #12
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    wow serious results in a month

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