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Thread: Costs of TRT

  1. #1
    Lurker is offline New Member
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    Costs of TRT

    Assuming I have a PPO insurance plan, what would the costs of TRT look like? My plan lets me see the doctor for a $50 copay, and covers 'prescriptions' for a $10 copay for generics, or 50% of the cost of name brand. Do insurance companies generally look at injectable test as a prescription? Do they make 'generic?' Obviously, I could self medicate with 'generic,' but I would prefer to do this the legal way if possible.

    I'm not positive that I will need TRT, I'm just trying to get an idea of my options in case it is necessary.

  2. #2
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    All of my stuff is covered under insurance. I think my test is like $25 for a 10 week supply. My AI is like $10 for a 30 day supply. Needles and syringes are $1 each. So its not that expensive if insurance is covering.

  3. #3
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    NOSUPER you live in the states and what medical provider you got?

  4. #4
    sirupate is offline Member
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    The test. cyp. I have been getting from my pharmacy insurance provider is generic and fairly inexpensive (and low co-pay). The Androgel that I was getting was a higher co-pay, but was costing my employer pretty big bucks. Not supposed to talk about prices here, but doing so is OK in PM's (I think). You can do a lot better than $1 for syringes via online medical supply providers unless that sort of thing is verboten in your state. I think my BD syringes are like $.15ea. in quantity of 100.

  5. #5
    Bigfoot66 is offline Junior Member
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    All of mine is covered...I'm down to BW every 6 months (free), a dr.'s visit every 6 months ($15 copay), Arimidex ($15 copay for 2 month supply), and DepoT ($50 copay for 2.5 month supply). I do not know of a generic form; otherwise it would be $15 copay).

    Have never had questions from insurance except when I began treatment. Had to try gels first, and when they failed we had to produce BW to show that I my T levels were below minimum for my age when using Gel (they were in the low 100's). I got approval for injections for 3 years. Will have to renew when that time comes. Insurance Blue Cross.

  6. #6
    Lurker is offline New Member
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    Yea, I have Blue Cross as well. Here is my abbreviated story--

    When I was 18, I had blood work done, and was told my testosterone was low. I'm 28 now, and in the last 2 years have used 3 cycles of steroids . Always in the past, with a proper PCT, my levels came back ok, and I could get by with viagra/cialis... now though, it has no effect at all. I finished a cycle appx 6 weeks ago, and am in my 4th week of PCT, and my total test is 142. I'm worried that I won't recover, and am looking at my options.

  7. #7
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    NOSUPER you live in the states and what medical provider you got?
    Texas and I have BCBS

  8. #8
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    hmo or ppo?

  9. #9
    Lurker is offline New Member
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    Well, I just got back from the endo, who prescribed Test. Only problem is that it is not covered by my Blue Cross PHARMACY plan, but it is covered through the MEDICAL side of the plan... which means I'll have to meet a $1500 deductible every year before they cover anything. It's cheaper to buy it illegaly... about half the cost, actually.

    Anyone have any suggestions? Are there like... pharmacy groups you can join for cheaper rates or something? I don't want to have to order this illegaly, but the system doesn't leave you many options.

  10. #10
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'm not sure how you found a source for Test that is half the price of a prescription. Is it Test Cyp or gel/cream? Also, did the doc write a prescription or sell it to you himself with a markup. I just got my Test Cyp script refilled. My Test Cyp, hCG , and AI are a little less each month than my smartphone with data is a month.

  11. #11
    Lurker is offline New Member
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    Test Cyp, 10mL bottles. I tried several different pharmacies, all were nearly double what one might find at a respected online source. Is yours covered by insurance at all? I don't know how much your smartphone is lol... that price can vary quite a bit. My yearly deductible is $1500, and I will nearly have to completely cover it (about 3/4s of it) if I go through official channels.

  12. #12
    Bigfoot66 is offline Junior Member
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    The very first time I got depo t filled my insurance (catalyst) kicked it back bc of lack of prior authorization. Even then the vial only cost $110 and lasted 2 months. bCBS may pay for it with an appeal from your physician.

    Be careful about going with unofficial channels.

  13. #13
    Lurker is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the extra information. I tried to go through an appeal, but they told me that it WAS covered through Medical, therefore an appeal would do nothing. My medical coverage has a $1500 deductible that I have to meet before BCBS covers anything, so I'm SOL.

  14. #14
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    50 dollar copays

    1500 deductibles


    hope your not paying for that shiat as well?????

    i pay 60 for a doc visit WITHOUT insurance

    hope your insurance isnt signs of times to come

    good luck bro

  15. #15
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    I really want to know if people are on HMO or PPO's I am sure that determines some of the costs are for people!

  16. #16
    Lurker is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    50 dollar copays

    1500 deductibles


    hope your not paying for that shiat as well?????

    i pay 60 for a doc visit WITHOUT insurance

    hope your insurance isnt signs of times to come

    good luck bro
    PPO. My General doctor copay is $35, any specialist is $50. If I need any medical care, such as surgery, I have to meet a $1500 deductible for the year, then the insurance covers the rest. The next calendar year (Jan 1) it resets.
    Pharmacy stuff is supposed to be seperate... generics are $10 copay, and name brands I have to meet a $300 deductible, then BCBS covers 50%. However, because the 'route of administration' is injection, the Pharmacy plan is not covering it. They told me I have to go through the Medical side of the plan... which means I have to meet the $1500 deductible.

  17. #17
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    I just let my HMO end cause I have a shitty PPO that worked offered. I can resign up for the HMO. Think I might do that this week and just keep it for 2 months see if it saves me money have the doc write the script for all my stuff then drop the PPO.

    So far I haven't had to pay for anything with my HMO not even my doctors visit and BW, so who knows it might be better, I heard my sleep study if written correctly should cost me no more then 60 bucks.

  18. #18
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lurker View Post
    PPO. My General doctor copay is $35, any specialist is $50. If I need any medical care, such as surgery, I have to meet a $1500 deductible for the year, then the insurance covers the rest. The next calendar year (Jan 1) it resets.
    Pharmacy stuff is supposed to be seperate... generics are $10 copay, and name brands I have to meet a $300 deductible, then BCBS covers 50%. However, because the 'route of administration' is injection, the Pharmacy plan is not covering it. They told me I have to go through the Medical side of the plan... which means I have to meet the $1500 deductible.
    sounds like crap

    how much per week do they steal from you as well

  19. #19
    cb714's Avatar
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    It honestly depends on your insurance bro. When I got prescribed androgel my cost was $35 after insurance paid its part. I got a discount card from Abbott that gives me another $20 off each time so $15. They don't cover my Test C though which sucks big time because it's kind of pricey at the pharmacy. Hopefully you have better insurance than me.

  20. #20
    Bigfoot66 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    sounds like crap

    how much per week do they steal from you as well
    I agree with jpk. I am Bcbs hmo. 15 ofc visit 25 specialist. 0 for lab T is a prescription for a vial that lasts about 2 months. My prescription part covers that and the arimidex . I guess I'm lucky.

  21. #21
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigfoot66 View Post
    I agree with jpk. I am Bcbs hmo. 15 ofc visit 25 specialist. 0 for lab T is a prescription for a vial that lasts about 2 months. My prescription part covers that and the arimidex. I guess I'm lucky.
    guess that goes to show that ppo aint always better...^this sounds more like some insurance...the other sounds like dry rape

  22. #22
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    that's a pleasant thought at 0900hrs. Thanks JPK!

  23. #23
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    My HMO is $0 dollar office visits, $0 bloodwork, $0 if referred to a doc in the medical group, $30 if out of the medical group, my sleep study is either $0 or $60 bucks, soon we will see if they authorize my TRT treatment.

  24. #24
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    My HMO is $0 dollar office visits, $0 bloodwork, $0 if referred to a doc in the medical group, $30 if out of the medical group, my sleep study is either $0 or $60 bucks, soon we will see if they authorize my TRT treatment.
    very nice

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