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  1. #1
    curryman is offline New Member
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    Being Able to Self-Inject Test Cyp?

    im about to start on TRT, and Im about to get my last bloodwork done before i begin treatment. From what ive read on forums, TEST CYP seems to be the best option at a 100mg/week pace. The GP doctor that im with right now says that the Cyp injections can only be done at his office because his order of the Test comes directly to his office. However, i wanna be able to do it myself at my own convenience and time.

    I am planning to ask him when I meet with him next after the bloodwork is done if it is somehow possible to let me get it done myself. I doubt that will happen from how he was explaining it. I am also going to see an Endo in a couple weeks. Do most Endos allow their patients to self inject Test-Cyp?? I am hoping he will allow it since I do not want to have to deal with office visits every week.

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    much better

    now...its hit or miss bro with bringing the vial home....sometimes it takes some convincing....whether it be you cant get into the office every week or whatever/costs...sometimes it takes a half dozen firings

  3. #3
    curryman is offline New Member
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    ill have to let him know that i wouldnt be able to get into the office every week. have u come across any guys that have to visit the office every time to get their shot? if my GP doesnt allow me, i'm going to try with my new endo. ill need to convince to make it happen

  4. #4
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    yes thats what i meant by hit or miss

  5. #5
    Stickman123 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm about to have the same discussion with my doc. I asked the nurse at my last injection appointment about teaching me to do the injections. She reacted very negatively and said the doc will likely push for Gel/cream to avoid the "risks" associated with injections. I've been seeing this doc for a long time, though, and I think they don't want to lose me as a patient if push comes to shove. Hopefully it wont come to that.

  6. #6
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stickman123 View Post
    I'm about to have the same discussion with my doc. I asked the nurse at my last injection appointment about teaching me to do the injections. She reacted very negatively and said the doc will likely push for Gel/cream to avoid the "risks" associated with injections. I've been seeing this doc for a long time, though, and I think they don't want to lose me as a patient if push comes to shove. Hopefully it wont come to that.
    keep us posted in this thread how that works out ok bro

  7. #7
    JD250's Avatar
    JD250 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Best policy when dealing with doctors is this......don't burn any bridges, be nice, even though they are idiots sometimes......if your doc wont work with you the way you'd like just go ahead and take what he's offering while you shop around, when you find one that you like just simply switch to the new doc and enjoy your health.

  8. #8
    jtuner77 is offline Member
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    ^^^Like finding a new job or new gf!

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    Best policy when dealing with doctors is this......don't burn any bridges, be nice, even though they are idiots sometimes......if your doc wont work with you the way you'd like just go ahead and take what he's offering while you shop around, when you find one that you like just simply switch to the new doc and enjoy your health.
    very good post

  10. #10
    curryman is offline New Member
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    that sounds like a good idea,JD. if the doc i have now doesnt end up allowing me to take test cyp shots by myself, would u guys recommend that i take Androgel from him in the meantime while i search for another doc willing to let me self-inject? or am i better off waiting to find a doc that lets me inject before i start anything in my body?

    i used to be opposed to the idea of having to do injections, but after thinking about it, its not such a nuisance when its only 1 or 2x per week. very manageable in the long term, it seems

  11. #11
    JD250's Avatar
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    Let HIM inject you while you search, you will need an AI and HCG to feel 100%, does he offer these also?

  12. #12
    curryman is offline New Member
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    i can have him start injecting in the meantime. im going to ask him about the hcg and ai again. i asked him before and he said that hcg is a possibility for me. however, im hoping the new endo i see is more knowledgeable in hcg and AI. from what ive read already, it seems rare to find an endo. that actually knows about this stufff. the whole thing is a big process and its really teaching me about patience

  13. #13
    Shol'va's Avatar
    Shol'va is offline Productive Member
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    I would think most Endo's would allow self injections as long as the patient is shown the proper way to inject or if you tell them you know how. But it would be best to go in a few times so the nurse could show you where and how to inject then you should be gtg. I just can't see the Endo's wanting to tie up their practice with everyone coming in weekly just for their maintenence shots. Their nurse would complain too much over that. The guys I know on shots for TRT only go to their Endo's every 6 months and just get refills to last that long till their next visits and do their self injections at home. If nothing else if your new Endo seems hesitant about allowing to do it yourself at home, then lie and say that your other Doctor was preparing you for self injections right before you came to this new one. That should break the ice on that subject and nudge him towards allowing you to inject on your own.

  14. #14
    curryman is offline New Member
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    what you said makes sense. it would be a big waste of time, for me and the doctor/nurse, to administer the shots every week. i would love to just come in every 4-6 months for a checkup on things. do endos ever not allow guys to go with the TestCyp route? like an "Androgel or nothing" policy? although my new endo may wish to put me on androgel instead of shots, i am hoping that he will have the flexibility of letting me do Cyp if that is my choice. I guess we'll have to see

  15. #15
    JD250's Avatar
    JD250 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You may just need to go every week for a while and build a relationship with them, then eventually he may see that your a big boy and can handle it yourself, I suppose there needs to be a certain amount of trust before he sends you on your merry way with 10ml of a class 3 controlled substance. I'm sure it will all work out fine it just takes time.

  16. #16
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    not a waste of time IF charging you and office visit EVERY WEEK now is it....a lot quicker than a different/new patient

  17. #17
    frawnz's Avatar
    frawnz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I told my endo that I would need to do it myself due to the fact that I work odd hours and have school and often have to travel out of state for business. I also told him it would be too costly to have to come in every week and pay a copay for the visit on something I could do at home for free.

    I do them at home.

    If your Dr. won't listen to you input, find a different one. They're a business like any other.

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