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  1. #1
    qkcam is offline Female Member
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    need help getting into shape and health

    Hi all
    I am new here- 44 year old female and have been trying to change my body -gain muscle and lose fat for years.. I have chronic fatigue so that slows me down a bit- I see women at the gym that have great muscle and tone- and would like to acheive this.. I am currently taking dhea and alow dose of testo gel, that is compounded.. my t levels are 460 total and free is 89.2.. i have gotten a few muscles but seem to be getting more body hair and less muscle definination.. part of my problem is if i work out more than 30mins a day i end up getting sick. I love working out and the gym and i really want to make changes to my body..but struggling with getting the body to go along- I am not sure what direction to head, i have thought about cycling, but i am not sure that would be best for my health. -- how do women do this? and how do women with "health issues " do this.. thanks - c

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    i assume your seeing a doctor since you mention the CFS? The getting sick after exercising for more than 30 minutes doesnt sound good and what does your doctor say about your condition and this 30min problem...

    we have a few female members on this forum and some know about and/or are on hormone replacement...maybe ppc or slimmer can chime in and there is also a female forum..

    i dont think the extra body hair will be worth the muscle you get from dosing test...i'd rather a lil meat on my woman than a mrs. sasquach

  3. #3
    qkcam is offline Female Member
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    I have a few docs one at stanford giving me antivirals for the cfids...but must doc dont have a clue..and i am really tried of being sick for so long.. i gut sick end of june and stiill cant get enough stamina to get a decent workout.
    the medical system is really just usless regarding this chronic fatigue.. i guess i am wonder do i need to try to just give up trying to make changes to my bod.. I see women inthe gym and i can tell they ahve taken something, but i dont know what to get the effects they are getting.. 2 seperate issues i guess...thanks

  4. #4
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
    SlimmerMe is offline ~Knowledgeable Female Extraordinaire~
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    Welcome qkcam~

    First of all, would love to know how much compounded test cream you are taking. And are you just taking the test and dhea? Are you healthy weight wise and merely trying to build/tone more muscle? Have you looked into hgh? Wondering if it might actually help.

    Anything else you think might be of interest, let us know. Hopefully some help will be forthcoming.

    Meantime, enjoy the site! Glad you are here.
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 07-24-2011 at 12:27 AM.
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  5. #5
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    qkcam: You spoke about DHEA and T, but no mention of estrogen levels or any testing. (Warning: age sensative statement to follow) It seem to be a common symptom for post-menopausal women to develop energy issues and even overal muscle ache. These are symptoms of low E in men, and I can't imagine the cause is different in women since women experience a greater percentage of E loss. Yes, you are only 44 and I am not sure where you are in the menopause thing, but menopause starts when the E levels finally get low enough. In other words, low E preceeds menopause.

    Another consideration is instead of trying to work out more than 30 mins in one session, try doing a morning workout and an evening workout. See if the recovery period during the day will allow you to do this w/o getting sick. Maybe start by adding a morning workout on Mon, Wed, and Fri. Do that for upto a month if things are ok, then add Tue and Thu into the mix.

    One other point to raise based on my personal experience. I am a male on TRT. I had puberty gyno and have to keep my E levels low or I develop symptoms again. I noticed that when I do morning aerobics on top of my afternoon weight lifting sessions, my E levels are naturally lower and I have to decrease my anit-E meds. So if the low E issue is affecting you, it would stand to reason -- based on my personal experience -- that more workouts would lower your E levels a little bit more and cause more problems.

    With that all being said, do you know your E levels; got bloodwork?

  6. #6
    jaxbrah is offline Associate Member
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    If you are just starting for the first time or even if its justbl been a while, you will want to start with 3-4 days a week of fullbody workouts. Don't worry about isolating bodyoarts yet. Just remember that squats and deadlifts are the two most significant exercises there are. They will put on muscle mass all over even including your abs.

    Please read our rules! *admin*

  7. #7
    qkcam is offline Female Member
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    Hi all thanks for your support and ideas.. I am so far not post menapausal.. and my estrogen levels are "fine" according to the labs- as i seem to keep growing tissue i dont want it seems to tell me the estrogen is good, in fact i had one doc tell me that some of my issue is from estrogen dominance. -- as i get really horrible pms..
    as far as the amount of t gel.. it is compounded 10% at 100mg /g i take about 1/2 gram a day and my t levels are off the charts for "female" range. I have had this fatigue and illness before i started the testo.. 10 years ago when i first started training i couldn't gain any muscle and i would often get sick.. now i am getting sicker--- i do have a doc that thought about the HGH..but they tested and it came out "normal" so they said insurance wouldn't pay. i dont know maybe it is worth a try anyway? I need to work on doing legs- i always leave that part out as it seems walking 20mins or 20mins on the eleptical makes my legs sore for days- i finally founda great multi vit that has helped with the soreness though .. as far as my weight.. i am a bit overweight at 5'5" i am about 177.. although my calfs are as big as my quads with muscle there is fat on my belly and arms..and would like to reduce the my breast size- so losing some fat would be good.. any suggestions appreciated. need to find a way to increase the energy. at first when i started the T it was injectable and it did wonders for my energy but then my red blood cell count got to high and my HDL cholestrol got too low.. so i needed to stop it. thanks

  8. #8
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qkcam View Post
    Hi all thanks for your support and ideas.. I am so far not post menapausal.. and my estrogen levels are "fine" according to the labs- as i seem to keep growing tissue i dont want it seems to tell me the estrogen is good, in fact i had one doc tell me that some of my issue is from estrogen dominance. -- as i get really horrible pms..
    as far as the amount of t gel.. it is compounded 10% at 100mg /g i take about 1/2 gram a day and my t levels are off the charts for "female" range. I have had this fatigue and illness before i started the testo.. 10 years ago when i first started training i couldn't gain any muscle and i would often get sick.. now i am getting sicker--- i do have a doc that thought about the HGH..but they tested and it came out "normal" so they said insurance wouldn't pay. i dont know maybe it is worth a try anyway? I need to work on doing legs- i always leave that part out as it seems walking 20mins or 20mins on the eleptical makes my legs sore for days- i finally founda great multi vit that has helped with the soreness though .. as far as my weight.. i am a bit overweight at 5'5" i am about 177.. although my calfs are as big as my quads with muscle there is fat on my belly and arms..and would like to reduce the my breast size- so losing some fat would be good.. any suggestions appreciated. need to find a way to increase the energy. at first when i started the T it was injectable and it did wonders for my energy but then my red blood cell count got to high and my HDL cholestrol got too low.. so i needed to stop it. thanks
    Do you think the test gel is helping you much since you mentioned the injections helped your energy yet your RBC went up? And for my sake, please if you would convert how much test gel you are taking daily in mgs, I would appreciate it. My head is not in the right place to do such simple math at the moment.

    And as far as the hgh. So many of us have what is considered to be normal IGF-1 levels. And to get insurance is next to impossible no matter what. If you could figure out how to get your doc to prescribe some pharma grade, you might try some. I can tell you that I felt so so good during my hgh cycle of 6 months. You would not need a lot. Females can do fine on very low doses. And I am talking about anywhere from .5 units to 1 unit a day should be more than enough.

    And as far as trying to shed some BF. Come on over to the diet question forum and the members will help you get your food sorted out to where you will have so much more energy, I promise. Plus you will see the BF melt in the meantime so a win-win.

    Keep us posted.
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 07-26-2011 at 08:51 AM.
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  9. #9
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    ps: if you want to turn "pink" to have access to the female only forum, then request in this link
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  10. #10
    qkcam is offline Female Member
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    great idea about the diet form!! thanks.. as far as turning pink, although i am female pink is not my favorite color.. but i guess it is the best way to get "fit in" I definatly need some "diet suggestions" I can ask the doc about HGH he is a "hormone-antiaging" do you have to inject it intramuscluar everyday? i dont know if i am that stoic.. as far as the T-gel.. i'm not so good with math either-- lets see.. i think it is btwn 25 and 50mg a day.. with the gel i dont have the blood thickening issue. know let me see about getting to the diet forum.. i want the fat to meltaway and stay away this has been too long in the making! thank you

  11. #11
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qkcam View Post
    great idea about the diet form!! thanks.. as far as turning pink, although i am female pink is not my favorite color.. but i guess it is the best way to get "fit in" I definatly need some "diet suggestions" I can ask the doc about HGH he is a "hormone-antiaging" do you have to inject it intramuscluar everyday? i dont know if i am that stoic.. as far as the T-gel.. i'm not so good with math either-- lets see.. i think it is btwn 25 and 50mg a day.. with the gel i dont have the blood thickening issue. know let me see about getting to the diet forum.. i want the fat to meltaway and stay away this has been too long in the making! thank you
    LOL Pink! Only if you so desire. And the hgh? not necessary to inject intramuscular. I just jabbed into my stomach as most do. And you will become used to it. Doesn't hurt a bit. And your test dosage seems HIGH. Do you feel that much better on it?

    And as far as the food.....come on over to the FOOD FORUM. Hey! I ended up there myself. If I had to go there then so does everyone else!
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  12. #12
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    I think it's interesting you are supplementing with DHEA. Do you know why you are taking this and what it can do for you....neg sides? It can increase estrogen in women but far less for men.

    Crisler writes about DHEA protocol for women:
    In a double blind, placebo, crossover study:
    50 mg/day
    Significantly improved
    Sexual interest, sexual satisfaction

    Research this study: Arlt W et al. DHEA replacement in women with adrenal insufficiency--pharmacokinetics, bioconversion and clinical effects on well-being, sexuality and cognition.Endocr Res 2000 Nov;26(4):505-11

    It's very possible you are having a negative reaction to what you are taking and how much; you could be ultra sensitive to the T and/or DHEA since this seems to manifest itself after administration of your protocol.
    Last edited by 1; 07-26-2011 at 09:04 PM.

  13. #13
    qkcam is offline Female Member
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    the dhea was given to me by the "cfids" doc as my levels were very very low-- and acutally it is a dhea/preg combo.. i have been taking for 2 years and started feeling better right away, then..
    now as far as the t goes.. i try to lower the dose but when my hips get big again i freak out and increase it.. i dont konw what is happening with my health i got up yesterday and did 2omins on the eleptical at the gym and woke up really sick again today- i am sick of going to doctors and not getting any answers.. only that i have "cfids" and i shouldnt exercise.. and i was sick long before i trired the testosterone .. i was always exhausted- trying chinese medicine now.. as i feel i have no other choice. and need to get over to the diet form.. not sure i am eating enough but still overweight, does that make sense?

  14. #14
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qkcam View Post
    the dhea was given to me by the "cfids" doc as my levels were very very low-- and acutally it is a dhea/preg combo.. i have been taking for 2 years and started feeling better right away, then..
    now as far as the t goes.. i try to lower the dose but when my hips get big again i freak out and increase it.. i dont konw what is happening with my health i got up yesterday and did 2omins on the eleptical at the gym and woke up really sick again today- i am sick of going to doctors and not getting any answers.. only that i have "cfids" and i shouldnt exercise.. and i was sick long before i trired the testosterone .. i was always exhausted- trying chinese medicine now.. as i feel i have no other choice. and need to get over to the diet form.. not sure i am eating enough but still overweight, does that make sense?
    Makes total sense. Happens to many, especially females I think.

    So come on over and get yourself all straightened up. And when you do, go ahead and explain everything to the members in the forum plus go ahead and list out the foods you are eating and when and if you are up to it, how much you are eating.
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  15. #15
    qkcam is offline Female Member
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    I think i did it.. i hope i posted to the right place.. baby steps.. thanks for your support.

  16. #16
    qkcam is offline Female Member
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    i wonder if the doc that suggested it will know to prescribe it for everyday? also they are wanting to try me on gammagoblin injections to see if it will boost my immune system.. . but at this point i really need to find something that works..
    Last edited by qkcam; 07-27-2011 at 06:02 PM.

  17. #17
    SlimmerMe's Avatar
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    ^^^ we are not allowed to ask prices here so you need to edit this price question please. When you can PM, I will PM you but you will have to have 50 posts to PM.

    It is best to take hgh everyday since consistency is key. But when and if you get the hgh, all of this can be discussed in the HGH forum at more length.
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  18. #18
    qkcam is offline Female Member
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    50 posts.. i guess i will get there.. and yes hopes others will reply to the food stuff..and thank you. . previous post edited.

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    11,408'll be at 50 posts in no time....just keep posting!
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
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