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Thread: New to TRT

  1. #1
    miboleron's Avatar
    miboleron is offline Junior Member
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    New to TRT


    I am 27 years old and have couple of cycles under my belt. Some of them were at my 20`s - had no info then. That left me with low test. Its now 7 years later when i realized that by accident check of all hormones. Because i always had great libodo, never even thought of having low test. I tried to recover with PCT - nolva and clomid, but the result is unsatisfactory.
    Before PCT

    Test 10 - 28 range - mine 1.5
    LH 1-6 Range - mine <1
    FSH within the norms

    On Pct
    Test 6.5
    LH - 5.

    I have all the sides of LOW test except libido issues - depresion, no concentration, fatigue, no hair on my face etc. I am considering TRT.
    However I want to preserve my fertility. Please give me some tips - injecting HCG eod while on 200 mgs test a week? Giving sperm for preservation?

    I have no trust in the doctors i can take advice from. I n my country TRT aint known as in US. So please advice.

  2. #2
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your LH is < 1. This is probably the whole reason for your low Test. If so, you just need hCG to stimulate your testicles to produce Test. Did you use hCG during your PCT? If so, how much, how often, and for how long?

    Ultimately, you need your pituitary to start making LH. Failing that, hCG to mimic LH hormone in your body. 250 IUs EOD would be my first attempt. Do that for a month and see how things are.

    Another consideration is Triptorelin: Triptorelin could be what is needed to get our pituitary started again. Research this well though, because you have to do a very very small amount one time! If you do too much or think more is better, you will chemically castrate yourself! Before doing Triptorelin, you definately want to do hCG for a month to ensure your testicels are fully revived and working. If your T levels are not normal at the end of a month of hCG, there is no point in even trying Triptorelin because it won't help you.

    Both of the above will help you restore your natural Test levels without having to do HRT for the rest of your life.

  3. #3
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    Half life of LH is only minutes so it's very difficult to tell of it's a pituitary issue if not a hypothalamus problem (LHRH issues). A single LH assay serves only as a proven example of just how much LH the pituitary can produce.

    If he's looking for HPTA restart/recovery, the protocol would go beyond just HCG .

    The OP didn't post enough lab data to try to understand his situation. Most likely, he needs a complete HPTA recovery protocol by a specialist who understand these things.

  4. #4
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I figured your would jump in GD. Thanks for filling in the holes. I was not even aware of LHRH. Looks like I now have a new research topic.

  5. #5
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    Luteinizing-hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) part of the HPTA axis. It is this hormone that actually tell the pituitary to release LH! Cascading event.

  6. #6
    miboleron's Avatar
    miboleron is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    Your LH is < 1. This is probably the whole reason for your low Test. If so, you just need hCG to stimulate your testicles to produce Test. Did you use hCG during your PCT? If so, how much, how often, and for how long?

    Ultimately, you need your pituitary to start making LH. Failing that, hCG to mimic LH hormone in your body. 250 IUs EOD would be my first attempt. Do that for a month and see how things are.

    Another consideration is Triptorelin: Triptorelin could be what is needed to get our pituitary started again. Research this well though, because you have to do a very very small amount one time! If you do too much or think more is better, you will chemically castrate yourself! Before doing Triptorelin, you definately want to do hCG for a month to ensure your testicels are fully revived and working. If your T levels are not normal at the end of a month of hCG, there is no point in even trying Triptorelin because it won't help you.

    Both of the above will help you restore your natural Test levels without having to do HRT for the rest of your life.
    Yes my LH was LOW, but I went on 40 mg nolva and 100 mg clomid ed and my heptha responded well - LH 5. My test improved, but its still much lower than it should be. And this result is while i am on nolva and clomid - i am sure that if i drop them, the result will be almost no test at all.
    I did HCG throught the cycles at 250 iu 3 times a week.

  7. #7
    miboleron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Half life of LH is only minutes so it's very difficult to tell of it's a pituitary issue if not a hypothalamus problem (LHRH issues). A single LH assay serves only as a proven example of just how much LH the pituitary can produce.

    If he's looking for HPTA restart/recovery, the protocol would go beyond just HCG .

    The OP didn't post enough lab data to try to understand his situation. Most likely, he needs a complete HPTA recovery protocol by a specialist who understand these things.
    Well i did all test, LH, FSH, thiroid hormones. Except 1st 2, everithing else is OK.

  8. #8
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    You may be better served posting this in the anabolic formum. You need a restart/recovery protocol and there are guys there that can help you.

    BTW, what did your Doc want you to do?

  9. #9
    miboleron's Avatar
    miboleron is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    You may be better served posting this in the anabolic formum. You need a restart/recovery protocol and there are guys there that can help you.

    BTW, what did your Doc want you to do?
    As i said, I am not in US and TRT here is something quite misunderstood and not widely practiced. I`ll consultation with a doc next week - will keep you posted.

  10. #10
    lifter65 is offline Associate Member
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    trip may work for you because your low test may be attributed to the steroid usage, however if your low test is not from steroid usage then maybe not, as ive found out

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