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  1. #1
    Fetch is offline Member
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    Is this normal? -dosage

    I was prescribed 300mg/3weeks, but they didn't have a 300mg vial at the pharmacy. They gave me a 200mg vial instead, but someone ****ed up the dosage... it says to inject 400mg/2weeks, and to discard the vial after 30 days, and it has 5 refills.

    I'm lost. Did they really just give me that much test? At 100mg/week, as my doctor intended, 1 vial should last me 20 weeks, or appx 5 months... but it looks like they are giving me a fresh vial every month, and who the hell would throw away over half a bottle of test each month?)

  2. #2
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    I was prescribed 300mg/3weeks, but they didn't have a 300mg vial at the pharmacy. They gave me a 200mg vial instead, but someone ****ed up the dosage... it says to inject 400mg/2weeks, and to discard the vial after 30 days, and it has 5 refills.

    I'm lost. Did they really just give me that much test? At 100mg/week, as my doctor intended, 1 vial should last me 20 weeks, or appx 5 months... but it looks like they are giving me a fresh vial every month, and who the hell would throw away over half a bottle of test each month?)
    While they prescribed it that way, you should do 100 mgs every week to maintain consistent Test Levels. You may even want to break it down further & do 50 mgs every 3 to 4 days. The only material ex Pharmacy I've seen is 200mgs/ml in 10 ml vials. This seems to be the normal dosing from US Pharma Mfgs. Anything higher tends to come from a compounding pharmacy. I've heard some insurance companies want it discarded after 30 days. I wish Oxford would mandate such a rule lol...

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    do you have your bloodwork to post up?

    as api stated...100mg a week would be a good dose to start

  4. #4
    Fetch is offline Member
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    100mg/week is what I intended. My insurance company will not support that however, and will only cover 200mg/2 weeks or 300mg/3 weeks. It's really a silly rule, but whatever.

    Because of this, there are all sorts of mistakes in dosing. For awhile, I couldn't get the pharmicist to understand that I could just inject .5 CCs, etc.

    My endo also sucks. I had 1 appointment where I showed him my bloodwork, and he prescribed the test. He set up the next appointment for 5 months from now. I'll be going to my school's doctor and getting incremental bloodwork done myself to monitor my E2/Test and bring the numbers back to my endo if I need to.

  5. #5
    Bigfoot66 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    100mg/week is what I intended. My insurance company will not support that however, and will only cover 200mg/2 weeks or 300mg/3 weeks. It's really a silly rule, but whatever.

    Because of this, there are all sorts of mistakes in dosing. For awhile, I couldn't get the pharmicist to understand that I could just inject .5 CCs, etc.

    My endo also sucks. I had 1 appointment where I showed him my bloodwork, and he prescribed the test. He set up the next appointment for 5 months from now. I'll be going to my school's doctor and getting incremental bloodwork done myself to monitor my E2/Test and bring the numbers back to my endo if I need to.
    As soon as you start to feel sides, you go back to ENDO and tell him/her...that should be the justification for running new BW with insurance approval. You almost have to check every 6 weeks until everything begins to stabalize. Then, about every 6 months after. Otherwise you could be going nowhere and not know it.

  6. #6
    Fetch is offline Member
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    So I got it sorted... they are indeed cracked.

    I'm getting a fresh 200mg/ml 10ml vial every month. I am supposed to inject 100mg/week, which is .5ml/week... so I'll be using 2ml out of the vial. I am then supposed to refill my prescription and throw away the unused 8ml.

    Yea... I'll get right on that.

    On the plus side, I'll have a ton of spare test for a blast if I need it.

  7. #7
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    So I got it sorted... they are indeed cracked.

    I'm getting a fresh 200mg/ml 10ml vial every month. I am supposed to inject 100mg/week, which is .5ml/week... so I'll be using 2ml out of the vial. I am then supposed to refill my prescription and throw away the unused 8ml.

    Yea... I'll get right on that.

    On the plus side, I'll have a ton of spare test for a blast if I need it.

    They are hooking you up BIG time.

  8. #8
    Sicko's Avatar
    Sicko is offline Senior Member
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    Wow and i thought Gixxerboy had the good news of the day..You def get the

    for the day!!!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by NOSUPERMODEL View Post

    They are hooking you up BIG time.
    dont throw it away lol,send it to me lol

  10. #10
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Interesting. The bottle even says it is good for 2 years.

  11. #11
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah.....check the expiration date and DO NOT TOSS before then!

  12. #12
    JD250's Avatar
    JD250 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    No,no, no!!! If there is any confusion at all you need to make sure you cover your ass WELL!! To help a bro out I will gladly take a look at the remaining 8ml each month and check the expiration date for you, if there is a problem you can rest assured that I will "dispose" of it properly, what are friends for.

  13. #13
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    And to think, old men in 3rd world countries are going without TRT, and we are throwing perfectly good Test out. We need to setup Good Will for HRT. We can call it Good HRT.

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